Biden Is Happy To Be a Racist Who Sides with Slavery


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“But campaigning in Alabama in April [of 1987], Biden talked of his sympathy for the South; bragged of an award he had received from George Wallace in 1973 and said ‘we [Delawareans] were on the South’s side in the Civil War.”

One thing a lot of people don't realize is that Biden's ancestors were slave owners...
Imagine if that were Trump. Since Biden's a Democrat we'll hold him to a lessor standard, so crickets.
Actually what that means is that:
No.1 - At that time (before he sold out) he was NOT a globalist and was instead on the side of those fighting for the US Constitution.
And No.2 That he was not a communist. Since EVERYTHING having to do with "Civil Rights" can be traced back to Communist programs meant to dismantle the US.

Since all the proof for this statement has been removed from online (at least access to it) the only way ANYONE will know the truth is to go to the Library of Congress and get the documents and read the history for themselves. So if you want me to "prove it" with links, the best I can do is a very very good article written in 1954. I would encourage EVERYONE to take a trip to DC and research the Civil War, among other things. This article isn't about the Civil War though, it's about Communists and their ties to our institutions and their programs. If you want the link though I'll send it privately.

Communists get away with their propaganda and lies because they know that 99.9% of Americans WON'T ever question their narrative, will NEVER go seek the truth. That's actually pathetic and to be honest if Americans do NOT care enough about their nation to seek the TRUTH, then they do not deserve to have said nation. To date (to my knowledge) there have only been a couple of documents that have "come up missing" out of the LOC so the proof should still be there. However, I would not be surprised if enough Americans suddenly became interested to find many documents regarding our history to disappear. You see America is 100% under Communist control and HAS been for decades.

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