Biden Gas Hits $4.89 in S.E. Michigan

Those in elected office are viewed as the ones in charge, that's why. The government has created an environment in which the oil companies can raise their prices at the pump exponentially. The American voter can't do anything to oil executives. They can sure the fuck do something about their elected officials, though...
We don’t living in a socialist country they aren’t in charge of everything. The more you blame them for things they don’t control the more reason the have to fight to control those things. Is that really what you want? Government controlling more things??

Don’t you think public pressure aimed towards the oil and gas companies would be warranted? Yet we hear little to nothing about them, the ones who are actually in charge. What’s up with that??
We don’t living in a socialist country they aren’t in charge of everything. The more you blame them for things they don’t control the more reason the have to fight to control those things. Is that really what you want? Government controlling more things??

Don’t you think public pressure aimed towards the oil and gas companies would be warranted? Yet we hear little to nothing about them, the ones who are actually in charge. What’s up with that??

Dude, seriously, you're not getting my point at all.

It doesn't matter who's controlling what. John Q. seriously does not give a shit. What he knows is that three years ago he was paying less than two bucks a gallon for gas, and now he's paying close to five. As I've said, above all the American voter votes with his wallet, and John Q. is going to want to hold someone responsible for that price increase.

Again, RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY, John Q. Public will blame the ruling party, and the ruling party right now is the democrats. They're going to be blamed whether they deserve that blame or not. Public pressure on oil companies will do nothing, because we still need what they have, and they know it.

The democrats are in a very, very bad position right now. Biden revoked the Keystone XL permit as soon as his ass hit his chair in the Oval Office. Gas prices have been steadily increasing since then. Since Biden took office, there hasn't been a single month in which the average price of a gallon of gasoline went down:


U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

If democrats are smart (and that remains to be seen), they'll start dusting off their resumes and start logging onto Indeed, because they're going to be blamed for this, and November 8, 2022 will not be a day they'll want to remember...
Dude, seriously, you're not getting my point at all.

It doesn't matter who's controlling what. John Q. seriously does not give a shit. What he knows is that three years ago he was paying less than two bucks a gallon for gas, and now he's paying close to five. As I've said, above all the American voter votes with his wallet, and John Q. is going to want to hold someone responsible for that price increase.

Again, RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY, John Q. Public will blame the ruling party, and the ruling party right now is the democrats. They're going to be blamed whether they deserve that blame or not. Public pressure on oil companies will do nothing, because we still need what they have, and they know it.

The democrats are in a very, very bad position right now. Biden revoked the Keystone XL permit as soon as his ass hit his chair in the Oval Office. Gas prices have been steadily increasing since then. Since Biden took office, there hasn't been a single month in which the average price of a gallon of gasoline went down:

View attachment 652760

U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

If democrats are smart (and that remains to be seen), they'll start dusting off their resumes and start logging onto Indeed, because they're going to be blamed for this, and November 8, 2022 will not be a day they'll want to remember...
I understand your point. I made a counter point which you completely ignored. I understand the political games of blaming the opposition party that gets played. It’s boring and transparent. Let’s talk about real things
I understand your point. I made a counter point which you completely ignored. I understand the political games of blaming the opposition party that gets played. It’s boring and transparent. Let’s talk about real things

Well, a "real thing" is that there's going to be a democratic bloodletting in November.

It's not a question of blaming the opposition party. It's a matter of blaming who's in charge, regardless of party. Hell, I know a lot of libs who have no intention of voting for democrats in November. I've no reason to believe they're an anomaly...
Well, a "real thing" is that there's going to be a democratic bloodletting in November.

It's not a question of blaming the opposition party. It's a matter of blaming who's in charge, regardless of party. Hell, I know a lot of libs who have no intention of voting for democrats in November. I've no reason to believe they're an anomaly...
That was you avoiding my points again to make partisan insults. This is getting boring
That was you avoiding my points again to make partisan insults. This is getting boring

What insults??

Are you really so delicate that simply saying democrats are in for a rude awakening is an insult?

I addressed you post. I gave it the attention that was warranted. Why are your panties in a knot?
welcome to the third world, brought to yoj by Xiden and the demafascist agenda
What insults??

Are you really so delicate that simply saying democrats are in for a rude awakening is an insult?

I addressed you post. I gave it the attention that was warranted. Why are your panties in a knot?
I’m not taking it as a personal insult. But you seem more interested in “Dems are bad” than discussing the points being made
I’m not taking it as a personal insult. But you seem more interested in “Dems are bad” than discussing the points being made

Then what were you referring to when you said "partisan insults"?

And, yes, I'm talking about democrats. You know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE ONES IN POWER.

For Christ's sake, do you not grasp that?

If we were paying these prices with Republicans in power, I'd be talking about them.

What I take particular note of, as well, as not a single person here has said I'm wrong, probably because people here know that, at the end of the day, their financial well-being is of the utmost importance. Everyone knows that democrats are going to get slaughtered in November.

Biden will spend his last two years in office as a lame duck and then he'll be sent out to pasture...
  • "In Europe, drivers are faring even worse, with Global Petrol Prices showing $7.70 per gallon in the UK, $8.25 per gallon in Germany in some areas and over $9 per gallon in Norway and Denmark. Norway topped $9.6 per gallon on Wednesday, compared to Finland, which was nearing the $9 mark, and the Baltic country of Estonia was over $7.7 per gallon."
Biden's fault?
Agree, but in this case, DEMOCRATS created this mess.
  • In Europe, drivers are faring even worse, with Global Petrol Prices showing $7.70 per gallon in the UK, $8.25 per gallon in Germany in some areas and over $9 per gallon in Norway and Denmark. Norway topped $9.6 per gallon on Wednesday, compared to Finland, which was nearing the $9 mark, and the Baltic country of Estonia was over $7.7 per gallon.
They were saying $6 by August.

Imagine if this happened on Trump's watch. The MSM would be inciting revolution. But with Democrats screwing everything up, not a peep
"There’s no mystery why. A confluence of forces, led by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has crimped oil supply and bumped up demand. There’s more that could go wrong, adding a “fear premium” to prices on top of the hike caused by market dynamics. It won’t last forever, but for now there’s no sign that new supply, reduced demand or an outbreak of stability will bring relief."
How much are you paying? And why isn't the country on the verge of revolution.

Imaging if this could possibly happen under President Trump. The Democrat Media would be talking about all the suffering this is causing, but under Mr Potatohead, they just won't talk about it.

It's gettin' real .......

How many people are secure in their lives, otherwise raising chicken's, living off the grid, burning firewood etc, and how many are highly dependent on the 18 wheelers getting the people the food and just about everything else they need ?

80/20 - 90/10 how many ? Probably 5 percent secure, and 95% dependent.

That's 95% who are dependent and depending on supply chains and truck's and shipping of those supplies.

Democrat's have now screwed up so badly, that they won't be coming back into power for decades, and in the mean time Biden and Harris need to be tried for aiding and abetting sedition and multiple coup activities.
  • In Europe, drivers are faring even worse, with Global Petrol Prices showing $7.70 per gallon in the UK, $8.25 per gallon in Germany in some areas and over $9 per gallon in Norway and Denmark. Norway topped $9.6 per gallon on Wednesday, compared to Finland, which was nearing the $9 mark, and the Baltic country of Estonia was over $7.7 per gallon.
Here, yes Democrat's...
The same people that believe it isn't the President's fault sure jump on board for the Putin's Price HikeTM narrative.
Not the president's fault, just another presidents fault.

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