Biden Has Spent $20B Resettling Illegals Just the Past 2 Years

Sorry liar. You need to get your facts straight.
MY facts are rock solid.

In CA there are presently 840,000 people on the Section 8 waiting list.

So tell me, brainless leftard, HOW Many of them are currently homeless?

I'll tell you exactly. 78.1%

=> California's own numbers say you're a gullible brain dead piece of sheeple.
MY facts are rock solid.

In CA there are presently 840,000 people on the Section 8 waiting list.

So tell me, brainless leftard, HOW Many of them are currently homeless?

I'll tell you exactly. 78.1%

=> California's own numbers say you're a gullible brain dead piece of sheeple.
Hah! What a loser! LOSER
Check out post #2 and tell that to JGalt While your at it you can call him a liar.

You're a dumbass terminally gullible and VERY FUCKING STUPID leftard.

There is not one single freeway anywhere in Los Angeles, that you can drive without seeing homeless people camped on the overpass.

You leftard scumbags like tripping over the homeless in your way to work?
A world wide 275,000,000 mass migration, largest in recorded history may generate over $8,000,000,000,000 gain in the Economy.
AS of now most all are out of work, hungry, thirst, tired, maybe weak but probably ok.

Sort of, 100 / 150,000 Passenger Jet take offs a day worldwide. 200 passengers average = 20 \ 30,000,000 flying around nearly every day.
High percentage flying to maybe flying from. Sure, there are Homeless / Panhandlers = economy with lords and masters, cars, transportation etc. standing on many street crossings.
Sure, they may even change states in wintertime some bring their kids along during the day to help with crowd controls at the limited spaces.
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While millions of American citizens sleep on the streets.

But hey, it’s great having so many illegals around who are happy to work for half the minimum wage and zero benefits. Thanks Joe!

But yet the shithead is asking Congress for more money.

The sad thing is that the RINOs will give it to him.
Hah! What a loser! LOSER
Put your money where your mouth is.

I'll bet you $100 cash money right now, that I can find 10,000 homeless people within 10.miles of the Mission district in Los Angeles

Put up or shut up.
You're a dumbass terminally gullible and VERY FUCKING STUPID leftard.

There is not one single freeway anywhere in Los Angeles, that you can drive without seeing homeless people camped on the overpass.

You leftard scumbags like tripping over the homeless in your way to work?
You are having a hard time trying not to be a fool. FOOL
Put your money where your mouth is.

I'll bet you $100 cash money right now, that I can find 10,000 homeless people within 10.miles of the Mission district in Los Angeles

Put up or shut up.
The other day I met an elderly gentleman, well dressed, backpack in hand, a new axe in the High dollar backpack.
I asked him about the Backpack with the new SOG hatchet / axe. "I use it to cut firewood at my Tent site. I am homeless."
Sort of Obvious he is on the LAM. I didn't say, "you should get a concealed carry permit to carry that around."

old gent with a +$75 axe.

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Let's do some math: There were 653,100 counted homeless people in the US in 2023.

If you divided up $20 billion dollars between them, each one would get $30,623.18.

Of course, they'd spend most of it on crack and fentanyl, but you get the idea.
What BS (last part)

None of the homeless I myself have known were on drugs.

Quit promoting stereotypes that demean OTHER AMERICANS

you just virtually nullified your first sentences w/ that last one
The other day I met an elderly gentleman, well dressed, backpack in hand, a new axe in the High dollar backpack.
I asked him about the Backpack with the new SOG hatchet / axe. "I use it to cut firewood at my Tent site. I am homeless."
Sort of Obvious he is on the LAM. I didn't say, "you should get a concealed carry permit to carry that around."

old gent with a +$75 axe.
how was it obvious?

I'm tired of people hating on the homeless. Most of the ones.. no, wait all the ones I've known were civilized and NOT on drugs
I'll take that as an admission of your terminal leftard stupidity.

And so will everyone else.

You're nothing but a blowhard. Just like every other dumbass shit for brains leftard.
Give a shout out to all your friends in the Mission District.

Tell JGalt he's a liar, too.
how was it obvious?

I'm tired of people hating on the homeless. Most of the ones.. no, wait all the ones I've known were civilized and NOT on drugs
I said, "sort of" Well dressed, new shoes, new high dollar backpack and new SOG AXE, who cares he said he is a homeless just buying expensive stuff.. Great for the camping industry, just a contributor. He likes to camp in rough areas, eats lightly,
Uses wood heating tools. good for the local environment, no bathrooms, baths at Mini Marts, drinks bottled stuff. Nice old Gent. Released the next morning after spending the night for carrying an AXE around downtown in his high dollar backpack.
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