Biden impeachment starts in about a year

Trump got impeached twice. The second one was a load of horseshit.
Trump got impeached for stirring up Jan 6th attack on Congress with his election lies and calls to stop the certification. He then watched it unfold instead of trying to stop it, even as Republicans screamed and begged him on the phone to intervene.

10 Republicans voted with unanimous Democrat House to impeach him.

Republican Minority Leader himself, clearly called Trump culpable in the Jan 6th attack on Congress and called for censure:

What is it you think is "horseshit"????
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Clinton got impeached for saying he didnt have sex with someone. as if its anyones business, besides the 3 people involved.
It was partisan bullshit.

He was impeached for lying to investigators. There was a real there, there.

There is no there, there, to impeach Biden. Do you understand the difference?
No. You are a dumbass.

No...what? you didn't refute anything, you just lashed out :itsok:
WTF? Both Clinton and Trump impeachments had a clearly established culpability.

Clinton REALLY did lie under oath about his sexual relationship and was disbarred for it.
Trump REALLY did abuse his office to extort Ukraine for a public announcement of Biden investigation. Trump administration REALLY did illigally hold up millitary aid.

Just because someone can imagine Biden doing something of the sort, doesn't mean he will.
Phuk u

No...what? you didn't refute anything, you just lashed out :itsok:
Clinton didnt deserve to get impeached for lying about his personal life. It was partisan bullshit. Thats why he got acquitted.
Trump didnt start a riot or whatever DNC rhetoric you copy/pasted. That was also partisan bullshit. Thats why he got acquitted.
There isnt anything to "refute" when discussing opinions. Do you understand what "refute" means? Jesus.
Good day dumbfuck.
Clinton didnt deserve to get impeached for lying about his personal life.
Maybe, but the point was that there was a LEGITIMATE REASON put forth as the basis for impeachment.

Lying to investigators, even about not-illegal matters is a real legal offense. Clinton commited gross misconduct by lying under oath.

There is thus far no basis for impeachment of Biden, so maybe before prognasticating one the OP should come up with something to impeach for.

Anyone who talks about a completely baseless impeachment just doesn't know wtf they are talking about politically or historically.
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Impeaching Biden is a great idea....except for the fact that Biden's replacement would be...
That's the beauty of Nancy's Legacy there is no limit we can impeach k bear
pand then Kevin McCarthy will be president
IF a Republican house impeaches Biden, it won't matter. Everyone will know that it's just an exercise in political hackery.

There's no way that the Senate will remove him from office.

Right because Pelosi's 2 impeachment were rooted in constitutional value and political purity
Clinton didnt deserve to get impeached for lying about his personal life. It was partisan bullshit. Thats why he got acquitted.
Trump didnt start a riot or whatever DNC rhetoric you copy/pasted. That was also partisan bullshit. Thats why he got acquitted.
There isnt anything to "refute" when discussing opinions. Do you understand what "refute" means? Jesus.
Good day dumbfuck.
First of all you have to have a trial to be acquitted second personal life ended in the Oval Office which belongs to the people
First of all you have to have a trial to be acquitted second personal life ended in the Oval Office which belongs to the people
Both of them are pieces of s*** Hillary for destroying Monica Lewinsky bill for going along with it Jeffrey Epstein as the man behind the curtain you got the idea
Both of them are pieces of s*** Hillary for destroying Monica Lewinsky bill for going along with it Jeffrey Epstein as the man behind the curtain you got the idea
I was especially proud of how Democrat women stood up for Monica
Biden should be investigated for using his crackhead son to influence peddle and for money laundering.
But everything they do is okay because the Press is complicit
all the shit they did they pointed it at Trump who didn't do anything !
if I can actually fit starting with the payoff stopping investigation in Russia..

Its all fine as long as u r a democrat drone.
Dummy, what are you going to impeach FOR?

Republicans admitted that Trump was culpable in the charges against him and obviously did try to extort Ukraine to criminally implicate Biden. Government Accountability Office ruled that Administration illegally withheld millitary aid to Ukraine.

There was real basis.
Thank you yes that is the beauty of Pelosi's plan you don't have to have a reason that makes it more fun
Your source for the article has to use a free web site. They don't even have the money for their own website!

It's fake news.
Websites cost near nothing to maintain.
Benjamin Franklin for instance, didn't have his own website

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