Biden is a is the entire leadership of the democrat party....

Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
I was never asked… since your asking now I’ll say that the obvious solutions to racism are in education and the public promotion of accepting others and awareness/accountability for offenders
i’ve asked you repeatedly in this thread...and i agree that’s all that’s needed to help end racism

i think the issue discussed though was this idea if systemic racism
Systemic racism was not used once in my discussion here. The question was asked by Mac to see an example of actual racism and I pointed out a few. He doesn’t think they are a problem
education is important not the best way to end racism is to stop giving racist a voice. Stop talking about race. It shouldn’t be an issue
It’s shouldn’t be but it is, right?
sadly yes...all the time by the propagandist looking to keep it alive and well
Do you think it’s all propaganda and there’s no real racism going on?
not at all i am sure there are racist out fact i know they are
Agreed. Do you see that as a problem?
only when they are given a mic and voice
So what would your solution to that problem be?
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
I was never asked… since your asking now I’ll say that the obvious solutions to racism are in education and the public promotion of accepting others and awareness/accountability for offenders
i’ve asked you repeatedly in this thread...and i agree that’s all that’s needed to help end racism

i think the issue discussed though was this idea if systemic racism
Systemic racism was not used once in my discussion here. The question was asked by Mac to see an example of actual racism and I pointed out a few. He doesn’t think they are a problem
education is important not the best way to end racism is to stop giving racist a voice. Stop talking about race. It shouldn’t be an issue
It’s shouldn’t be but it is, right?
sadly yes...all the time by the propagandist looking to keep it alive and well
Do you think it’s all propaganda and there’s no real racism going on?
not at all i am sure there are racist out fact i know they are
Agreed. Do you see that as a problem?
only when they are given a mic and voice
So what would your solution to that problem be?
stop talking about race. Race shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t. Start talking about people

stop giving loan forgiveness to black farmers, stop giving quotas for job interviews, stop treating people of color as anything other then people
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
I was never asked… since your asking now I’ll say that the obvious solutions to racism are in education and the public promotion of accepting others and awareness/accountability for offenders
i’ve asked you repeatedly in this thread...and i agree that’s all that’s needed to help end racism

i think the issue discussed though was this idea if systemic racism
Systemic racism was not used once in my discussion here. The question was asked by Mac to see an example of actual racism and I pointed out a few. He doesn’t think they are a problem
education is important not the best way to end racism is to stop giving racist a voice. Stop talking about race. It shouldn’t be an issue
It’s shouldn’t be but it is, right?
sadly yes...all the time by the propagandist looking to keep it alive and well
Do you think it’s all propaganda and there’s no real racism going on?
not at all i am sure there are racist out fact i know they are
Agreed. Do you see that as a problem?
only when they are given a mic and voice
So what would your solution to that problem be?
stop talking about race. Race shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t. Start talking about people

stop giving loan forgiveness to black farmers, stop giving quotas for job interviews, stop treating people of color as anything other then people
You think cutting off aid and assistance to blacks is going to get people to stop talking about race and reduce racism? Really?
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
I was never asked… since your asking now I’ll say that the obvious solutions to racism are in education and the public promotion of accepting others and awareness/accountability for offenders
i’ve asked you repeatedly in this thread...and i agree that’s all that’s needed to help end racism

i think the issue discussed though was this idea if systemic racism
Systemic racism was not used once in my discussion here. The question was asked by Mac to see an example of actual racism and I pointed out a few. He doesn’t think they are a problem
education is important not the best way to end racism is to stop giving racist a voice. Stop talking about race. It shouldn’t be an issue
It’s shouldn’t be but it is, right?
sadly yes...all the time by the propagandist looking to keep it alive and well
Do you think it’s all propaganda and there’s no real racism going on?
not at all i am sure there are racist out fact i know they are
Agreed. Do you see that as a problem?
only when they are given a mic and voice
So what would your solution to that problem be?
stop talking about race. Race shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t. Start talking about people

stop giving loan forgiveness to black farmers, stop giving quotas for job interviews, stop treating people of color as anything other then people
You think cutting off aid and assistance to blacks is going to get people to stop talking about race and reduce racism? Really?
sure it would help. You don’t have to cut off aid if everyone is entitled to it

you end racism by not being racist
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
I was never asked… since your asking now I’ll say that the obvious solutions to racism are in education and the public promotion of accepting others and awareness/accountability for offenders
i’ve asked you repeatedly in this thread...and i agree that’s all that’s needed to help end racism

