Biden Goes Full California with Trains Being the New Fangled 21st Century Thing

China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?

No it's an example of Dem corruption. These massive infrastructure projects are just a means for Dems to funnel money to their pals to purchase votes and set up kickback schemes. Remember Boston's big dig? Dem corruption is one of the countries biggest problems. And GOP hacks also have their finger in the pie. Basically government is corrupt to its core.
The two crime families are essentially the same, but somehow many Americans haven’t figured this out.
So what do we do?
China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?

No it's an example of Dem corruption. These massive infrastructure projects are just a means for Dems to funnel money to their pals to purchase votes and set up kickback schemes. Remember Boston's big dig? Dem corruption is one of the countries biggest problems. And GOP hacks also have their finger in the pie. Basically government is corrupt to its core.
The two crime families are essentially the same, but somehow many Americans haven’t figured this out.
So what do we do?
What people do in democracies; talk about it, convince each other, vote for alternatives. That requires recognizing that vested interests will work against it, so those who oppose us oppose also the good of the country. In other words, stop giving them authority over dialog.
China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?

No it's an example of Dem corruption. These massive infrastructure projects are just a means for Dems to funnel money to their pals to purchase votes and set up kickback schemes. Remember Boston's big dig? Dem corruption is one of the countries biggest problems. And GOP hacks also have their finger in the pie. Basically government is corrupt to its core.
The two crime families are essentially the same, but somehow many Americans haven’t figured this out.
So what do we do?

Your guess is as good as mine.
China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?

No it's an example of Dem corruption. These massive infrastructure projects are just a means for Dems to funnel money to their pals to purchase votes and set up kickback schemes. Remember Boston's big dig? Dem corruption is one of the countries biggest problems. And GOP hacks also have their finger in the pie. Basically government is corrupt to its core.
The two crime families are essentially the same, but somehow many Americans haven’t figured this out.
So what do we do?

Your guess is as good as mine.

The USA will collapse into a pile of rubble just like every apex empire over the past 5,000 years and for the same reason, corruption and gross mismanagement.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.

Thank you. But research shows that only very short lines still have Brakemen. Around here, the UP and BNSF don't use brakemen.
Well not since they invented the Air Brakes in the 1920s.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.

Thank you. But research shows that only very short lines still have Brakemen. Around here, the UP and BNSF don't use brakemen.
Well not since they invented the Air Brakes in the 1920s.
Oh? I had no idea trains assembled, disassembled and inspected themselves.
Seems people never learn.

Rail does not work here for the most part and anywhere it does and/or will make sense it does not take the feds to make it happen. We are, as a general rule, to spread out to make rail transportation very viable here.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.

Thank you. But research shows that only very short lines still have Brakemen. Around here, the UP and BNSF don't use brakemen.
Well not since they invented the Air Brakes in the 1920s.
Oh? I had no idea trains assembled, disassembled and inspected themselves.

Brakemen are used to do the manual braking on Railroad Cars. In case you haven't noticed, the modern RR car doesn't have the wheel near the rear anymore. It has nothing to do with RR Maintenance. At one time, a Brakeman would walk the entire train and set the brakes to stop the train and then walk the entire train to release the brakes. He rode in the Caboose and would come out to operate the manual brakes on the cars. I doubt if I would want to be traveling at 90mph in a train assembled and inspected by just a Brakeman who is generally a new hire with ZERO experience.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.

Thank you. But research shows that only very short lines still have Brakemen. Around here, the UP and BNSF don't use brakemen.
Well not since they invented the Air Brakes in the 1920s.
Oh? I had no idea trains assembled, disassembled and inspected themselves.

Brakemen are used to do the manual braking on Railroad Cars. In case you haven't noticed, the modern RR car doesn't have the wheel near the rear anymore. It has nothing to do with RR Maintenance. At one time, a Brakeman would walk the entire train and set the brakes to stop the train and then walk the entire train to release the brakes. He rode in the Caboose and would come out to operate the manual brakes on the cars. I doubt if I would want to be traveling at 90mph in a train assembled and inspected by just a Brakeman who is generally a new hire with ZERO experience.
You mean it’s not 1890?
What else did the internet tell you?
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.

On the Railroad Hierarchy, that makes you lower than whale crap. Just one thing before I go. What line are you certified at?

Railroads are a good thing in certain areas. While Passenger Lines in some states don't make a lot of sense except for the once a week run, other areas, it makes a lot of sense. Like the East Coast and the West Coast where the majority of the population lives. And a Passenger train can operate a much lower degree of per hour per passenger than a plane can. The problem is, the speed. Other countries have high speed rail because they have Nationalized it and got it done. It's expensive to initially do, cannot run on the same rails as the cargo trains (cargo trains are really rough on the rails) and takes time to construct. But, in the end, it's worth it if you have the ridership.

For anything less than 1000 miles down to about 100 miles, the HS train makes a whole lot more sense than either driving or flying. If you have the traffic to support it, then it's stupid not to do it. There are areas in the US (like Dallas to Houston) that HS rail makes sense.
My certification is at the Federal level. Then each railroad will have its own certification as a subset.
And nobody will wait at a train station in LA, leaving their car to be stolen from the parking lot, take 3 hours to get to SF, go find a car to rent when you can drive it in 7 hours or fly in one.

Thank you. But research shows that only very short lines still have Brakemen. Around here, the UP and BNSF don't use brakemen.
Well not since they invented the Air Brakes in the 1920s.
Oh? I had no idea trains assembled, disassembled and inspected themselves.

Brakemen are used to do the manual braking on Railroad Cars. In case you haven't noticed, the modern RR car doesn't have the wheel near the rear anymore. It has nothing to do with RR Maintenance. At one time, a Brakeman would walk the entire train and set the brakes to stop the train and then walk the entire train to release the brakes. He rode in the Caboose and would come out to operate the manual brakes on the cars. I doubt if I would want to be traveling at 90mph in a train assembled and inspected by just a Brakeman who is generally a new hire with ZERO experience.
You mean it’s not 1890?
What else did the internet tell you?

You had better hope it's not. You would be working for some share cropper or cleaning out spittoons.
California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

I'm pretty sure the point has been reached where nobody credibly believes that California's High Sped RFail system will ever carry a single paying passenger. I don't think it's even expected, at this point, to ever acquire any actual rolling stock. Yet our corrupt government continues to dump money into it, that only goes to enrich other corrupt persons.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.
China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?
China build stuff fast but it seems to fall apart all the time and lots of people die.
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.
China has built a massive high speed rail system across their nation in just the last 20 years. The US can’t even get one completed in California. Is this not an example of the failed state we’ve become?
China build stuff fast but it seems to fall apart all the time and lots of people die.
Yeah that’s what some Americans believe, based on their bias. We have stuff that falls apart too.

However, according to The New York Times, the Chinese high-speed rail network is "one of the world's safest transportation systems."
Disclaimer: I’m a certified Brakeman, so I have nothing against trains

California tried to build a rail between San Diego and San Fran, only to find themselves going from nowhere Fresno and nowhere Bakersfield at 4X cost overruns and over a decade behind schedule. It’s been nothing but a boondoggle for Democrats getting their buddies richer.

Now Team Biden wants to take the show National.
Trains are very good at moving freight

but thats not sexy enough for libs

they want those sort of fast choo choo trains like the euros have to move people

Trains would provide more jobs as porters for African Americans.

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