Biden:Human life begins at conception

Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

That is a personal belief not base on any science

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

That concept is not exclusive to human beings. Life for a monkey also begins at conception doesn't it. How about rats? Doesn't their life also begin at conception?

What exactly does this have to do with the conversation? Then again, in the liberal mindset, a monkey's life or a rat's life is worth more than a human's anyway....
The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.

They are dependent for sure but not necessarily on the biological parents whereas a fetus is. The is no way to measure the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to a womb.

So dependency on a biological parent is the new criteria for life vs. unborn! This is exactly why our society has gone to crap. A complete disregard for basic human life. If a fertilized egg does not attach to a womb is usually flushed from the body via miscarriage. This is far different than the deliberate introduction of slaughter tools for the purpose of extracting said human life from the womb.

You're just making stuff up now. A miscarriage is quite a bit different than a fertilized egg being flushed away during a minstrel cycle. Still born babies are different too. The results are the same. No pregnancy. No live baby. But in a way you are right. I don't care if a stranger has an abortion. It's not my place to tell them they can't.

I think you need to look up the definition of miscarriage....see below...

Pregnancy and Miscarriage
Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.

They are dependent for sure but not necessarily on the biological parents whereas a fetus is. The is no way to measure the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to a womb.

So dependency on a biological parent is the new criteria for life vs. unborn! This is exactly why our society has gone to crap. A complete disregard for basic human life. If a fertilized egg does not attach to a womb is usually flushed from the body via miscarriage. This is far different than the deliberate introduction of slaughter tools for the purpose of extracting said human life from the womb.

You're just making stuff up now. A miscarriage is quite a bit different than a fertilized egg being flushed away during a minstrel cycle. Still born babies are different too. The results are the same. No pregnancy. No live baby. But in a way you are right. I don't care if a stranger has an abortion. It's not my place to tell them they can't.

I think you need to look up the definition of miscarriage....see below...

Pregnancy and Miscarriage

The fertilized egg must attach itself to the womb before there is any pregnancy or miscarriage. Many fertilized eggs do not attach and are flushed out during the next cycle, thus killing the unique human DNA combination. Is that also murder?

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