Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Are there unbiased topics around here? Who knew? If you really don't care about the "biased topic", why did you respond to it?

Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's. Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second. It barely went up 50% under Trump, and that was after Trump gave it a double goosing of massive tax cuts AND the biggest deficits in history.

The stock market stalled when Trump started his trade war and never grew much thereafter. Companies could plan for expansion with trade wars on 7 different fronts - neither supply lines nor markets were assured so investment waited until Trump settled trade matters. Something Biden has been working on with China and the EU.
More bullshit from one of the resident Dim liars. Thanks to HIS party’s policies, Barry essentially started at 0. Trump set multiple records with numbers in place. A much better accomplishment. The rest of your shit got flushed as it should be.
This is why your name should be DUMBASS!!!

DJIA 6,469.95 March 6, 2009
DJIA 13,649 Jan 22, 2013
DJIA 19,804.72. Jan 19 2017

As they say, do the math. 19,804 / 6,469 = 3.061 or Triple
Triple of 13,000 is 39,000 not 19,000. You Dems are ALL horrific at math.
What an idiot you are.

Once that virus hit our shores people were going to die no matter how ready they were or how many arrangements were made.

Didn't matter who was in the WH, hell Clinton could have been in the WH and people still would have died by the thousands.

You blame Trump for all that died on his watch so you must blame Bidung for all that have died while he is POTUS.

You sure are clueless.
Didn't matter what he or anyone did. People were going to die. It was a pandemic you jackass.

Hell if Bidung had been in office the people still would have died. You blame Trump for those that died on his watch so you must blame Bidung for those that are dying now.

What an idiot you are.
Barry’s second term began in Jan 2013, Stupid. Not sure why you are posting figures from 2009.

Learn to read.
This was the claim you were disputing
Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second.
Now using the figures we already have

DJIA 6,469.95 March 6, 2009
DJIA 13,649 Jan 22, 2013
DJIA 19,804.72. Jan 19 2017

13,649 / 6,469 = 2.1 (double in first term)
19,802 / 6,469 = 3.06 (triple in second term)

Learn english DUMBASS !! As dragonlady said, Obama
doubled the market by the end of his first term
and tripled it by the end of his second term.

Learn the difference between "IN" a term and "WITHIN" a term.
If you believe that, you believe Trump is also responsible the Covid deaths in Europe.

Stop being a partisan troll.
Another false equivslence.

Why could the Obama administration handle 2 pandemics and grow the economy while trump had the U.S. leading the world in deaths and infections with an economic collapse?
Why could the Obama administration handle 2 pandemics and grow the economy while trump had the U.S. leading the world in deaths and infections with an economic collapse?

This shows the difference between management and supervision.

Trump was able to supervise the economy he inherited, but
didn't know how to manage it, when faced with a crisis.
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Another false equivslence.

Why could the Obama administration handle 2 pandemics and grow the economy while trump had the U.S. leading the world in deaths and infections with an economic collapse?

Because you're fucking tarded IM2
Oh, so you're tarded too. Neat.

How about you read what he wrote and use your head instead?
He made a valid point. Obama had to handle H1N1 Swine flu, MERS, SARS and ebola.

I remember republicans screaming that unless Obama shut down all air traffic from southern africa there would be millions of dead americans. Instead Obama did passenger screening instead of travel bans.
This shows the difference between management and supervision.

Trump was able to supervise the economy he inherited, but
didn't know how to manage it, when faced with a crisis.

Oh sure dummy, sure sounds neat.

The economy improved greatly on Trump's watch, and in fact, of our competition (other nations), even in 2020 the USA performed FAR better than how O'bummer left it. Want a link?

Facts don't matter though right gene? Your feelings based on NOTHING do, apparently, that makes you a leftist.

Incidentally, with your Demonicrats we're in the same position how Obummer left us. Lower end of the pack GDP.
He made a valid point. Obama had to handle H1N1 Swine flu, MERS, SARS and ebola.

I remember republicans screaming that unless Obama shut down all air traffic from southern africa there would be millions of dead americans. Instead Obama did passenger screening instead of travel bans.

You're a fucking FOOL.

H1N1 Swine flu, MERS, SARS and ebola aren't the same thing as COVID19 moron. Why are you comparing apples to oranges? Because you're a coward and dishonest.

How come MFer other countries didn't shut down for H1N1 Swine flu, MERS, SARS and ebola, but they all did for COVID, Trump's fault?

Use your head instead?
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

So the Covid thing wasn't that big a deal then ?
The economy improved greatly on Trump's watch, and in fact, of our competition (other nations), even in 2020 the USA performed FAR better than how O'bummer left it. Want a link?
I certainly do. You say the US performed better in 2020 than it had compared to 2009-2017.

As they say. Bring it on.
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I certainly do. You say the US performed better in 2020 than it had compared to 2009-2017.

As they say. Bring it on.

Compared to the COMPETITION. How do you measure something Gene? You measure against the competition. Because guess what, we live in a global economy and other countries experience the same economy and diseases we do. You know, like COVID? That make sense to you now? I ask because after you read this you may change your mind and twist. You've already proved to be intellectually dishonest to say all diseases are the same, and as you suggest COVID had no impact on any other country than USA, simply because you're a TDS suffering leftist.

How come MFer other countries didn't shut down for H1N1 Swine flu, MERS, SARS and ebola, but they all did for COVID, Trump's fault?

Use your head instead?
Because the US, WHO etc helped them contain the problem. Do you remember it was just months into the pandemic when Obama started vaccinating people against swine flu.

The 2009 influenza A (H1N1) monovalent vaccine was released in mid October. The immunization series consisted of 2 doses for children
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