Biden Hits New Low


Sadly, nuh-uh! really is all you have. :abgg2q.jpg:
FALSE! I produces worthwhile links to RCP and a long list of references including university studies, (wanna see the list again ?) :asshole:

You produced a laughable Democrat poll, masquerading as non-partisan.
Did you already forget that you did that yourself? You just admitted that you made them up.

It’s not complicated.
HA HA HA. I made up a METAPHOR. Look it up in the dictionary, illiterate fool.

[ˈmedəˌfôr, ˈmedəˌfər]
  1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
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When voters bitch slap Biden in 2022 in an historic Dem loss Dems and the liberal press will still claim it has nothing to do with stupid shit Biden policies and tax increases, bank on it.
Blacks are just following the lower demographic of being poorer... But there uptake is the same Republicans... The opinion polls show that Blacks are having a more wait and see approach while Republicans are more hard no...
White Democrats and Asians are leading...

All your link does is indicate higher non-vaccination in some red states. In case you might not have noticed, those states are where there is the largest concentration of blacks (who also happen to be Democrat)
All your link does is indicate higher non-vaccination in some red states. In case you might not have noticed, those states are where there is the largest concentration of blacks (who also happen to be Democrat)
Dude, you are not supposed to point out the high concentration of black Dems in red states.
HA HA HA. I made up a METAPHOR. Look it up in the dictionary, illiterate fool.

Right. You made shit up. Like I already told you.

You came up with some numbers that are not true to demonstrate a point that you want to be true.

Looks like we’re in agreement. I’m not sure how you’re confused about this.
Right. You made shit up. Like I already told you.

You came up with some numbers that are not true to demonstrate a point that you want to be true.

Looks like we’re in agreement. I’m not sure how you’re confused about this.
The only words of your post that are correct are >> "I’m not sure" :rolleyes:
Gallup is one of the typical DEMOCRAT polls, ignored by Republicans. So if only 50% of Democrats are backing Biden, and zero Republicans are, he's got a whopping 25% approval.

I just heard what Trump's approval is among Republicans - 98%.
Still waiting for you to concede that I measured that with a statement about 81 %, which would produce a 62% approval rate. 62 or 70. both a lot more than Biden's pathetic 25%.
Biden has a much higher approval rate than Trump at the same time of their presidency. Nice try.
Idiot. I didn't claim that "lack of names of respondents as evidence they didn't participate in the poll." I just said you were not producing evidence, and you didn't , and you still haven't.
You're so senile, now you exhibit the inability to know what you yourself writes.

Imbecile, in response to me pointing out pollsters don't publish respondents' names, you answered, "well, in that case, you have no idea that there were ANY Republicans included in those 4 polls."

How retarded are you, gramps? Pollsters don't post personal information. Even if they did, you can't discern someone's political party affiliation by a name.

Shit, you're even more senile than I thought. :ack-1:
Well, in that case, you have no idea that there were ANY Republicans included in those 4 polls. And what you posted about there being Republicans there, was just some bullshit that you made up, based on nothing.

The fact is, you don't have a clue if there was a single Republican in any one of those polls.
So now we see how credible your status is in this entire debate > D-

... yet here you are denying you said that. :cuckoo:
Still waiting for you to concede that I measured that with a statement about 81 %, which would produce a 62% approval rate. 62 or 70. both a lot more than Biden's pathetic 25%.
I concede you made your numbers up. Want proof? You have yet to post your evidence of 98% GOP approval. Just like you can't post evidence of a 62% approval rate because you made that up too.
Gallup is one of the typical DEMOCRAT polls, ignored by Republicans. So if only 50% of Democrats are backing Biden, and zero Republicans are, he's got a whopping 25% approval.

I just heard what Trump's approval is among Republicans - 98%.
You're lying again, gramps. Gallup shows the breakdown of respondents by political party.

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