Biden gas prices spike to $3.62

A fact that libs avoid like the plague
Biden could chop someone's head off on national television and in front of an audience of 100,000 witnesses and it would be Trump's fault. As the band Styx might say ... "It's A Grand Delusion."
He just HAD to find a way to touch a young girl. Such a creepy Pedo. But, yes, his policies have EVERYTHING to do with the rising price of fuel. There's no mistaking that fact.
Fuel prices began rising in June of 2020 due to OPEC+'s agreement to cut production during the 2nd half of 2020. The prices kept rising, ignoring our presidential election. Our oil industry seemingly ignored Biden initial EO's and has increase production by 1.2 mbd or so since then.
So the drop in gas prices wasn't because of something Trump did.
Neither was the 6.3% unemployment but you use it. Truth is, neither President had much to do with the gas prices, inflation or the economic recovery from Covid. It works both ways.
He got supply and demand bass ackwards.
America had (and has) the supply, but Goofy-Pants Biden squashed our ability to access it. That created a low supply coupled with a high demand, which forced prices up.
Biden could chop someone's head off on national television and in front of an audience of 100,000 witnesses and it would be Trump's fault. As the band Styx might say ... "It's A Grand Delusion."
That's the Trump cult way, and Trump knows his gullible cult.

America had (and has) the supply, but Goofy-Pants Biden squashed our ability to access it. That created a low supply coupled with a high demand, which forced prices up.

Yet we are producing record amounts and exporting record amounts.

seems this is one more thing Biden failed at it.

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