Biden is a is the entire leadership of the democrat party....

If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.

Not true.

In 2008, McCain pulled 4% of the black vote

In 2012, Kerry pulled 6% of the black vote

In 2016, Trump pulled 8% of the black vote

In 2020, Trump pulled 12% of the black vote

Do you notice a trend?

Assuming your figures are evidenced, why did those Republican lovi g blacks help to vote him out.
He is a racist and approved of any right wing extremists that offered to help.
It's too late to blame Biden for it when you complain about blacks rioting against republicans and trump. Do tell me they were on trumps side after inflaming the tension. Grow up.
Xiden is a racist POS....he fought to keep Jim Crow segratation in schools....ask Kamel Harris.

If you say so but your an ignorant hate filled ratbag Republican. Ask kamala
If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.

Not true.

In 2008, McCain pulled 4% of the black vote

In 2012, Kerry pulled 6% of the black vote

In 2016, Trump pulled 8% of the black vote

In 2020, Trump pulled 12% of the black vote

Do you notice a trend?

Assuming your figures are evidenced, why did those Republican lovi g blacks help to vote him out.
He is a racist and approved of any right wing extremists that offered to help.
It's too late to blame Biden for it when you complain about blacks rioting against republicans and trump. Do tell me they were on trumps side after inflaming the tension. Grow up.
Xiden is a racist POS....he fought to keep Jim Crow segratation in schools....ask Kamel Harris.

If you say so but your an ignorant hate filled ratbag Republican. Ask kamala
oh I might be ignorant on somethings...I don't pretend to know it all....if that were the case I'd be a dembot...

but I certainly have no hate in my heart. I love everyone...even the racist like Xiden...I hope he finds the evil in his heart is wrong, and he finds the light...same for all the lost souls that follow blindly their Dear Leader Chairman Xiden
2aguy said:

Biden is a is the entire leadership of the democrat party....

It is an incredibly diverse, multi-racial enclave of racists, that only some very bitter deviants in the white man's party recognize, comparable to a revelation that most nazis were Jewish.

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 8.29.28 AM.png

BLM? Gender equality advocates? Rainbow coalition? Maybe all three!
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I love it when White people tell us who racists are. Especially those on the right.
So according to you a white person cannot tell who racists are.

Very racist of you.
Dumbass, white people don't live it & certain fools, like you, can't see just how racist they really are.

Dumbass, you're the only racist I see here, and shouting, "No, YOU are!!!" won't change that.
True. Most of you racist fucks have your racism, so inbred, there is no hope of changing you.
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
Haha, why in the world would you ask that captain random?!. I’ve said nothing of the sort.
You imagine what privilage and systemic racism

Surely you must have remedy in mind

And the one that libs always offer is quotas
No point in talking about remedies if you can’t acknowledge that there is even a problem, right?
if there is no fix. it’s not a problem
What’s not a problem?
whatever you can’t find a solution for
True which is why there’s no point in talking about solutions to a problem that Mac won’t acknowledge
there is no problem if there is no solution.
It’s subjective. What some consider a solution others don’t. What some
Consider a problem others don’t. That’s the nature of politics
but you don’t have a solution...o
How do you know?
bexause you haven’t offered one
So what?
so there is no problem...hence why you apparently don't have a solution
Whatever you say bucko
It's not me to say....I am open ears to any solution you have to offer and would love a constructive discussion.....but you haven't offered anything
If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.

Not true.

In 2008, McCain pulled 4% of the black vote

In 2012, Kerry pulled 6% of the black vote

In 2016, Trump pulled 8% of the black vote

In 2020, Trump pulled 12% of the black vote

Do you notice a trend?

Assuming your figures are evidenced, why did those Republican lovi g blacks help to vote him out.
He is a racist and approved of any right wing extremists that offered to help.
It's too late to blame Biden for it when you complain about blacks rioting against republicans and trump. Do tell me they were on trumps side after inflaming the tension. Grow up.
Xiden is a racist POS....he fought to keep Jim Crow segratation in schools....ask Kamel Harris.
Lying fuck. Biden was against busing because of thye method. You assfucks do nothing but lie. just like your orange hero.
If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.

