Biden going to get to the Bottom of Where this Virus Came From


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
For all that live under a rock Old Joe says he going to put his spies on finding just where this virus came from. He already has a good idea it came from animals. showing he knows what's up just like the rest of his administration. So if you think it came from a lab in China that just happened to be working on bio weapons joe will tell you the truth is evil Taiwan is trying to frame good Communist China. democRats, leftist, idiots, and other lower life forms confirmed saying 'that's true you are absolutely right'.

Biden is going to get to the "Bottom" of Where this Virus Came From, if he doesn't confuse what getting to the bottom of something means.​


Actually he'll use this opportunity to squeeze more money from China, to make this inquirey go away, because that's how racketeering crime organizations roll.
We all know where and who it came from, and they need to pay for their criminal acts. Their organ legging racket needs to be shut down too. But the commies here are owned by them, so it will never happen.

Despite all this, there was no investigation into Feinstein colluding with China at all – even though she is widely regarded as a “China dove” in the Senate and even though her husband made millions of dollars in Chinese business dealings while she has served as a top Democrat on Senate committees dealing with intelligence, energy and foreign affairs.

Feinstein’s claim – parroted by many in the media – that her driver was of no importance, didn’t know anything, and posed no threat to our national security was complete baloney.

As a former congressional leader, I can tell you that drivers in congressional offices have nearly complete access to their members’ schedules. They know who you are meeting with, when you are meeting them, and sometimes have a notion of what the meeting is about.

The drivers hear every conversation you have while you are being driven about from place to place – both on the phone and with staffers riding with you. They have access to anything you leave in the car for safe-keeping – think briefcases, notes, laptops, iPads, cellphones, and the like.

Furthermore, as a member of your team, the drivers have access to the rest of your staff. The amount of intelligence a spy embedded in a congressional office could ascertain from simply attending a staff happy hour is astounding.

Even if this staff member had no access to classified information, the political and policy intelligence to which he had access may have put our country at a huge disadvantage in negotiating with or competing with China.

Traitors like Hillary and Obama and Kerry and Podesta the rest also get a walk, of course.
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They have no proof it came from a lab in Wuhan:

n 2019, an Army laboratory at Fort Detrick that studies deadly infectious material like Ebola and smallpox was shut down for a period of time after a CDC inspection, with many projects being temporarily halted.

Earlier that year, the US Army Medical Research Institute had announced an experiment at the Fort Detrick laboratory that would involve infecting rhesus macaque monkeys with active Ebola virus to test a cure they were developing.

Several of the laboratory violations the CDC noted in 2019 concerned "non-human primates" infected with a "select agent", the identity of which is unknown — it was redacted in all received documents, because disclosing the identity and location of the agent would endanger public health or safety, the agency says. In addition to Ebola, the lab works with other deadly agents like anthrax and smallpox.

It could of came from the USA , remember the 2019 military games!!
JANUARY 30, 2020

Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak. Now, “strategic allies” of the agency have been chosen to develop a genetic material-based vaccine to halt the potential epidemic.

WASHINGTON D.C. – In recent weeks, concern over the emergence of a novel coronavirus in China has grown exponentially as media, experts and government officials around the world have openly worried that this new disease has the potential to develop into a global pandemic.

As concerns about the future of the ongoing outbreak have grown, so too have the number of theories speculating about the outbreak’s origin, many of which blame a variety of state actors and/or controversial billionaires. This has inevitably led to efforts to clamp down on “misinformation” related to the coronavirus outbreak from both mainstream media outlets and major social media platforms.

However, while many of these theories are clearly speculative, there is also verifiable evidence regarding the recent interest of one controversial U.S. government agency in novel coronaviruses, specifically those transmitted from bats to humans. That agency, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), began spending millions on such research in 2018 and some of those Pentagon-funded studies were conducted at known U.S. military bioweapons labs bordering China and resulted in the discovery of dozens of new coronavirus strains as recently as last April. Furthermore, the ties of the Pentagon’s main biodefense lab to a virology institute in Wuhan, China — where the current outbreak is believed to have begun — have been unreported in English language media thus far.

While it remains entirely unknown as to what caused the outbreak, the details of DARPA’s and the Pentagon’s recent experimentation are clearly in the public interest, especially considering that the very companies recently chosen to develop a vaccine to combat the coronavirus outbreak are themselves strategic allies of DARPA. Not only that, but these DARPA-backed companies are developing controversial DNA and mRNA vaccines for this particular coronavirus strain, a category of vaccine that has never previously been approved for human use in the United States.

Yet, as fears of the pandemic potential of coronavirus grow, these vaccines are set to be rushed to market for public use, making it important for the public to be aware of DARPA’s recent experiments on coronaviruses, bats and gene editing technologies and their broader implications.

Examining the Recent Wuhan-Bioweapon Narrative
Biden already knows where the virus started. Everyone knows. The biggest question is whether Red China intentionally spread it around the world. I think they did. When communist China was accused of starting the pandemic their reaction was exactly like the Democrats when they were accused of stealing the election. Guilty as hell.
We all know where and who it came from, and they need to pay for their criminal acts. Their organ legging racket needs to be shut down too. But the commies here are owned by them, so it will never happen.

Despite all this, there was no investigation into Feinstein colluding with China at all – even though she is widely regarded as a “China dove” in the Senate and even though her husband made millions of dollars in Chinese business dealings while she has served as a top Democrat on Senate committees dealing with intelligence, energy and foreign affairs.

Feinstein’s claim – parroted by many in the media – that her driver was of no importance, didn’t know anything, and posed no threat to our national security was complete baloney.

As a former congressional leader, I can tell you that drivers in congressional offices have nearly complete access to their members’ schedules. They know who you are meeting with, when you are meeting them, and sometimes have a notion of what the meeting is about.

The drivers hear every conversation you have while you are being driven about from place to place – both on the phone and with staffers riding with you. They have access to anything you leave in the car for safe-keeping – think briefcases, notes, laptops, iPads, cellphones, and the like.

Furthermore, as a member of your team, the drivers have access to the rest of your staff. The amount of intelligence a spy embedded in a congressional office could ascertain from simply attending a staff happy hour is astounding.

Even if this staff member had no access to classified information, the political and policy intelligence to which he had access may have put our country at a huge disadvantage in negotiating with or competing with China.

Traitors like Hillary and Obama and Kerry and Podesta the rest also get a walk, of course.
What about that waste of dirt with the China spy. The one from California that has a rainbow flag hanging from his dc office door Eric 'Swallow


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He might be able to get to the bottom of Kamal-ass but that's it.

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