Biden Financial Documents Expose More Bidens, More Crimes

Zero crimes in this thread accused by the circus freaks against Biden.

The NY Times - the Leftst MSM that won a Pulitzer prize for intentionally, knowingly reporting lies - says the Republicans show no evidence...


Can any of the board Bidenista Cultist apologists explain the following:

  • If this was just a legit business of Hunter why do they need 20 LLCs instead of just one?
  • What services did Hunter provide to these foreign entities and governments?
  • What services did Joe's young grandchildren perform to get paid what they were paid?
  • For that matter, what services did any of the 12 Biden family members perform?
  • Why were payments split up into multiple payments of the same amount to multiple companies?
  • Did all 12 Biden family members report these payments on their tax returns?

Remember, Comer just sent subpoenas to a few of their associates. Many more are coming, so this is most likely the tip of the iceberg.
Just finished watching an interview with R-James Comer about the extent of questionable Biden family's 'businesses'.

R-Comer stated before getting access to US Treasury Department 'Questionable Transaction' reports involving Biden financial records, he stated he expected to find 3 Bidens involved, several LLCs they had created to launder money, and a handful of foreign adversaries and other nations involved in paying the Bidens.

He said AFTER getting access to and reviewing these reports Comer said he and his committee have discovered:

9 Bidens involved & he expexts that # to rise to 12

DOZENS of fake LLCs created by the Bidens to launder and illegally funnel foreign money to the Bidens.
-- Comer said SO FAR they have NOT found 1 legitimate business out of all these LLCS

Around a dozen foreign nations / adversaries involved in paying the Bidens.

It seems the DOJ meeting this week with Hunter Biden's lawyers is a pre-emptive move by the DOJ to charge Hunter with minor tax violations in hopes of cutting off this investigation & preventing more serious crimes from being exposed / charged.

One report said by charging Hunter with these minor crimes they hope to prevent the other nearly a dozen Bidens from being charged with crimes as well.


Marco Polo, an American nonprofit research group, has released a long-awaited report on the contents of White House Chief of Staff Joe Biden's son Hunter's laptop. The organization conducted a thorough forensic examination of every document on Biden Jr.'s MacBook, which he left at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019.

The 634-page report, containing 2,020 footnotes, lists six alleged crimes committed by Hunter Biden, including tax evasion and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, as well as 459 crimes he is alleged to have committed, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering, the New York Post reported.

The expert report said, among other things, 140 alleged business-related crimes, the main part having to do with acts in Ukraine, 191 alleged sex-related crimes, 128 alleged drug-related crimes. The hard drive on the laptop, among other things, contains photos of Hunter Biden using a variety of drugs and alcoholic beverages in the company of prostitutes and minors, his vacation in luxury hotels, villas and yachts. Recall that Biden Jr. was formally on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which led to allegations of corruption against him by Republicans and Donald Trump.

The panel's founder, Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former deputy White House adviser to Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, said he sent the report to more than 4,000 people, including every member of the House and Senate of Congress, White House staff, U.S. Attorney's Office and every contact in his laptop address book. He also sent a copy of the report to all of Hunter Biden's former classmates from his 1988 graduation from Tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.
Marco Polo, an American nonprofit research group, has released a long-awaited report on the contents of White House Chief of Staff Joe Biden's son Hunter's laptop. The organization conducted a thorough forensic examination of every document on Biden Jr.'s MacBook, which he left at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019.

The 634-page report, containing 2,020 footnotes, lists six alleged crimes committed by Hunter Biden, including tax evasion and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, as well as 459 crimes he is alleged to have committed, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering, the New York Post reported.

The expert report said, among other things, 140 alleged business-related crimes, the main part having to do with acts in Ukraine, 191 alleged sex-related crimes, 128 alleged drug-related crimes. The hard drive on the laptop, among other things, contains photos of Hunter Biden using a variety of drugs and alcoholic beverages in the company of prostitutes and minors, his vacation in luxury hotels, villas and yachts. Recall that Biden Jr. was formally on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which led to allegations of corruption against him by Republicans and Donald Trump.

