Biden is basically silent and weak on China's threats against the Speaker of the House !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?
I wonder what he talked about with Xi when they trekked through the foothills of the Himalayas
It is quite likely Joe Biden is being blackmailed by Xi Jinping who likely has concrete evidence of how Hunter Biden sold Joe’s influence and the promises made.

Of course Xi might also have some embarrassing tapes of Hunter in action.

I suspect Biden is Xi’s puppet.



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Its not weakness, its treachery, I told you fuckers Biden and the fascist democrats would never, ever come to the aid of Taiwan against China, and that is written in stone! The whole point of the treason against Trump and the American people in the 2020 election was to get the United States permanently out of China's way, folks just do not pay attention.

The whole point to the Afghanistan debacle was to utterly humiliate the United States, and simultaneously fracture the Nato alliance, to weaken it. Who would that benefit, well what nation always benefits from Biden's actions, and what nation always never benefits from them?

Are you even paying attention? Currently the psychopath drains the nations strategic oil reserves, and is selling them off in at least part, to fucking China, there is no production, its all going out, nothing in, do you fucking get it now, open your fucking eyes and just look!!! :wink:
our foreign policy is being directed by the CCP
Yes, and they and the billionaires cheated Biden into office, the FBI, the nations premiere domestic intelligence/counter-intelligence agency, is very obviously totally penetrated by communist China, only abject morons would deny that, if folk were paying attention as they should have been the tip off to that was DIA refusing to clue FBI & CIA in to their having secured the highest ranking defection from within the CCP in nations history just one year ago, they flatly stated their belief that the Chinese had penetrated both FBI and CIA, along with other agencies, probably NSA!

Biden is a traitor to the nation, but so to is Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mitch Mcconnell, John Kerry, the Clintons, Obama's, Bush family, all of them! You do not rehabilitate traitors like Biden, you kill them before they kill you, and make no mistake, Biden is killing us, it knows exactly what it is doing, why if China launches nukes, I definitely see Biden refusing to counter launch, absolutely refusing to turn on his masters...
Yes, and they and the billionaires cheated Biden into office, the FBI, the nations premiere domestic intelligence/counter-intelligence agency, is very obviously totally penetrated by communist China, only abject morons would deny that, if folk were paying attention as they should have been the tip off to that was DIA refusing to clue FBI & CIA in to their having secured the highest ranking defection from within the CCP in nations history just one year ago, they flatly stated their belief that the Chinese had penetrated both FBI and CIA, along with other agencies, probably NSA!

Biden is a traitor to the nation, but so to is Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mitch Mcconnell, John Kerry, the Clintons, Obama's, Bush family, all of them! You do not rehabilitate traitors like Biden, you kill them before they kill you, and make no mistake, Biden is killing us, it knows exactly what it is doing, why if China launches nukes, I definitely see Biden refusing to counter launch, absolutely refusing to turn on his masters...

It all began with Øbama.
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?

You need more drama.
It will be pretty interesting whether Pelosi backs down or not.

I am guessing she will never show up in Taiwan.

People: are we all remembering that Taiwan stands EXACTLY in the same relation to China as Cuba does to us? I well remember being extremely afraid and upset the night we were about to go into WWIII because of Cuba, so I am not interested in going to war over someone else's Cuba!!

Choose your battles. This is not it.
It all began with Øbama.
Nope, the Bush family kicked off the festivities, GHB specifically, then Bill Clinton arrived, you might recall that it was Clinton who sold CCP the most highly verboten computer tech on earth in exchange for enriching himself, it was the greatest act of treason in human history at the time as it allowed a regional Chinese power to ascend the ladder to near super-power status, it allowed them to target with same exact precision we can their cities, American cities with their ICBM's!

GWB followed Clinton, and presided over much loosening of trade restrictions and regulations, and of course launch two wars, one totally fraudulent, the other made fraudulent by their flat refusal to win it when they had the chance to win it(within a year of being in Afghanistan), what Obama did was preside over the wholesale sell out of America by the industrialists America had made great & mighty, they paid America and Americans back by packing up shop and decamping to mainland China, currently all of them remain in China, and thus are for all practical purpose now Chinese companies....

It was the Bush family who engineered the sell out under guise of a "new world order," the rest is pretty much as it appears....
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It will be pretty interesting whether Pelosi backs down or not.

I am guessing she will never show up in Taiwan.

People: are we all remembering that Taiwan stands EXACTLY in the same relation to China as Cuba does to us? I well remember being extremely afraid and upset the night we were about to go into WWIII because of Cuba, so I am not interested in going to war over someone else's Cuba!!

Choose your battles. This is not it.
The difference is the Taiwan people are brothers to the Chinese mainland population. North and South Korea need to be dealt with at some point.
It will be pretty interesting whether Pelosi backs down or not.

I am guessing she will never show up in Taiwan.

People: are we all remembering that Taiwan stands EXACTLY in the same relation to China as Cuba does to us? I well remember being extremely afraid and upset the night we were about to go into WWIII because of Cuba, so I am not interested in going to war over someone else's Cuba!!

Choose your battles. This is not it.
should we send weapons to Taiwan ?

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