Biden Inauguration

Is donny duty bound to attend this or can he just give it a miss ?

I accept that it will be cold and maybe wet or snowing. Maybe best if the old fella stays away.

Whats the protocol on this ?
You noticed he wasn't invited to, or didn't attend others' funerals. I doubt Trump would attend. At least without kicking and screaming.

To be honest, I would expect kicking and screaming from both sides if that orange clown decided to show up.
If you did not mistreat approximately half the population Trump would not be there. And you still have not learned. The whole media is designed to tear apart Republicans or to be more exact, Non Progressives. They can be Democrats. But their votes are used to promote socialism. Nothing has changed since the 2016 election. Its even worse. That socialism ends up with tens of millions of people playing the system. We already have tens of millions doing it now. People are smarter though. Progs compare it to the Northern Scandanavian nations. Who have some success. Yet they hate white people. However their brand of socialism is a bit different. And the taxes were in one of them over 70% some years ago with people on the dole living better then workers. There supposedly changes made. Either way, they are much more civil then we are.
Is donny duty bound to attend this or can he just give it a miss ?

I accept that it will be cold and maybe wet or snowing. Maybe best if the old fella stays away.

Whats the protocol on this ?
You noticed he wasn't invited to, or didn't attend others' funerals. I doubt Trump would attend. At least without kicking and screaming.

To be honest, I would expect kicking and screaming from both sides if that orange clown decided to show up.
If you did not mistreat approximately half the population Trump would not be there. And you still have not learned. The whole media is designed to tear apart Republicans or to be more exact, Non Progressives. They can be Democrats. But their votes are used to promote socialism. Nothing has changed since the 2016 election. Its even worse. That socialism ends up with tens of millions of people playing the system. We already have tens of millions doing it now. People are smarter though. Progs compare it to the Northern Scandanavian nations. Who have some success. Yet they hate white people. However their brand of socialism is a bit different. And the taxes were in one of them over 70% some years ago with people on the dole living better then workers. There supposedly changes made. Either way, they are much more civil then we are.

Do you really believe all that crap? Really?
I don't recall G.W. being at BHO's inauguration or BHO being at DJT's inauguration.
I think they are at the swearing in
A transfer of power

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I agree with other posters who feel that the Honorable Donald J. Trump will decline to attend the inauguration of President-elect Biden.

He knows that his presence would cause an uproar from the crowd, for a lot of Dems are less than polite and cultured people.

What if Biden isn't the nominee?
What if Trump is not the nominee?
Trump says he will attend the Biden Inauguration as long as he is not expected to drink water or walk down a ramp.

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