Not true.

In 2008, McCain pulled 4% of the black vote

In 2012, Kerry pulled 6% of the black vote

In 2016, Trump pulled 8% of the black vote

In 2020, Trump pulled 12% of the black vote

Do you notice a trend?

Assuming your figures are evidenced, why did those Republican lovi g blacks help to vote him out.
He is a racist and approved of any right wing extremists that offered to help.
It's too late to blame Biden for it when you complain about blacks rioting against republicans and trump. Do tell me they were on trumps side after inflaming the tension. Grow up.
Xiden is a racist POS....he fought to keep Jim Crow segratation in schools....ask Kamel Harris.
Lying fuck. Biden was against busing because of thye method. You assfucks do nothing but lie. just like your orange hero.
he didn’t want his kids raised ina racial jungle
If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.

Not true.

In 2008, McCain pulled 4% of the black vote

In 2012, Kerry pulled 6% of the black vote

In 2016, Trump pulled 8% of the black vote

In 2020, Trump pulled 12% of the black vote

Do you notice a trend?

Assuming your figures are evidenced, why did those Republican lovi g blacks help to vote him out.
He is a racist and approved of any right wing extremists that offered to help.
It's too late to blame Biden for it when you complain about blacks rioting against republicans and trump. Do tell me they were on trumps side after inflaming the tension. Grow up.

Wow, that information sure knocked the wind out of your sails.

We don't really know that they did, do we?

As you know, it is the far-left, BLM, and Antifa that are destroying their own cities, minority businesses, jobs, murdering people, and occupying entire sections of cities.

Which cities and states are recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic the quickest?

As for Donald Trump being a racist. You're just being silly.

Last edited:
He is intent on pitting races against each other.
The question is "Why".

If you are suggesting the nation is divided because of him, you'll find the divide began trump was elected with his classic fascist picked.
The hatred is and was always there but the republicans needed a justifiable reason to stir it up and trump provided it.
BLM started under Obama's reign.
Thats when the cancer spread.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I love it when White people tell us who racists are. Especially those on the right.
So according to you a white person cannot tell who racists are.

Very racist of you.
Dumbass, white people don't live it & certain fools, like you, can't see just how racist they really are.

Dumbass, you're the only racist I see here, and shouting, "No, YOU are!!!" won't change that.
True. Most of you racist fucks have your racism, so inbred, there is no hope of changing you.

God knows, your ignorance was permanent at the moment of your catastrophic brain injury.

Feel free to keep shouting, "Racist!!" in the hopes that your opinion will magically start to matter. I can not give a shit all day.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
I know, right?

The poor white man can't catch a break in America.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
I know, right?

The poor white man can't catch a break in America.

Do you have or know either a lawyer or accountant? I'm calling BS if you say yes, that's like saying you're clean AND articulate

Can't imagine clean, articulate and know an accountant and lawyer
Blacks keep voting for democrats, so they apparently don't know that the democrat party, founded by slave owners, members who started the kkk, who started the Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, who kept black children out of good public schools who now trap them in horrible, democrat party controlled schools, who started the black codes and jim crow, and who fought the Civil Rights movement with lynchings....

They apparently don't know who the racist party is...they keep voting for it.
What this racist son-of-a-bitch is saying is that blacks are just too stupid for their own good.
Do you have or know either a lawyer or accountant? I'm calling BS if you say yes, that's like saying you're clean AND articulate

Can't imagine clean, articulate and know an accountant and lawyer
Not only do I know both, they're in my friends and family circle.
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
I disagree, black folks still know racist when they see or hear them.
The word takes two forms now: First is the real racism that obviously still exists, second is people screaming RACISM as a weapon, whether or not actual racism is present, diluting the word.

I take the word seriously and literally. Now it means nothing. That's a tragedy to me.
That's how I feel about Marxism and communism.

Socialism is a good word.

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