Biden has 'let down' US veterans as he 'wrecks armed forces' with savage 'witch hunts'

“Well he’s let them down in the sense that he has wrecked the moral foundation of the armed forces of the United States with his witch hunts, with the diminution of physical and mental standards dividing the armed forces into what I would call grievance categories.
The man just keeps on giving. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah! He doesn’t even know the name of the soldier buried at the tomb of the unknown.
Pretty much.

While our psychopathic USG overlords will find some other horrendous means of squandering our country's wealth, at least the US won't be actively dominating/destroying the world anymore. :)

And our servicemen/women won't be getting blown up anymore either.

It's a win/win.
Ole Potatohead embarrassed his country today by screwing up laying a wreath at Arlington. If that wasn't enough he bragged on his goddamn son being a veteran, like he always does. His son was a fucking lawyer stationed at one of Saddam's palaces in Baghdad and never once saw a second of combat. Then the asshole went on to talk about queers in the military.

No wonder:

Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore

A majority of American adults would not be willing to serve in the military were the U.S. to enter into a major war, recent polling has found, while public confidence in the armed forces appears to be waning.

The figures come as all branches of the armed forces have in recent years struggled to meet their recruitment targets, suggesting a growing apathy towards a career of military service. In 2023, the Army and Air Force fell short of their respective goals by around 10,000 recruits, while the Navy was under by 6,000. Since 1987, the number of active-duty personnel has fallen by 39 percent.
So people who never saw a second of combat are lesser than?

Tell it to the cooks and medics among many others, moron.
So people who never saw a second of combat are lesser than?

Tell it to the cooks and the medics among many others, moron.
We Americans get sick of that asshole Potatohead always getting stolen valor for his Lawyer son tht didn't do jackshit. Veteran's Day is not about Joe Potatohead's family. It is about the real veterans.

His other son got kicked out of the Navy for being a cokehead.

Potatohead is a piece of shit. He always has been and always will be.
It is Republicans wrecking our armed forces by blocking promotions
The military is fucked because of toxic leadership, policies that don't have a damn thing to do with national defense, multiple deployments and the inability to make recruitment quotas.

Ask any current member of the Armed Forces what the problems are and promotions of General Officers doesn't even come up. You don't seem to understand how the military works because none of the billets these officers were being promoted to where ever empty.
The military is fucked because of toxic leadership, policies that don't have a damn thing to do with national defense, multiple deployments and the inability to make recruitment quotas.

Ask any current member of the Armed Forces what the problems are and promotions of General Officers doesn't even come up. You don't seem to understand how the military works because none of the billets these officers were being promoted to where ever empty.

The US is engaged globally and Republicans are crippling its leadership. Choking it from the head down

Why do Republicans hate America?
The US is engaged globally and Republicans are crippling its leadership. Choking it from the head down

Why do Republicans hate America?
Wow you really do not know a thing about how the military works. If an officer leaves a command their 2nd can fill that post until they are either promoted or they find someone else. There is always someone who can fill that spot, they are never empty.

The real issues are what I previously stated. You can't see past your partisan hackery so you have to create a fake crisis . By the way I'm a Constitutional Conservative. Republicans are not much different than the rest of you loons.
“Well he’s let them down in the sense that he has wrecked the moral foundation of the armed forces of the United States with his witch hunts, with the diminution of physical and mental standards dividing the armed forces into what I would call grievance categories.
The man just keeps on giving. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No one will die for their country to preserve letting babies die, and no manly soldier is going to respect the manliness of a commander that is like this
ask your kids 'Is that a man or a woman?"

The Marxists & Far Left & Left think the MIL / NG & LEOs will side with them when they set it all off
“Well he’s let them down in the sense that he has wrecked the moral foundation of the armed forces of the United States with his witch hunts, with the diminution of physical and mental standards dividing the armed forces into what I would call grievance categories.
The man just keeps on giving. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yes the Trump Cult does just keep on giving: The author is Trump's hand picked Secretary of Veterans Affairs who members of the military called to be fired for incompetence and misappropriation of funds.

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