Biden is breaking the border on purpose — he wants mass amnesty


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

The backlog of pending cases in the nation’s immigration courts has hit 3 million, as millions of border migrants have been released into the United States to seek asylum in the past three years.

It’s a shocking figure, but just the latest example of the president’s efforts to break the immigration-enforcement system, likely to force a massive amnesty he has long sought

Sponge Brains Shits Pants doesn't even know what time it is.

It's the obama (the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis) people that are running things in DC right now.

Unelected government, unelected bureaucrats running things? This is not the Country I fought for.

Things need to change.
it is thiose
I bet they sponsor them also, right?
democrat registrars and sheriffs controlling the red agricultural counties of the border states who are escorting these shoeless criminals into the best first class hotels in barstow, guests of the democrat controlled agribusiness the area.

illegal voting has kept democrats in control of texas, florida, and the old south for decades, haven't they.

"follow the money." deep throat
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

Makes you wonder why tens of thousands are being apprehended if that were the case.
But I do like your asinine proclamation in the title. We have like 11M illegals here now...if he were going to call for a mass amnesty; he could have done it 15 days after the insurrection attempt when he took office.
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

I cannot say you are incorrect, but cannot prove you definitively correct. Still, the border and immigration policy is important enough to wish there were an alternative acceptable candidate on the Presidential ballot. That is why I am supporting Haley. Failing that to be the choice of the primaries, I will be forced to choose Joe again, as keeping the representative republic under the present constitution becomes the bigger issue.
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

100% accurate.

The US/MEXICO border is the only border on earth that in intentionally UNSECURE by the nation in charge of it.

I cannot say you are incorrect, but cannot prove you definitively correct. Still, the border and immigration policy is important enough to wish there were an alternative acceptable candidate on the Presidential ballot. That is why I am supporting Haley. Failing that to be the choice of the primaries, I will be forced to choose Joe again, as keeping the representative republic under the present constitution becomes the bigger issue.
I think that even if we nominated Nikki, you would still vote dimocrap.

Just the impression I get.
I think that even if we nominated Nikki, you would still vote dimocrap.

Just the impression I get.
Think what you like. I have vote Republican far more than Democrat since 1972. You guys are just pissed, I could never support your Orange Jesus, you support, no matter what he has said and done.
Think what you like. I have vote Republican far more than Democrat since 1972. You guys are just pissed, I could never support your Orange Jesus, you support, no matter what he has said and done.
I know you don't have time to get to know the preferences of every poster in here but, let me assure you -- I am NOT a Trump worshipper. I would really like to see DeSantis, my Governor, get the nomination.

I live in Florida and he has been nothing short of amazing. He fights the good fight, he refuses to let the Woke Mob run him over. When others run like frightened children from the DISGUSTING FILTH, he stands and fights.

I am not a Trump fan. Never have been. He is like the Andrew Dice Clay of politics. Fun for about ten minutes and quite tiring after that.

The one (1) and only thing I like about Trump -- He's not a dimocrap. And he doesn't like dimocraps.

Other than that, he's okay. At best. But he really, really, REALLY hates dimocraps now. His last term, he got along fairly well with dims. He was a democrat his whole life before running for POTUS, he was forced to work with them in New Yawk. A lot. He got along with them, he donated to them, he went to their phony-baloney fund raisers.

Then the bastard child of Frank Marshall Davis insulted him in Public. Not a smart move. Insulting a Multi-Billionaire is not real intelligent. So he ran for his Office. And won.

Nobody expected him to win. Not even he expected to win. And he was totally unprepared for it.

It showed, too.

But he is prepared to win now. He's got a crew these days. People ready and able to move in and take charge.

And if dimocraps prevent him from winning by cheating and trickeration, there will be Hell to pay.

You can believe that or you can snicker. But it WILL happen. And you're not gonna like it when it does.

What dimocraps are doing now is incredibly bad. Whether you hate Trump or not, dims are risking our Country's future to keep one (1) man out of office. A man who never really actually DID anything wrong. Just made-up shit. Bogeyman shit. Fear generated by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Best thing is -- If that's what the people want, if The People want a Trump presidency, give it to them. You won't like what happens if you don't.
Think what you like. I have vote Republican far more than Democrat since 1972. You guys are just pissed, I could never support your Orange Jesus, you support, no matter what he has said and done.
If you are really that old, like I am, then you should know that Biden and his handlers are a disaster-in-progress.

Trump's 4-years were much better. Give me a few non-TDS reasons why Biden is better.
If you are really that old, like I am, then you should know that Biden and his handlers are a disaster-in-progress.

