Biden is losing Saudi Arabia and destroying the US in the process

Nope. The Saudis weren't involved. They began sharing intelligence with the US very aggressively in 1998. The Saudis take a long view. They know what Trump is. They also knew they couldn't dissuade Bush from invading Iraq.

They know how to use a Bone Saw
When did the US ever have Saudi Arabia?

Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support - sources​

By Timothy Gardner, Steve Holland, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Rania El Gamal

WASHINGTON/LONDON/DUBAI (Reuters) - As the United States pressed Saudi Arabia to end its oil price war with Russia, President Donald Trump gave Saudi leaders an ultimatum.
The US and Saudi Arabia have had a close working relationship since 1945

but starting with jimmy carter democrats have systematically undermined our position in the Gulf region
The US and Saudi Arabia have had a close working relationship since 1945

but starting with jimmy carter democrats have systematically undermined our position in the Gulf region
Nice and close unless they are killing US citizens with plane attacks on 9/11 or we need them to increase or decrease oil production and not fight proxy wars in Yemen.
The US and Saudi Arabia have had a close working relationship since 1945

but starting with jimmy carter democrats have systematically undermined our position in the Gulf region
How many years did you spend in Saudi Arabia?
Does that mean Saudi Arabia ignores or disbelieves that Israel has nukes?

Also - is it a sign that the Arab world is tired of US fickleness?
They know. Israel threatened to bomb the oil facilities in KSA if Nixon didn't resupply them during the Yom kippur war.
Their plan is to destroy the US. That's the only way we fall to the globalist new world order. We're already seeing a massive push to a digital currency which will be implemented worldwide. The countries/people who don't participate in this system will be destroyed.
Maybe. I doubt the crown prince had anything to do with that. Completely out of character for the Saudis.

Of course
The Good Prince is completely out of the loop and nobody tells him things that could cause an international incident

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