Biden Has Gotta Go!

Death t

Death to Russia! Death to commies. Death to authoritarian s. Take your Russian propaganda and put it where the sun don't shine.
I don't care how you feel about Trump or who you voted for, but things are spiraling out of control. Biden is simply not up to the task and that is becoming more apparent with every passing day. The problem is that just as clearly, Kamala is inept.

The situation is desperate and this is no time for useless partisanship and lame excuses. What is the solution?

I think you said it best....
Dear Snowflakes,

Fuck off!
"Butthurt sore-loser fascists rage-weep at Biden again. Film at 11."

I do have some sympathy for the Trump cult. With their Russian propaganda mostly cut off, they have to make up their own, and the new experience of thinking hurts them.

Now, please continue on with the group crying session. There, there. There, there. <Hairpats>.
I don't care how you feel about Trump or who you voted for, but things are spiraling out of control. Biden is simply not up to the task and that is becoming more apparent with every passing day. The problem is that just as clearly, Kamala is inept.

The situation is desperate and this is no time for useless partisanship and lame excuses. What is the solution?
The dems are trying to install Hilliary.........
People with brains want Trump back
The world does not revolve around the guy in the WH.

No one in this country has ever supported doing what could have possibly prevented the war - putting American/NATO troops in Ukraine. Suggestion that Putin would not attack Ukraine if only some other guy was in the WH is just a fantasy in your head.
Historical facts say your wrong

Say what you want about Trump he tried to keep the peace
You admitted to your own lies already, so I'll do the emojis for you; :blahblah:

You think you've won?

No one ever said lefties were rocket scientists.

Anyone here from California? Look out your window, what do you see? I see.... wait... 6.29 for regular, 6.49 for super, and 7.01 for Diesel #2.

If I knew how to use this phone (just got it, don't know yet), I could post a picture for everyone to see.

I was in San Francisco the other day, near Ocean and 26th near the university, it was 7.19. That was LAST week.

No one's lying here, pal. You seem to have me confused with a Democrat.
We know that's right. You already got caught doing that. As for your arguing points, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:, we'll, let's just say, But, a blindfolded ten year old could do better than these regressives, and I'm pretty sure I could do better than a blindfolded ten year old., doesn't show us a thing, because you've shown us nothing but rants.
I don't have to show you anything, stupid leftie. I'm living it. And you are too. Denial much? Been to the grocery store lately?
"Butthurt sore-loser fascists rage-weep at Biden again. Film at 11."

I do have some sympathy for the Trump cult. With their Russian propaganda mostly cut off, they have to make up their own, and the new experience of thinking hurts them.

Now, please continue on with the group crying session. There, there. There, there. <Hairpats>.
Economics economics economics

But ....


And Russia Russia Russia

Meanwhile the price of gas at the pump has just about DOUBLED since Biden took office.

Now watch, some dumbass leftard is going to ask for a link.
I don't care how you feel about Trump or who you voted for, but things are spiraling out of control. Biden is simply not up to the task and that is becoming more apparent with every passing day. The problem is that just as clearly, Kamala is inept.

The situation is desperate and this is no time for useless partisanship and lame excuses. What is the solution?
You asked about the solution.

We have to wait till November for the solution. We don't have "no confidence' votes like the parliamentary governments do.

In a broader sense though, the solution is to push back against the corruption that seems to have infected the Democratic Party.

AND the progressive ideology (I call it regressive, because there's nothing progressive about it).

Just so you don't mistake me for a Neo-Con or a Trump worshipper, I am an "equal opportunity hater". The only people I hate more than the Democrats are the Republicans. But the Democrats are in power right now, so I'm going to focus my anger and my verbiage on them.

I mean lookit - look at who these parties are giving us for candidates. Biden and Harris. This is the best they've got? If Trump hadn't entered the race in 2016, who would have been the candidate? Jeb? Ted Cruz?

Right now the Democrats are 100% in charge. They have the presidency and the House. Anything and everything that happens right now, is the Democrats' responsibility and the Democrats' fault.

"But Trump"... isn't going to wash.

"Russia Russia Russia" isn't going to wash.

50% of America is about to get "really fucking mad" at these Democrats, and they know it's coming, that's why you see them twisting in the wind, all in denial, and their own people are grumbling about the figureheads.

This is our opportunity to take out the progressive ideology. It's an aberration, exactly like the Neo-Cons we're for the Republicans. Same stupid shit, right? "You're either with us or you're against us", that kind of crap. Russia Russia Russia

You think you've won?

No one ever said lefties were rocket scientists.

Anyone here from California? Look out your window, what do you see? I see.... wait... 6.29 for regular, 6.49 for super, and 7.01 for Diesel #2.

If I knew how to use this phone (just got it, don't know yet), I could post a picture for everyone to see.

I was in San Francisco the other day, near Ocean and 26th near the university, it was 7.19. That was LAST week.

No one's lying here, pal. You seem to have me confused with a Democrat.
And explain to the world what Biden has to do with that? Exactly you can't. Dude, you mean one thing on this form; "LIAR."
And explain to the world what Biden has to do with that? Exactly you can't. Dude, you mean one thing on this form; "LIAR."
Coming from you, that's probably a compliment.

This is what the lefties have today?

Liar liar pants on fire?

When anyone and everyone in the whole entire world can just look across the street at the nearest gas station and verify the price?

You know what you sound like right now? You sound like one of those evolution deniers who says things were done all at once in spite of 300 million pieces of evidence to the contrary.
Historical facts say your wrong

Say what you want about Trump he tried to keep the peace
No they don't.

Can you name ONE policy by Trump that would prevent Putin from attacking Ukraine? ONE.

I keep asking, no one can answer that simple quesiton.
No they don't.

Can you name ONE policy by Trump that would prevent Putin from attacking Ukraine? ONE.

I keep asking, no one can answer that simple quesiton.
Well, "drain the swamp" might have helped, but he couldn't do it, he failed. (My perception is, he didn't try very hard either).
Well, "drain the swamp" might have helped, but he couldn't do it, he failed. (My perception is, he didn't try very hard either).
....? How? Not single one of Putin's demands had anything to do with corruption.

Putin's demands are that Ukraine reject it's Constitution and stop trying to integrate with EU. That they recognize Crimea as rightful Russian territory and Dombas region as independent state.

In what world does Putin get any of that with Trump in the WH in 2022?
No they don't.

Can you name ONE policy by Trump that would prevent Putin from attacking Ukraine? ONE.

I keep asking, no one can answer that simple quesiton.
Him being a pro American, pro-military president?
....? How? Not single one of Putin's demands had anything to do with corruption.

Putin's demands are that Ukraine reject it's Constitution and stop trying to integrate with EU. That they recognize Crimea as rightful Russian territory and Dombas region as independent state.

In what world does Putin get any of that with Trump in the WH in 2022?
Putin doesn't invade

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