Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

I have little respect for Ben Shapiro. He's petty, petulant and ultimately uninteresting. I can't think of anything particularly original coming out of him.
His Sunday conversations are with people
Who don’t always agree with him. To each their own. You find many uninteresting it seems.
His Sunday conversations are with people
Who don’t always agree with him. To each their own. You find many uninteresting it seems.
Right. Let's check these people out.

Russell Brand. Fascinating
Jordan Peterson. Can't wait.
Dave Portnoy. Pinch me.
Gina Carano. Brilliant.
Jon Voight. Sign me up.

Don't forget the best interview with Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro was DESTROYED in this interview.
Right. Let's check these people out.

Russell Brand. Fascinating
Jordan Peterson. Can't wait.
Dave Portnoy. Pinch me.
Gina Carano. Brilliant.
Jon Voight. Sign me up.

Don't forget the best interview with Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro was DESTROYED in this interview.
Bari Weiss? Listen to that one.
much the way I feel about your biased topic.

Are there unbiased topics around here? Who knew? If you really don't care about the "biased topic", why did you respond to it?

Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's. Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second. It barely went up 50% under Trump, and that was after Trump gave it a double goosing of massive tax cuts AND the biggest deficits in history.

The stock market stalled when Trump started his trade war and never grew much thereafter. Companies could plan for expansion with trade wars on 7 different fronts - neither supply lines nor markets were assured so investment waited until Trump settled trade matters. Something Biden has been working on with China and the EU.
Listen to the one with Ezra Klein. What topics matter is subjective.
I like Ezra Klein. I'd rather listen to his podcast. He has people who are well informed.

You didn't answer my question. Shapiro seems consumed by culture war nonsense. The stuff that doesn't really affect people. Just manufactured conflicts.
Are there unbiased topics around here? Who knew? If you really don't care about the "biased topic", why did you respond to it?

Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's. Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second. It barely went up 50% under Trump, and that was after Trump gave it a double goosing of massive tax cuts AND the biggest deficits in history.

The stock market stalled when Trump started his trade war and never grew much thereafter. Companies could plan for expansion with trade wars on 7 different fronts - neither supply lines nor markets were assured so investment waited until Trump settled trade matters. Something Biden has been working on with China and the EU.
Barry tripled the stock market in his second term? :auiqs.jpg:

DOW Jan 22, 2013: 13,649

DOW when Barry left office: 19,827

So, if Barry "tripled the stock market in his second term" it should have been at 40,947 when Trump took over.

Once again you demonstrate what a lying sack of shit you are.
Listen to the one with Ezra Klein. What topics matter is subjective.

What topics matter controls the election. Republicans have whipped up all of this frenzy around Critical Race Theory. Not because CRT is being taught in schools, but to keep stupid people whipped into a paranoid frenzy to vote Republican and prevent kids from learning the history of slavery.

This is part of the ongoing coup that Trump, Bannon and these clowns are still fomenting.
Are there unbiased topics around here? Who knew? If you really don't care about the "biased topic", why did you respond to it?

Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's. Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second. It barely went up 50% under Trump, and that was after Trump gave it a double goosing of massive tax cuts AND the biggest deficits in history.

The stock market stalled when Trump started his trade war and never grew much thereafter. Companies could plan for expansion with trade wars on 7 different fronts - neither supply lines nor markets were assured so investment waited until Trump settled trade matters. Something Biden has been working on with China and the EU.
Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's.

DOW when Barry left office: 19,827

DOW when Trump left office: 30,930

So your claim Trump's numbers are "far lower" than Barry's is just another example of you being a lying sack of shit.
What topics matter controls the election. Republicans have whipped up all of this frenzy around Critical Race Theory. Not because CRT is being taught in schools, but to keep stupid people whipped into a paranoid frenzy to vote Republican and prevent kids from learning the history of slavery.

This is part of the ongoing coup that Trump, Bannon and these clowns are still fomenting.
CRT is being pushed by university professors, you ignorant piece of shit.
Are there unbiased topics around here? Who knew? If you really don't care about the "biased topic", why did you respond to it?

Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's. Obama doubled the stock market in his first term and tripled it his second. It barely went up 50% under Trump, and that was after Trump gave it a double goosing of massive tax cuts AND the biggest deficits in history.

The stock market stalled when Trump started his trade war and never grew much thereafter. Companies could plan for expansion with trade wars on 7 different fronts - neither supply lines nor markets were assured so investment waited until Trump settled trade matters. Something Biden has been working on with China and the EU.
Trump kept bragging on the jobs numbers, the stock market, and the "Greatest Economy ever!", but his numbers were all far lower than Obama's.

Black unemployment rate when Barry left office: 7.4%

Black unemployment rate when Trump left office: 6%

So you finally got something right. The unemployment rate for blacks was much lower under Trump. But you consider that to be a bad thing, you racist piece of KKKanadian shit.
I like Ezra Klein. I'd rather listen to his podcast. He has people who are well informed.

You didn't answer my question. Shapiro seems consumed by culture war nonsense. The stuff that doesn't really affect people. Just manufactured conflicts.
He talks about the economy frequently as well as education and Judaism. All very important to me. To each their own.
What topics matter controls the election. Republicans have whipped up all of this frenzy around Critical Race Theory. Not because CRT is being taught in schools, but to keep stupid people whipped into a paranoid frenzy to vote Republican and prevent kids from learning the history of slavery.

This is part of the ongoing coup that Trump, Bannon and these clowns are still fomenting.
Why are you butting into this conversation? CRT is being taught just under a different guise. My kids are in school so I know exactly what they are doing.
He seems quite consumed with the emotional concerns of upper class white families.


I can see why you don't like him......
Barry tripled the stock market in his second term? :auiqs.jpg:

DOW Jan 22, 2013: 13,649

DOW when Barry left office: 19,827

So, if Barry "tripled the stock market in his second term" it should have been at 40,947 when Trump took over.

Once again you demonstrate what a lying sack of shit you are.
This is why your name should be DUMBASS!!!

DJIA 6,469.95 March 6, 2009
DJIA 13,649 Jan 22, 2013
DJIA 19,804.72. Jan 19 2017

As they say, do the math. 19,804 / 6,469 = 3.061 or Triple
This is why your name should be DUMBASS!!!

DJIA 6,469.95 March 6, 2009
DJIA 13,649 Jan 22, 2013
DJIA 19,804.72. Jan 19 2017

As they say, do the math. 19,804 / 6,469 = 3.061 or Triple
Barry’s second term began in Jan 2013, Stupid. Not sure why you are posting figures from 2009.

Learn to read.

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