Biden/Gabbard 2020: Youth And Experience


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

That's not Youth and Experience, it's Ignorance and Stupidity.
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.

Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.
Not sure if you are the edge from U2, but if you are then stick to playing guitar.
So far, all the Democrats running for President are completely unqualified for the position, with the possible exception of Biden, who is a complete asshat.
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.
Not sure if you are the edge from U2, but if you are then stick to playing guitar.

The most recent poll of Biden VS. Trump match up in Texas has Trump only winning by one percentage point which is well within the margin of error. With native son Beto on the ticket with Biden given how close that match up is, it would then turn Blue.

Much of the population growth In Texas comes from Hispanics who have a much higher birth rate than non-Hispanic whites. Republicans under Bush were pro-immigration and pro-Hispanic. Not so under Trump. Given that political shift and the changing Demographics of Texas's population, it will shift Blue at some point in the 20s if it does not get there for the 2020 election.

Trump and his policies have moved away from the center of the country and abandoned key voters that helped Bush win in 2000 and 2004. This will cost the Republicans in coming years, and without Texas no Republican candidate has a chance of becoming President.
So far, all the Democrats running for President are completely unqualified for the position, with the possible exception of Biden, who is a complete asshat.

By that measure, Trump was never qualified to be President and does not appear to have learned very much about the job in the over two years that he is been there.
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.
Not sure if you are the edge from U2, but if you are then stick to playing guitar.

The most recent poll of Biden VS. Trump match up in Texas has Trump only winning by one percentage point which is well within the margin of error. With native son Beto on the ticket with Biden given how close that match up is, it would then turn Blue.

Much of the population growth In Texas comes from Hispanics who have a much higher birth rate than non-Hispanic whites. Republicans under Bush were pro-immigration and pro-Hispanic. Not so under Trump. Given that political shift and the changing Demographics of Texas's population, it will shift Blue at some point in the 20s if it does not get there for the 2020 election.

Trump and his policies have moved away from the center of the country and abandoned key voters that helped Bush win in 2000 and 2004. This will cost the Republicans in coming years, and without Texas no Republican candidate has a chance of becoming President.
All your talking heads on CNN and MSNBC pulled out their charts and graphs and gravely assured us that Trump "had no path to the Presidency."

And then, fucking shit, Trump won.
Dear Lord, I thought Hillary vs Trump was the saddest election ever. The next one is going to be beyond absurdity.
The Democrats think they will win even if their candidate is a woman who lied about her race to advance her career, or if their candidate is a man who lost an election, or if their candidate is an old pervert who can't keep his hands off little girls.
Sanders: *waving hands vaguely* "Political revolution!"
Warren: Reign in the worst parts of capitalism
Gabbard: idk antiwar?
Kamala: Smug establishment centrism
Beto: Smug establishment centrism, but dad punk
Yang: UBI and put everything on blockchain

Biden and Beto would make more sense. The Republicans would lose Texas for the first time since 1976.
Not sure if you are the edge from U2, but if you are then stick to playing guitar.

The most recent poll of Biden VS. Trump match up in Texas has Trump only winning by one percentage point which is well within the margin of error. With native son Beto on the ticket with Biden given how close that match up is, it would then turn Blue.

Much of the population growth In Texas comes from Hispanics who have a much higher birth rate than non-Hispanic whites. Republicans under Bush were pro-immigration and pro-Hispanic. Not so under Trump. Given that political shift and the changing Demographics of Texas's population, it will shift Blue at some point in the 20s if it does not get there for the 2020 election.

Trump and his policies have moved away from the center of the country and abandoned key voters that helped Bush win in 2000 and 2004. This will cost the Republicans in coming years, and without Texas no Republican candidate has a chance of becoming President.
Hmmm, so they have birth rates much higher than non-hispanic whites eh ? I wonder if the government we're to take away all the so called entitlements or safety nets that help to sustain such birth rates, uhh would that begin to turn back ??

Most non-hispanic whites are raised (in country), to be self sustaining, educated, conservative, and religious (used to be the case anyway), instead of just screwing like rabbits off of the government/taxpayers dime, where as the Demon-crats power core targets these groups for the purpose of transferring or keeping their power structure (within this country), as something they want to remain the same for them ideologically and/or to grow it, sustain it or to create something very different altogether. Otherwise they have used our government to beat this nation into submission by their tactics over time, and robbed it into submission over time.
So far, all the Democrats running for President are completely unqualified for the position, with the possible exception of Biden, who is a complete asshat.

By that measure, Trump was never qualified to be President and does not appear to have learned very much about the job in the over two years that he is been there.
Learned quite alot being that he has been under constant attack by a rabid group of American's butthurt because they didn't get their spoiled rotten way on who they wanted to win the election. We had various groups allying themselves over the years in order to try everything they could to destroy white Christian conservative power in this country, and if people can't see that after all that has gone down, and is still going down, then they are lost big time these days.

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