Biden has 'let down' US veterans as he 'wrecks armed forces' with savage 'witch hunts'

Biden hasn’t let anyone down. No one expected anything positive from him in the first place
One of the most ignorant statements I have ever read here.
Then defend your attack on it. So telling when people write shit like you just did. Are we supposed to just think you're right because what??? You're the smartest person ever? You demand it? You've established a reputation for never being wrong?

Your post is worthless, with all due respect.
The ones complaining are the descendants of those who opposed integration. Point fingers at them, laugh at them, and don't talk to them.
You are clearly not educable. Grab your red hat and you NAZI flag and go march, it's all you are good for.
I don't know folks. Considering the extreme intelligence (cough) of a post like this in response to a polite and reasonable request, what can we say? Such people are beyond ability to feel shame or embarrassment. Unfortunately it is people like this they want in the military I guess.
I don't know folks. Considering the extreme intelligence (cough) of a post like this in response to a polite and reasonable request, what can we say? Such people are beyond ability to feel shame or embarrassment. Unfortunately it is people like this they want in the military I guess.
These are the kind of people they get to run the concentration camps in the police state.
Ole Potatohead embarrassed his country today by screwing up laying a wreath at Arlington. If that wasn't enough he bragged on his goddamn son being a veteran, like he always does. His son was a fucking lawyer stationed at one of Saddam's palaces in Baghdad and never once saw a second of combat. Then the asshole went on to talk about queers in the military.

No wonder:

Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore

A majority of American adults would not be willing to serve in the military were the U.S. to enter into a major war, recent polling has found, while public confidence in the armed forces appears to be waning.

The figures come as all branches of the armed forces have in recent years struggled to meet their recruitment targets, suggesting a growing apathy towards a career of military service. In 2023, the Army and Air Force fell short of their respective goals by around 10,000 recruits, while the Navy was under by 6,000. Since 1987, the number of active-duty personnel has fallen by 39 percent.

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