Biden Has No Plans For Using Military To Evacuate U.S. Citizens Out Of Ukraine If Russia Invades

At some future date after peace agreements were signed and dates established.
Brandon ignored that and said we’re leaving in a few days.

In Feb of 2020 TRump signed an agreement with the Taliban to reduced troops from 13,000 to 2500 and release 5,000 from prison.
They’re supposed to buy plane tickets and leave themselves.

The only people who got on wings did so themselves. Joe didn’t do that.
Yeah, those huge crowds at the airport were there because they heard The Rolling Stones were there.
If they were working for the government it's not so easy.
Biden changed everything when he decided to totally bail on the Afghan government. Before.....2500 personnel were supposed to stay behind at Bagram Airbase to run Special Operations with the Afghans.

It takes months to get all of their personal effects out of country and back to a CONUS facility.
When I was living in Germany....I was given 10 days to outprocess and get ready to leave before I went to airborne school.
My wife had to stay behind for two months to oversee the packing and shipping of our household goods.
If everyone in the country is trying to do it all at once there's a backlog of people waiting to leave.
You expect everyone to just drop their pets and their household goods and run for the airport at the drop of a hat.

2500 couldn't secure Bagram or the roads leading to it. Americans had over a year to leave.
Americans are on their own at home and abroad. Democrats create situations to get you killed, whether it’s releasing hundreds of thousands of career violent felons from prison early or initiating your abandonment while offshore or defunding police.

Why would we? They know what is coming, they are making the choice to stay.

What happened to the Repubs being the party of personal responsibility?

I grew up in Iran, lived there when the Shah was being forced out. We saw what was happening and my parents took us out of the country. We did not wait for the Govt to swoop in and save us.
Why would we? They know what is coming, they are making the choice to stay.

What happened to the Repubs being the party of personal responsibility?

I grew up in Iran, lived there when the Shah was being forced out. We saw what was happening and my parents took us out of the country. We did not wait for the Govt to swoop in and save us.

Your parents weren't nincompoops.
Americans are on their own at home
Can you make up your mind as to whether Biden is a coward or a warmonger? You're posting multiple threads taking contradicting positions. Please pick a single consistent position and stick with it. Not doing that makes you look like a particularly shameless party apparatchik.

Yes, we get it. Putin's propaganda mills send your masters the content, they send it to you, you copy it here. Just try to be more selective with what propaganda you choose to repeat.
Why the hell are there Americans in Ukraine to begin with. The US Government has no responsibility to evacuate anyone other than US Gov. personnel.
So the safety of American citizens is not the responsibility of the US government anymore?

When did this policy become part of US policy? Since Biden came in and left so many Americans behind in Afghanistan?
Signing a peace treaty with the taliban is really just for show. No one actually thinks that means anything.
the doha agreement was an exchange with the taliban where they agreed to keep terror groups (like al-qaeda) from operating in territory under their control. In exchange we leave them alone, and they let us leave the country.

But why is this being discussed in a thread about Ukraine? Ukrainians are our friends, they will protect our citizens there. And its very easy to jolt to the west side into Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania as necessary. US citizens should probably leave north-eastern Ukraine and Novorossiya, but otherwise its safe.
Can you make up your mind as to whether Biden is a coward or a warmonger? You're posting multiple threads taking contradicting positions. Please pick a single consistent position and stick with it. Not doing that makes you look like a particularly shameless party apparatchik.

Yes, we get it. Putin's propaganda mills send your masters the content, they send it to you, you copy it here. Just try to be more selective with what propaganda you choose to repeat.

Thank you. I posted this same thing yesterday. The same people are calling him a pussy in one thread and a warmonger in the next. Enough to make a person dizzy.

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