Trump's 4-years were much better. Give me a few non-TDS reasons why Biden is better.
No president has been a disaster for me, ever. Probably not going to be. I lost 40% of my retirement savings, and a 22 year salary position, due to plant closing under Bush and even that was not a disaster for me, but much of that recovery was due to how I positioned my self prior to the crash.
Aside from the border, Joe really is not have much negative effect on me.
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

They are working tirelessly for the world economic forum. People in there like George soros fund them, he funds democrat politicians that get elected and then begin pushing for things like the open border and other agendas the wef has. Even some of our politicians like john Kerry are a direct part of the wef. Then you have wef members like Bill gates guiding things as well.

Two of their "predictions" are tied together. Western countries will have to take in poor people from poor countries, the other is America will no longer be a world super power. How do you help decline America from being a world super power? Fill it up with illegals. And you hamstring it with climate based rules and regulations, something they also talk about.

Another sign of this is that all the "predictions" they made all started coming true the very instant trump was out. Once trump was out suddenly our country started to change more rapidly than it ever had before. America has changed more under 2 years with the current administration than it has in 8 years under any other president. And none of the change has been for the better.

Don't forget, the world economic forum is literally a group of the elites elite that gather once a year in Davos to decide what they will do with the world.

Think what you like. I have vote Republican far more than Democrat since 1972. You guys are just pissed, I could never support your Orange Jesus, you support, no matter what he has said and done.

No they are pissed because you're a shit poker. You are never the bigger man or mature enough to let things go. Like your post there, you couldn't just respond without getting a jab in and trying to insult someone.

Occasionally you actually have something worth reading, but even most of them have a dig in them at someone for no reason at all.

You're like a woman that instigates all the time and then goes on the offense as if your just an innocent babe in the woods when it rubs someone the wrong way. But you like it, that's why you do it.

If you hadn't donated your way into being a mod I'd have blocked you a long time ago.
They are working tirelessly for the world economic forum. People in there like George soros fund them, he funds democrat politicians that get elected and then begin pushing for things like the open border and other agendas the wef has. Even some of our politicians like john Kerry are a direct part of the wef. Then you have wef members like Bill gates guiding things as well.

Two of their "predictions" are tied together. Western countries will have to take in poor people from poor countries, the other is America will no longer be a world super power. How do you help decline America from being a world super power? Fill it up with illegals. And you hamstring it with climate based rules and regulations, something they also talk about.

Another sign of this is that all the "predictions" they made all started coming true the very instant trump was out. Once trump was out suddenly our country started to change more rapidly than it ever had before. America has changed more under 2 years with the current administration than it has in 8 years under any other president. And none of the change has been for the better.

Don't forget, the world economic forum is literally a group of the elites elite that gather once a year in Davos to decide what they will do with the world.

No they are pissed because you're a shit poker. You are never the bigger man or mature enough to let things go. Like your post there, you couldn't just respond without getting a jab in and trying to insult someone.

Occasionally you actually have something worth reading, but even most of them have a dig in them at someone for no reason at all.

You're like a woman that instigates all the time and then goes on the offense as if your just an innocent babe in the woods when it rubs someone the wrong way. But you like it, that's why you do it.

If you hadn't donated your way into being a mod I'd have blocked you a long time ago.

OH NO! I hurt your feelings on a political message board. You guys must wear your feelings on your sleeves. Try not to do anything rash today. I thought you more stable.
REMINDER: Democrats are working tirelessly to flood our country with the third-world. This is who YOU are voting for!

In Fourth Grade in Civics we were taught we had to "do something" for the world. He's "doing something" with other people's money.
No president has been a disaster for me, ever. Probably not going to be. I lost 40% of my retirement savings, and a 22 year salary position, due to plant closing under Bush and even that was not a disaster for me, but much of that recovery was due to how I positioned my self prior to the crash.
Aside from the border, Joe really is not have much negative effect on me.
Fair enough. Maybe you heard that SS will be insolvent in 2034, meaning we would only get 75% of promised SS unless SS is "fixed". Also, Medicare is going bankrupt in 2028, which means that if we need to buy healthcare insurance after we paid into Medicare we are toast.
Joe is only a figurehead, he is not a real president. Besides, he's wayyyyyyyy to old for a 2nd term.
I don't like Trump personally, as General Kelly said "he is a very flawed man". But he ran the country better than most.
Fair enough. Maybe you heard that SS will be insolvent in 2034, meaning we would only get 75% of promised SS unless SS is "fixed". Also, Medicare is going bankrupt in 2028, which means that if we need to buy healthcare insurance after we paid into Medicare we are toast.
Joe is only a figurehead, he is not a real president. Besides, he's wayyyyyyyy to old for a 2nd term.
I don't like Trump personally, as General Kelly said "he is a very flawed man". But he ran the country better than most.
They will not do a 25% reduction in SS in 2034. I am glad I can count on my military service for healthcare if necessary.
The only thing bothering me about Joe's age, is that Kamala would be elevated. That is a serious consideration.

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