Biden:Human life begins at conception

We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.
A person in a coma can't feel pain. If that's your benchmark, I can go ahead and start slaughtering coma patients.

Only if we can harvest their body parts.........

Perhaps we should simply do as the Nazis attempted. We should select strong and healthy men and women and breed them in order to produce more babies from which we can harvest and sell their body parts. I'm certain the Liberal mind will find a means to accomplish this in the near future.

If we learn how to clone them babies then no need for selective breeding. btw, I was talking about coma patients. Did you hear a whooshing sound a few minutes ago?
This thread illustrates well how ignorant conservatives are concerning liberals.

Unlike the authoritarian right, liberals welcome all views and opinions on this issue, where all are in agreement with regard to a woman's right to privacy.
Whereas a Republican who says the exact same thing Biden does (I disagree with it but will uphold the law) is considered a wild-eyed extremist. Real logical there.
And yet Biden is pro-choice.

He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

that isn't the point & why the Left has to tell itself lies to appease their conscience. So if you agree that life begins at conception, then how do you justify the termination of said life? You can't have it both either is alive or isn't. Science has already stated life begins at conception. Regarding the soul part, every Church doctrine available states the soul is intertwined with the physical the moment of conception. So again, wrong....

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.

They are dependent for sure but not necessarily on the biological parents whereas a fetus is. The is no way to measure the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to a womb.

So dependency on a biological parent is the new criteria for life vs. unborn! This is exactly why our society has gone to crap. A complete disregard for basic human life. If a fertilized egg does not attach to a womb is usually flushed from the body via miscarriage. This is far different than the deliberate introduction of slaughter tools for the purpose of extracting said human life from the womb.
There's that "almost" again. Then there's the "probably".
Want the numbers?

In 2011, 730,322 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate was 13.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 219 abortions per 1,000 live births.

Compared with 2010, the total number and rate of reported abortions for 2011 decreased 5%, and the abortion ratio decreased 4%. Additionally, from 2002 to 2011 the number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions decreased 13%, 14%, and 12%, respectively. The large decreases in the total number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions from 2010 to 2011, in combination with decreases that occurred during 2008–2010, resulted in historic lows for all three measures of abortion.

Women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions in 2011 and throughout the period of analysis. The majority of abortions in 2011 took place early in gestation. In 2011, most abortions (91.4%) were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (7.3%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (1.4%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation. In 2011, 19.1% of all abortions were medical abortions. Source: MMWR 2014;63(11).

Which is supposed to prove exactly what?
That my point of almost all abortions being done before the dreaded "20 week" period is true. Oh, abortions have been decreasing to :)
Thank free birth control and actual sex education.
I support more birth control education. Half of all abortions are due to no birth control being used during the sex which led to the pregnancy.

Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

If we prevented all those conceptions, abortion would plummet to almost negligible levels. To the point where getting an abortion would not be as socially acceptable as it is today.
This leads me to another question: what about teenagers who lack birth control and have sex without fully grasping the consequences? Morning after pill! Or is that a life in prison offense to?

Ignorance is generally not an acceptable defense before the law. Free birth control is widely available. My question back to you is this: at what point does personal accountability take precedence over carnal desire?
You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.
A person in a coma can't feel pain. If that's your benchmark, I can go ahead and start slaughtering coma patients.

Only if we can harvest their body parts.........

Perhaps we should simply do as the Nazis attempted. We should select strong and healthy men and women and breed them in order to produce more babies from which we can harvest and sell their body parts. I'm certain the Liberal mind will find a means to accomplish this in the near future.

If we learn how to clone them babies then no need for selective breeding. btw, I was talking about coma patients. Did you hear a whooshing sound a few minutes ago?

No. Did you potty your pants yet again?
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

That is a personal belief not base on any science

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

So claim the goyim, as their church teacher them that. See, the zygote masturbaters set up the argument using their definition as to when life begins as fact and they can then go to their straw-man , Again it is a belief not a fact

And Biden did not say abortion should be outlawed he was giving an opion on HIS beliefs
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

That is a personal belief not base on any science

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

So claim the goyim, as their church teacher them that. See, the zygote masturbaters set up the argument using their definition as to when life begins as fact and they can then go to their straw-man , Again it is a belief not a fact

And Biden did not say abortion should be outlawed he was giving an opion on HIS beliefs

Please, if you can refute the work noted biologists have already performed, by all means...however, science has already stated life begins at conception. This isn't really up for debate. It is the equivalent of stating the earth is round & gravity causes an object to fall....
He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.

They are dependent for sure but not necessarily on the biological parents whereas a fetus is. The is no way to measure the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to a womb.

So dependency on a biological parent is the new criteria for life vs. unborn! This is exactly why our society has gone to crap. A complete disregard for basic human life. If a fertilized egg does not attach to a womb is usually flushed from the body via miscarriage. This is far different than the deliberate introduction of slaughter tools for the purpose of extracting said human life from the womb.

You're just making stuff up now. A miscarriage is quite a bit different than a fertilized egg being flushed away during a minstrel cycle. Still born babies are different too. The results are the same. No pregnancy. No live baby. But in a way you are right. I don't care if a stranger has an abortion. It's not my place to tell them they can't.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

That is a personal belief not base on any science

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

That concept is not exclusive to human beings. Life for a monkey also begins at conception doesn't it. How about rats? Doesn't their life also begin at conception?
Liberals have deemed women incapable of thinking for themselves thus reducing them to mindless tools to be utilized exclusively and at their whims for sexual gratification or as breeding machines. Indeed they have declared a war upon women for I submit that I have been fortunate enough to have had two grandmothers, a mother, a wife of 51 years, and two daughters who did have very capable mental capacities and happily bore their children without ever considering an abortion. God bless real women.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Typical twisted liberal. Life begins at conception, but it's not murder to kill the life.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....
Nice to see Biden saying that.

Conception creates a human life. It is human life, DNA-specific, moving and growing. No, not a person, or an astronaut or a third baseman, but human life.

And I'm pro-choice. It just sure is getting old agreeing with lefties on so many issues but having to watch them lie and lie and lie.

If you have to lie to make a point, maybe you might want to re-consider your position and come up with better arguments.

Goddamn folks, just being honest ain't that freakin' tough, I swear. Your head won't explode.
He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.

They are dependent for sure but not necessarily on the biological parents whereas a fetus is. The is no way to measure the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to a womb.

So dependency on a biological parent is the new criteria for life vs. unborn! This is exactly why our society has gone to crap. A complete disregard for basic human life. If a fertilized egg does not attach to a womb is usually flushed from the body via miscarriage. This is far different than the deliberate introduction of slaughter tools for the purpose of extracting said human life from the womb.
One wonders why, if there is no human life in the womb, abortionists feel the need to kill what is in there before they pull it out.
When JoJo 'The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden become the DemocRATS nominee, and abortion and conception are brought up at the debates, what are you GODLESS FAGS going to do when THIS is thrown in Bidens face?...Say, Oh, it's that OLD JoJo Biden fucking up...again?

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