i think the issue discussed though was this idea if systemic racism
Systemic racism was not used once in my discussion here. The question was asked by Mac to see an example of actual racism and I pointed out a few. He doesn’t think they are a problem
education is important not the best way to end racism is to stop giving racist a voice. Stop talking about race. It shouldn’t be an issue
It’s shouldn’t be but it is, right?
sadly yes...all the time by the propagandist looking to keep it alive and well
Do you think it’s all propaganda and there’s no real racism going on?
not at all i am sure there are racist out fact i know they are
Agreed. Do you see that as a problem?
only when they are given a mic and voice
So what would your solution to that problem be?
stop talking about race. Race shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t. Start talking about people

stop giving loan forgiveness to black farmers, stop giving quotas for job interviews, stop treating people of color as anything other then people
You think cutting off aid and assistance to blacks is going to get people to stop talking about race and reduce racism? Really?
sure it would help. You don’t have to cut off aid if everyone is entitled to it

you end racism by not being racist
Is that the primary problem you see propelling and expressing racism in this country? Government aid to black people? Am I understanding you correctly
Humans have been on earth for about 300,000 years. There has been prejudice and discrimination for 300,000 years. If we're around for another 300,000 years, we will have -prejudice and discrimination for another 300,000.

What's more, IT DOES NOT MATTER. It is NOT what is in your heart, it is what you DO.

The vast majority of people are raised around people much like themselves. That is who we grow up to trust and to confide in. We will naturally trust folks like ourselves more quickly than others.

As an example, try this. The next time you stand up, quickly fold your arms in front of yourself in the usual defensive pose. Then, quickly, reverse your arms. If the left arm is on top, quickly reverse and put your right arm on top.

Awkward isn't it? It might take you a second to even make the change. Once you recognize these differences and accept them, your life will become a lot easier.
You think cutting off aid and assistance to blacks is going to get people to stop talking about race and reduce racism? Really?
Talk all you want but stop discriminating against whites when handing out gov subsidies
Why did you exclude white racism from your list and only point at blacks?
Because blacks are tje worst offenders today
I’m sure you believe that but why completely ignore and deny the other side?
I do believe it and thats what I said

Then you piped up with WhatAnoutism

So both sides are represented
I piped in because you asked for an account of real racism in this country and I pointed to some obvious examples. Its been pages and you have been fighting back against the notion that there is racism in this country and you've pivoted not to point to blacks and not acknowledge whites. This is getting really boring. Are you proud of the stance you're taking on this issue? Its disgraceful
You think cutting off aid and assistance to blacks is going to get people to stop talking about race and reduce racism? Really?
Talk all you want but stop discriminating against whites when handing out gov subsidies
Its not discrimination if it is justified as we determined with the disaster aid or you can just look up the definition of the word in a dictionary
Why did you exclude white racism from your list and only point at blacks?
Because blacks are tje worst offenders today
I’m sure you believe that but why completely ignore and deny the other side?
I do believe it and thats what I said

Then you piped up with WhatAnoutism

So both sides are represented
I piped in because you asked for an account of real racism in this country and I pointed to some obvious examples. Its been pages and you have been fighting back against the notion that there is racism in this country and you've pivoted not to point to blacks and not acknowledge whites. This is getting really boring. Are you proud of the stance you're taking on this issue? Its disgraceful
I am criticizing blacks because they deserve it and because libs never will
Its not discrimination if it is justified as we determined with the disaster aid or you can just look up the definition of the word in a dictionary
It is discrimination when gov gives money to blacks but not whites when both are otherwise eligible
Why did you exclude white racism from your list and only point at blacks?
Because blacks are tje worst offenders today
I’m sure you believe that but why completely ignore and deny the other side?
I do believe it and thats what I said

Then you piped up with WhatAnoutism

So both sides are represented
I piped in because you asked for an account of real racism in this country and I pointed to some obvious examples. Its been pages and you have been fighting back against the notion that there is racism in this country and you've pivoted not to point to blacks and not acknowledge whites. This is getting really boring. Are you proud of the stance you're taking on this issue? Its disgraceful
I am criticizing blacks because they deserve it and because libs never will
Oh wow, well it sounds like you are standing up for the white man being a damn savior. Good work douche bag you make all the assholes proud
wow, well it sounds like you are standing up for the white man being a damn savior. Good work douche bag you make all the assholes proud
If you think black people are above criticism then either you have lived a sheltered life you dont live on America
wow, well it sounds like you are standing up for the white man being a damn savior. Good work douche bag you make all the assholes proud
If you think black people are above criticism then either you have lived a sheltered life you dont live on America
I didn’t say they were above racism. But like with many other situations those holding power bear a greater responsibility for their actions. Black crime and racism are issues as well but you don’t get to ignore the topic of white racism to point at blacks. That’s weak

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