The panel's founder, Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former deputy White House adviser to Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, said he sent the report to more than 4,000 people, including every member of the House and Senate of Congress, White House staff, U.S. Attorney's Office and every contact in his laptop address book. He also sent a copy of the report to all of Hunter Biden's former classmates from his 1988 graduation from Tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.
Peter Navarro is not in jail yet? :)

Wow! Nice political smear hit job on a private citizen..... Navarro sent his synopsis of crimes to everyone and his brother, except to the people who could do something.... The DOJ.
Peter Navarro is not in jail yet? :)

Wow! Nice political smear hit job on a private citizen..... Navarro sent his synopsis of crimes to everyone and his brother, except to the people who could do something.... The DOJ.
The DOJ is corrupt as hell, as you already know. Farland and Wray are protecting tbe Biden Crime Family.
Marco Polo, an American nonprofit research group, has released a long-awaited report on the contents of White House Chief of Staff Joe Biden's son Hunter's laptop. The organization conducted a thorough forensic examination of every document on Biden Jr.'s MacBook, which he left at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019.

The 634-page report, containing 2,020 footnotes, lists six alleged crimes committed by Hunter Biden, including tax evasion and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, as well as 459 crimes he is alleged to have committed, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering, the New York Post reported.

The expert report said, among other things, 140 alleged business-related crimes, the main part having to do with acts in Ukraine, 191 alleged sex-related crimes, 128 alleged drug-related crimes. The hard drive on the laptop, among other things, contains photos of Hunter Biden using a variety of drugs and alcoholic beverages in the company of prostitutes and minors, his vacation in luxury hotels, villas and yachts. Recall that Biden Jr. was formally on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which led to allegations of corruption against him by Republicans and Donald Trump.

The panel's founder, Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former deputy White House adviser to Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, said he sent the report to more than 4,000 people, including every member of the House and Senate of Congress, White House staff, U.S. Attorney's Office and every contact in his laptop address book. He also sent a copy of the report to all of Hunter Biden's former classmates from his 1988 graduation from Tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.

The blogging group lead by former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler?

I just want to be sure we're talking about the same guys.
Zero crimes in this thread accused by the circus freaks against Biden.

Of course not. If they make allegations of specific crimes, you can ask them to show you the evidence of those crimes.

And they humiliate themselves.

But if they keep the accusations vague, merely alleging nebulous 'crimes', then it easier for them to flee.

Alas, vague accusations don't work very well in court.
Of course! That's got to be it....! Even the Trump DOJ! :rolleyes:


even THEY want trump behind bars because he is not part of the corrupt two party system.

the CIA killed JFK because he was the last president before trump not part of that corrupt two party system.

even RFK JR who is friends with trump has said that about the CIA and has said the dem party that you worship no longer resembles the party he was once proud of when his uncle was president,Clinton got the ball rolling on the corruption of the dem party, but you think we should listen to all the lies of you dem posters what you say and post here instead of RFK of course.:auiqs.jpg:
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Marco Polo, an American nonprofit research group, has released a long-awaited report on the contents of White House Chief of Staff Joe Biden's son Hunter's laptop. The organization conducted a thorough forensic examination of every document on Biden Jr.'s MacBook, which he left at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019.

The 634-page report, containing 2,020 footnotes, lists six alleged crimes committed by Hunter Biden, including tax evasion and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, as well as 459 crimes he is alleged to have committed, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering, the New York Post reported.

The expert report said, among other things, 140 alleged business-related crimes, the main part having to do with acts in Ukraine, 191 alleged sex-related crimes, 128 alleged drug-related crimes. The hard drive on the laptop, among other things, contains photos of Hunter Biden using a variety of drugs and alcoholic beverages in the company of prostitutes and minors, his vacation in luxury hotels, villas and yachts. Recall that Biden Jr. was formally on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which led to allegations of corruption against him by Republicans and Donald Trump.

The panel's founder, Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former deputy White House adviser to Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, said he sent the report to more than 4,000 people, including every member of the House and Senate of Congress, White House staff, U.S. Attorney's Office and every contact in his laptop address book. He also sent a copy of the report to all of Hunter Biden's former classmates from his 1988 graduation from Tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.
must suck for these paid trolls for the DNC like idiot4all smellybozo,and dragonidiot Billo_Really rightwinger Unkotare WRONGwinger and so many other Demonrat cheerleaders have to face this reality,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you checkmated them handing their asses to them on a platter.:auiqs.jpg:

sealybobo Dragonlady Penelope

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