Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Here's an example of simple english to explain where you went wrong.

Jack and Jill had their first child in 2001. By 2003 their family doubled, and by 2005 it had tripled.

Explain how many kids they had in 2005.
Here is a write up of the game Lebron was ejected from. Notice the use of "in", not "within".

It opened things up for Russell Westbrook and Anthony Davis in the fourth quarter as the Lakers stormed back from a 15-point deficit in the final stanza.
I can recap games too

The rebuilding Rockets trailed by 24 points in the first half and 28 in the fourth quarter before a late rally to trim the deficit.
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Oh sure dummy, sure sounds neat.

The economy improved greatly on Trump's watch, and in fact, of our competition (other nations), even in 2020 the USA performed FAR better than how O'bummer left it. Want a link?

Facts don't matter though right gene? Your feelings based on NOTHING do, apparently, that makes you a leftist.

Incidentally, with your Demonicrats we're in the same position how Obummer left us. Lower end of the pack GDP.
The economy did not improve on trumps watch and now you have excuses for COVID. Other countries handled it and did not lead the world in deaths and infections.
Please tell us which nation was unaffected by COVID and all the national leaders of the world that took it seriously and saved lives?
We led the world in deaths and infections despite having the best facilities. There was no excuse for the incompetence.
The economy did not improve on trumps watch and now you have excuses for COVID. Other countries handled it and did not lead the world in deaths and infections.

The economy didn't improve on Trump's watch? When exactly was that IM2?

You're a complete imbecile, there have been more cases and deaths on Xiden's watch and winter hasn't hit yet. Use your head instead?
Reublicans are horrific at english, they have no reading comprehension.

As I pointed out. Nostra confuses "IN' vs "WITHIN"

In his second term describes the end point only, like we won WWII in 1945.
Second term means second term. As in the second 4 years. Not 8 years. Seems like all Dimtards, you struggle with simple English and simple math.
Let me remind you, that TRUMP was the one who said that COVID wasn't any worse than the seasonal flu.

And Trump said it again and again throughout January and February 2020.
Yet Xiden has MORE deaths on HIS hands. Despite being given vaccines and his promise that he would beat Covid. Your dishonesty is obvious here,
The economy did not improve on trumps watch and now you have excuses for COVID. Other countries handled it and did not lead the world in deaths and infections.
Now you’re showing you’re stupid as well as a racist punk. Hey dumbfuck, Xiden has MORE Covid deaths than Trump in less time despite vaccines being available. Lowest black, Hispanic and female unemployment in history under TRUMP. Yet you bow and kiss the shit stained ass of your master Xiden.
The economy didn't improve on Trump's watch? When exactly was that IM2?

You're a complete imbecile, there have been more cases and deaths on Xiden's watch and winter hasn't hit yet. Use your head instead?
It didn't. He inherited full employment, 7.5 years of consecutive job growth, a record market and the economy was growing. There have not been more deaths during Biden than trump and the deaths happening are from people who refuse to be vaccinated.

Stop reading that disinformation.
Please tell us which nation was unaffected by COVID and all the national leaders of the world that took it seriously and saved lives?

No one said that nations were unaffected by Covid, but no nation was this badly affected by Covid as the United States of America. In part this was due to your lack of a universal healthcare system so your population is generally less healthy than those of other first world countries.

But mostly it was the result of the failed response of your government starting with Donald Trump, who lied about the danger of the oncoming pandemic and failed to prepare for it or to mitigate its damage.

Your deaths are three times higher than Canada as is your rate of infection. Our hospitals always had a good supply of PPE, testing supplies, and ventilators. Thousands of doctors and nurses did not die of Covid. Our economy did not have to recover from the costs of testing and treating more than 10% of the population.

Fewer people got sick, fewer people died, and our economy has bounced back nicely. We are even having public events and card parties and basically living life like it’s over.

Yes we still have masks and you have to show your vaccine passport everywhere you go but it’s in my phone, and it’s a small price to pay for the freedom we now be enjoy. Living in a small town, all my favourite restaurants have gotten to know that I have my passport and they’ve seen it multiple times and they don’t even ask for it anymore.

Barry tripled the stock market in his second term? :auiqs.jpg:

DOW Jan 22, 2013: 13,649

DOW when Barry left office: 19,827

So, if Barry "tripled the stock market in his second term" it should have been at 40,947 when Trump took over.

Once again you demonstrate what a lying sack of shit you are.

No stupid.

The stock market was $6594 in March of 2009 as Obama worked to stop the freefall. When Trump took office, the DOW was at $19,827. That's triple what it was when Obama took office.
Now you’re showing you’re stupid as well as a racist punk. Hey dumbfuck, Xiden has MORE Covid deaths than Trump in less time despite vaccines being available. Lowest black, Hispanic and female unemployment in history under TRUMP. Yet you bow and kiss the shit stained ass of your master Xiden.
More people have not died from COVID during Biden. Thats a lie. Trump did not create low black,hispanic or female unemployment. He only recited stats.
Trump handed Potatohead a recovering Pandemic economy complete with a vaccine and like all Democrats he fucked it up.
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

Does some snowflake need a hug?


2 million and couting illegals Jodhas illegally trafficked & dumped in the US....rapists, pedophiles, violent gang members, mules, Cartel members,terrorists, COVID-19 infected...

Open Borders, enough Fentynal to kill every American...

Forfeited border security, national security,energy independence....

Americans still in Afghsnistan after he left them...

And now his drug-abusing, influence-pedaling CCP bitch of a son is exposed for facilitating a multi-billion dollar deal to sell cobalt to the CCP as Biden outlaws fossil fuel andinternal combustion engines, allowing the CCP to corner the market on making electric car batteries & making the Bidens billions...

'Nothing to see here'.....

And while the proven traitors destroy our country you continue to create petty 'B.. .b....b.. but Trump' threads, and he isn't in any govt office any more....

Making you look like some PTSD-suffering bitch who still needs a night light, still afraid of the dark and the boba-yega.
More people have not died from COVID during Biden. Thats a lie. Trump did not create low black,hispanic or female unemployment. He only recited stats.

In fact, while the unemployment rate for minorities were falling at their fastest rate in history when Obama was in office, the rate of decline slowed markedly under Donald Trump. Yes the unemployment rate reached its lowest levels under Trump but that was only because Trump didn't cancel all of the stuff Obama was doing.

It wasn't until the pandemic hit and minority unemployment doubled under Trump, wiping out all of Obama and Trump's gains, that things got as bad as they were when Biden took office.

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