Biden in SOTU: "we need to secure the border."

That is why Biden tied securing the border with a path towards citizenship


He was only stating this Immigration issue at his SOTU, because he wanted to "look good" to the American people. He is all for Amnesty to anyone and everyone that "invades" our borders. He just wants votes for the upcoming Election in 2024. He has two years to get as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible, so they can vote (illegally). He could care less afterwards. If he losses the 2024, he will just blame the loss on someone else (that is what Democrats do best). That "someone" will most likely be the President-Elect and the flow of illegal immigrants that didn't vote for him.

He flip flops on so many issues, it's no wonder why other countries have made the United States a laughing stock. It's like watching a very, very bad comedy sketch unfold before your eyes daily. He's a complete joke to the American people and to the rest of the world.
Only way that makes sense

With over 15 million undocumented, it is better to offer them temporary work visas, let them earn a fair wage and pay taxes

Rounding up and deporting 15 million is not going to happen

How about your defend your border from illegal entry and low skilled workers and THEN deal with the issue of those in your country illegally?

Why in the hell would you still allow more to illegally enter and weaken Americas global influence while trying to determine what to do with the many millions already there?

Furthermore, does ANYONE trust that suddenly dealing with these would lead to say, building a wall and preventing more illegals from entering? I highly doubt even some of the incompetent GOP would believe that. Reagan was burned on that fallacy.
I have crossed into Mexico many times
You just walk through a revolving gate and nobody stops you except those guys trying to sell you shit

I have too many of times....especially across El Paso, Texas and along the Rio Grande River. But I have done it legally. I have not crossed the river. I have taken pictures back when there was even internet. I have pictures somewhere on kodak disposable cameras.
There's only one way to truly secure the border. Build the border wall from Corpus Christi to San Diego. Build guard towers along the wall and staff them with military sharpshooters.

Biden won't do that.
You left off the rest of what Biden said about the border and immigration

Provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, those on temporary status, farm workers, and essential workers.

“Revise our laws so businesses have the workers they need and families don’t wait decades to reunite.

“It’s not only the right thing to do—it’s the economically smart thing to do.

“That’s why immigration reform is supported by everyone from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Let’s get it done once and for all.”
we have heard all this before by various people......
What Bite-Me said is true. We do need to secure the border. But it's all for show. He wants the world know "he will do something (about it). But he has been in office for over a year now, what has he done so far - in regards to the border?

During Biden's first 100 Days in Office, this is what he did for Immigration.


Biden has signed several executive actions taking aim at Trump's hardline immigration policies, including reversing the former President's travel ban targeting largely Muslim countries and fortifying the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program after Trump's efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children.
Biden created a task force focused on identifying and reuniting migrant families separated at the US-Mexico border as a result of Trump's controversial "zero tolerance" policy, and he revoked a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now that the Covid mess is nearly over, this is not about "Securing the Border".
During Biden's first 100 Days in Office, this is what he did for Immigration.


Biden has signed several executive actions taking aim at Trump's hardline immigration policies, including reversing the former President's travel ban targeting largely Muslim countries and fortifying the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program after Trump's efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children.
Biden created a task force focused on identifying and reuniting migrant families separated at the US-Mexico border as a result of Trump's controversial "zero tolerance" policy, and he revoked a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now that the Covid mess is nearly over, this is not about "Securing the Border".

No, I think it's more of a case of "now that Russia has shown that they want a return of their old Eastern Bloc nations, America has to start getting serious about their own situation".

I said that if Trump lost we would see a massive shift in global influence. So many policies in the West (not just America btw) have seen absurd on their face. Continuing them would assure that America is just "another country" of many, when we need America to be a global leader.

As I said, in the past there were no doubts about Americas position and Europe followed suit. This current war, the most serious in Europe since WWII has exposed how fragile Americas position is.

I'm sure to the shock of many so-called experts and career politicians (I was going to post some confused comments from Hill and Vindman, both prevalent in the Trump impeachment) to illustrate just how suprised they are about the failures of the West in dealing with Russia but thought otherwise. Then are too loyal to the failures of their cults to have expected they would otherwise have clarity.
No, I think it's more of a case of "now that Russia has shown that they want a return of their old Eastern Bloc nations, America has to start getting serious about their own situation".

I said that if Trump lost we would see a massive shift in global influence. So many policies in the West (not just America btw) have seen absurd on their face. Continuing them would assure that America is just "another country" of many, when we need America to be a global leader.

As I said, in the past there were no doubts about Americas position and Europe followed suit. This current war, the most serious in Europe since WWII has exposed how fragile Americas position is.

I'm sure to the shock of many so-called experts and career politicians (I was going to post some confused comments from Hill and Vindman, both prevalent in the Trump impeachment) to illustrate just how suprised they are about the failures of the West in dealing with Russia but thought otherwise. Then are too loyal to the failures of their cults to have expected they would otherwise have clarity.

That is very true!
I was only pointing out that when Bite-Me was mentioning about "Securing the Borders" last night at his SOTU, I believe he either forgot what he did during his 100 Days in Office. Or he is just flip-flopping on the issue.
Secure the border first, THEN we'll talk about a pathway to citizenship. Not the other way around, and not at the same time either.
The border will never be secure enough to satisfy Conservatives
You left off the rest of what Biden said about the border and immigration

Provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, those on temporary status, farm workers, and essential workers.

“Revise our laws so businesses have the workers they need and families don’t wait decades to reunite.

“It’s not only the right thing to do—it’s the economically smart thing to do.

“That’s why immigration reform is supported by everyone from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Let’s get it done once and for all.”
When our government completes a Banana Republic finality, what are you going to say? We have already seen its power in enforcing totalitarian laws it has made on the people or not enforcing laws. And there are law enforcement people who are sadistic, power hungry, inept and incompetent that are sadly part of the people who are good at their profession.
All countries control their border crossings.
No country on the planet allows as much illegal border crossings as America.
There is nothing racist about secure borders.
Someone needs to ask Biden when he is going to resume building the border wall and deporting illegal aliens.
Apparently, you haven't been following the refugee migration out of Ukraine to Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc. These countries have opened their borders and welcomed the refugees by providing food and shelter to them in this dire hour. No questions asked and no paperwork needed.

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