Biden gas prices spike to $3.62

so Biden's position that he would kill fossil fuel production
Here is an example of the Ex President giving to his flock what they desire.

"..when asked by President Donald Trump if he would "close down the oil industry" during the final presidential debate Thursday night.

"It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time. And I'd stop giving to the oil industry. I’d stop giving them federal subsidies," Biden said during the debate.

"Basically what he is saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry," Trump shot back. "Will you remember that Texas? Pennsylvania? Oklahoma? Ohio?"

Suggesting a transition away from oil use is not new for Biden, who calls for net-zero emissions by the year 2050 in his climate policy, achieved by shifting away from fossil fuels but not completely banning them. Instead, Biden’s policy would focus on developing carbon capture technology to reduce pollution and carbon outputs.

Still, the Trump campaign immediately pounced on the comments, hoping to capitalize with voters in key energy and battleground states, arguing Biden would "kill millions of jobs and cripple our economy."

"We’re not getting rid of fossil fuels. We’re getting rid of the subsidies of fossil fuels, but we’re not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time," Biden told reporters as he boarded his plane back to Delaware Thursday.
Meh, they've weaned Europe and other countries off of Russian petroleum; the low prices did their job, and now it's back to 'normal' cartel prices again, is all.
Has this dipshit EVER lived up to his pronouncements?

And you believe everything biden says except that
If Trump said it, his cult would believe it.
There is no way to get rid of fossil fuels, too much heavy equipment, farm and construction vehicles could never operate on batteries.
Like saying "I'm getting rid of dirt or water".................impossible.
If Trump said it, his cult would believe it.
There is no way to get rid of fossil fuels, too much heavy equipment, farm and construction vehicles could never operate on batteries.
Like saying "I'm getting rid of dirt or water".................impossible.
Greenies are traumatized by the global warming doomsday lie

Even if they fail they can do a lot of damage trying
Biden inherited the Covid mess from Trump, including the rebounding demand for oil when world oil production had just been cut. Oil exporting nations were in no hurry to increase production so they could increase profits.

Biden killed US Energy independence so just Shut up and own the Worst President in American History
Teabaggers blaming the "gubmint" for what oil companies are doing.

Saudis, other oil giants announce surprise production cuts

View attachment 775801
AP News › article › saudi-oil-production-cut...

Apr 2, 2023 — Saudi Arabia and other major oil producers say they will cut oil production by 1.15 million barrels per day from May until the end of 2023.

Prices are going up NOW.

The USA was energy independent when Biden was installed in the Oval Office
Biden inherited the Covid mess from Trump, including the rebounding demand for oil when world oil production had just been cut. Oil exporting nations were in no hurry to increase production so they could increase profits.
Greenies are traumatized by the global warming doomsday lie
I'm more traumatized over nuclear warming.

“When I listen to people talk about global warming that the ocean will rise in the next 300 years by 1/8th of an inch and they talk about how this is our problem. Our big problem is nuclear warming but nobody even talks about it,” Trump said in the interview that aired on Tuesday night on Tucker Carlson.
Even if they fail they can do a lot of damage trying
I'm more traumatized over nuclear warming.

“When I listen to people talk about global warming that the ocean will rise in the next 300 years by 1/8th of an inch and they talk about how this is our problem. Our big problem is nuclear warming but nobody even talks about it,” Trump said in the interview that aired on Tuesday night on Tucker Carlson.
What is your problem?

Trump thinks we should avoid nuclear confrontations with rogue nations like russia and china

Twisting his words to suit your narrative hurts your credibility not his
Teabaggers want corporations to control everything, prices, regulations or lack of, production and expansions (monopolies)
Not at all

Regulation is necessary to ensure a level playing field

But the hysterical lib attacks on the most important and beneficial industry in human history is stupid
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