Biden:Human life begins at conception

This thread illustrates well how ignorant conservatives are concerning liberals.

Unlike the authoritarian right, liberals welcome all views and opinions on this issue, where all are in agreement with regard to a woman's right to privacy.
This thread illustrates well how ignorant conservatives are concerning liberals.

Unlike the authoritarian right, liberals welcome all views and opinions on this issue, where all are in agreement with regard to a woman's right to privacy.
Yep, everyone alive to date, had their life started at conception. However, that doesn't mean the every fertilized egg develops enough to be born or that a soul (if you believe in such a thing) is imbued to that new life at the point of conception.
Mostly, abortion is a natural process having nothing to do with a medical procedure, so mostly there is little more than a semantics problem. At the time of conception, there is something alive, where before there had been other things alive(?). Mostly, what is alive is not going to become a born life, with Constitutional protections. Mostly, what anyone finds in a Wiki article is found all over.

"In general, less than 70% of all fertilized eggs will even implant into the mother's womb causing pregnancy to continue. From there, there is a 25-50% chance of aborting before you even know you are pregnant. If, however, you make it to your first month, your odds go up to 75% chance of carrying to term."

The religious subjugation of humanity tends to be common itself worldwide. The Roman and Greek religions oppressed other peoples. The Christians routinely oppress other peoples. Ownership of persons was Constitutional, at one time. The Moslem routinely oppress other peoples. That is the role of religion regarding born life.

Religions have also been known in history to reject the little critters, subsequent birth, and throw them away. Infant mortality has likely been high for about four million years, in fact, among humans and their related species.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(O-oh say can you see? If you can, let me know(?)! Are we still. . . .at this stage. . .where we get drunk to this song(?)!"
Yep, everyone alive to date, had their life started at conception. However, that doesn't mean the every fertilized egg develops enough to be born or that a soul (if you believe in such a thing) is imbued to that new life at the point of conception.

that isn't the point & why the Left has to tell itself lies to appease their conscience. So if you agree that life begins at conception, then how do you justify the termination of said life? You can't have it both either is alive or isn't. Science has already stated life begins at conception. Regarding the soul part, every Church doctrine available states the soul is intertwined with the physical the moment of conception. So again, wrong....
Mostly, abortion is a natural process having nothing to do with a medical procedure, so mostly there is little more than a semantics problem. At the time of conception, there is something alive, where before there had been other things alive(?). Mostly, what is alive is not going to become a born life, with Constitutional protections. Mostly, what anyone finds in a Wiki article is found all over.

"In general, less than 70% of all fertilized eggs will even implant into the mother's womb causing pregnancy to continue. From there, there is a 25-50% chance of aborting before you even know you are pregnant. If, however, you make it to your first month, your odds go up to 75% chance of carrying to term."

The religious subjugation of humanity tends to be common itself worldwide. The Roman and Greek religions oppressed other peoples. The Christians routinely oppress other peoples. Ownership of persons was Constitutional, at one time. The Moslem routinely oppress other peoples. That is the role of religion regarding born life.

Religions have also been known in history to reject the little critters, subsequent birth, and throw them away. Infant mortality has likely been high for about four million years, in fact, among humans and their related species.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(O-oh say can you see? If you can, let me know(?)! Are we still. . . .at this stage. . .where we get drunk to this song(?)!"
So with this twisted logic,it ok for us to kill because it might have died naturally anyway??
WTF!!!?? you people are some scary crazy people,with not a shred of humanity
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....
Potential life (most of which will be naturally aborted in the process). That's better.
bull shit!!,and irrelevant try again
Nope, it's entirely true, and entirely relevant:

"Miscarriage in early pregnancy is common. Studies show that about 8 to 20 percent of women who know they are pregnant have a miscarriage some time before 20 weeks of pregnancy; 80 percent of these occur in the first 12 weeks [1]. But the actual rate of miscarriage is even higher since many women have very early miscarriages without ever realizing that they are pregnant. One study that followed women's hormone levels every day to detect very early pregnancy found a total miscarriage rate of 31 percent [2]."

Your don't have a person until you can diaper it. Most conceptions won't make it that far, not even close. Nature makes the rules in this case, we just follow them.
Mostly, abortion is a natural process having nothing to do with a medical procedure, so mostly there is little more than a semantics problem. At the time of conception, there is something alive, where before there had been other things alive(?). Mostly, what is alive is not going to become a born life, with Constitutional protections. Mostly, what anyone finds in a Wiki article is found all over.

"In general, less than 70% of all fertilized eggs will even implant into the mother's womb causing pregnancy to continue. From there, there is a 25-50% chance of aborting before you even know you are pregnant. If, however, you make it to your first month, your odds go up to 75% chance of carrying to term."

The religious subjugation of humanity tends to be common itself worldwide. The Roman and Greek religions oppressed other peoples. The Christians routinely oppress other peoples. Ownership of persons was Constitutional, at one time. The Moslem routinely oppress other peoples. That is the role of religion regarding born life.

Religions have also been known in history to reject the little critters, subsequent birth, and throw them away. Infant mortality has likely been high for about four million years, in fact, among humans and their related species.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(O-oh say can you see? If you can, let me know(?)! Are we still. . . .at this stage. . .where we get drunk to this song(?)!"
So with this twisted logic,it ok for us to kill because it might have died naturally anyway??
WTF!!!?? you people are some scary crazy people,with not a shred of humanity
You overvalue conceptions, don't. They are only "potential people" and it's a difficult process most won't survive.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

Is he forcing his beliefs on others?
no but I think he just announced that he plants to take up the war on women if he is elected.
women should be very afraid of this man.

Oh is that what he announced. Interesting. Thanks for your expert analysis.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

Is he forcing his beliefs on others?
no but I think he just announced that he plants to take up the war on women if he is elected.
women should be very afraid of this man.

What war on women? Where is it happening? Who's engaged in it? Who's the leader of the opposition to it? How many causalities have there been?
Mostly, abortion is a natural process having nothing to do with a medical procedure, so mostly there is little more than a semantics problem. At the time of conception, there is something alive, where before there had been other things alive(?). Mostly, what is alive is not going to become a born life, with Constitutional protections. Mostly, what anyone finds in a Wiki article is found all over.

"In general, less than 70% of all fertilized eggs will even implant into the mother's womb causing pregnancy to continue. From there, there is a 25-50% chance of aborting before you even know you are pregnant. If, however, you make it to your first month, your odds go up to 75% chance of carrying to term."

The religious subjugation of humanity tends to be common itself worldwide. The Roman and Greek religions oppressed other peoples. The Christians routinely oppress other peoples. Ownership of persons was Constitutional, at one time. The Moslem routinely oppress other peoples. That is the role of religion regarding born life.

Religions have also been known in history to reject the little critters, subsequent birth, and throw them away. Infant mortality has likely been high for about four million years, in fact, among humans and their related species.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(O-oh say can you see? If you can, let me know(?)! Are we still. . . .at this stage. . .where we get drunk to this song(?)!"
So with this twisted logic,it ok for us to kill because it might have died naturally anyway??
WTF!!!?? you people are some scary crazy people,with not a shred of humanity

These people are wannabe serial killers in the same mode as Dahmer and Bundy. They are depraved, totally lacking in humanity. They are sub-human brute beasts. These people should not be allowed within 100 yards of any child under the age of fifteen.

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