Biden In the 2nd Debate Knocked It Out Of The Park!

Vice-President Biden knocked it out of the park in the second debate he not only showed that he is prepared to take on and defeat Donald Trump but that he has the wherewithal to be an outstanding President! On the health insurance part of the debate he really demonstrated that he is a strong advocate for a prudent course! The cost of the Medicare-For-All program is the issue,it is where the ball is, it matters as much as words can articulate. Vice-President Biden's continually bringing the conversation back to the three trillion dollar per year price tag of Medicare-For-All was spot on the American voter needs to understand this danger crystal clearly. As a citizens that recognizes that the current system isn't coming through for people the way it should and has followed this problem long-term and tries to be realistic about improving the system, I offer the following assessment of Vice-President Biden's health care policy. It is a promising idea but Biden and all the government option candidates (the Medicare-For-All candidates have no hope at avoiding slaughter at the polls) have one serious problem that critics will legitimately argue that the government option is Medicare-For-All phased in because the government option sets the price it will pay providers and sets it at Medicare rates which don't cover hospital and health care providers expenses so these providers will have to charge private health insurance companies more so these insurance companies will not be able to compete and will leave the individual and group (employer) market and so the only thing left will be the government option which will essentially be Medicare-for-all which will produce a lower quality health care system long-term because providers will go out of business and have to cut back services as a result of the low Medicare reimbursements and financial life-line grants won't change this outcome. To avoid this fatal criticism Vice-President Biden should say his plan will reimburse providers at a default rate of one-hundred and twenty percent of Medicare rates and the providers can get reimbursed at a higher rate as long as it is the lowest rate they charge private insurers and it is no more than one-hundred and seventy-five percent of the Medicare rate. This should give private insurance companies a fair chance to compete and placate the American consumers looking for choice.

Vice-President Biden's plan is good in so far as the government option plan will have a deductible of a thousand dollars and cap your premium and co-pays at eight and a half percent of income. But Donald Trump and his allies in the general election are going to beat Democrat candidate Biden black and blue over the $750 billion per year price tag of his plan, they will likely claim that that is as much as the entire military budget of the United States taxes will have to go up on the middle class to pay for this that is poison on voter support for a Biden campaign. The only information I have on VP Biden's plan is what was said in the debate so if I got my facts wrong I apologize. As a cost reduction move why doesn't he do the following. Vice-President Biden seemed to say in the Debate that all Medicaid eligible Americans can just sign up for the government option. Because of their income level these enrollees will pay nothing or almost nothing for the services they use and leaders in their communities will realize that the federal government will be picking up the entirety of the tab for the services they utilize unlike Medicaid where the state has to pay ten percent of the cost so these leaders to bring revenue to their communities will be stoking the use of health care services by these enrollees and running up big bills on the government option program. VP Biden should just amend his plan keep the ACA system of expanded Medicaid just mandate that the twelve Republican states that have not joined the expanded Medicaid program are forced to expand and cover the millions of America which today have no health insurance.

One thing that I thought was a real cheap shot in the debate was during the debate on health insurance plans Senator Kamala Harris criticized Vice-President Biden's plan by bringing in the cost of the Pharmaceutical Industry on America's Healthcare system. Everyone knows that the Pharmaceutical Industry is a despicable greedy industry that is financially abusing the American people at levels never seen but that is not the issue the discussion was on health insurance. Senator Harris criticism that the Pharmaceutical Industry in conjunction with the Health Insurance Industry cost $72 billion dollars a year is really slimy underhanded attack on the health insurance industry, the ACA did an outstanding job in protecting the American people from financial abuse from the health insurance industry with the law's mandate of a medical loss ratio where health insurance companies are required to spend eighty percent of the premium money they take in on paying medical claims. On this serious issue for America, the American people don't need Presidential candidates to create phony scapegoats like the reasonable administrative expense Health Insurance companies get on health insurance. One minor but important point that has been ignored in the public debate on this condemnation of Vice-President Biden over his support for the crime bill when he was a Senator was the fact of how harmful crack cocaine was compared to simple cocaine and it was an understandable effort of the Law to try to fight this harm. Crack cocaine was much more addictive than regular cocaine and there was a lot of people hooked on this worse drug at the time and crack cocaine had some very devastating consequences many babies born to mothers addicted to crack cocaine had serious physical abnormalities, a smaller head and other problems it was really an alarming illegal substance that good Americans rightfully wanted to see stopped! Last point as a manner of approaching a debate as a debater I would not look at the candidate criticizing me or who I was responding to criticism from, outside of a glance at the person to let them know I was speaking to them or listening to them because it would seem to me to be too distracting that it would throw off ones concentration plus your speaking to the crowd and the American people so look at them they are the ones your trying to persuade to your views!

Joe is a likable guy, but he's too old and frail to be prez.
Many times he had the look of a deer looking in the headlights.
He drove me nuts with his "the fact of the matter", he must of said it at least a couple dozen times. Oh and Joe30330? :disbelief:
He is stuck in the past and is not ready to move forward.
At this point of the game, there is not one candidate for prez that I could vote for and yes, that certainly includes Dotart Trump. Here we go again, no true presidential material running to lead our nation. Even though I don't agree with him on a some key issues, I'd vote for John Kasich in a heartbeat. Run John run!
He might get the nomination and it could be worse. He's not my first, second or third choice, he's somewhere in the middle of the pack for me. But I will vote for him in the general and have zero regrets.
If Joe was elected that'd be a big fucking deal.

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