Biden is losing Saudi Arabia and destroying the US in the process

The bigger concern is that Saudi Arabia thinks US has become unhinged supporting Iran and the Dollar is going to collapse.

Saudi Arabia and the Middle East is aligning with Israel - while Biden and Democrats hate Israel.

Saudi Arabia says that Democrats are giving the Middle East to Iran and Russia. It's obvious that Democrats are compromised by Putin.

STATEMENT: "Saudi Arabia and the Middle East is aligning with Israel - while Biden and Democrats hate Israel."

Nope. Zaki Yamani was a family friend and he would talk at the dinner table. OPEC was founded to stabilize price and supply. It was also about stabilizing those oil producers so they could plan better. Nixon never wanted to seize foreign oil fields.
Big Oil Thanks You for Your Disinformation

An embargo is a recognized act of war. When FDR imposed his oil embargo on Japan, they attacked Pearl Harbor and started seizing the Dutch oilfields in Indonesia the very next day, losing 700 troops and killing 12,000 of their enemies' troops, not including those who died in the brutal Japanese POW camps.
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin laden wasn't wahhabi and neither was khashoggi. Muslim brotherhood was kicked out of Arabia about 1970 by King Faisel. When MB fell out with Nasser some were hanged and some were put in prison and later expelled. They sought and were granted asylum in Arabia if they didn't teach their political crap. They broke their promise so they were kicked out.
Who Murdered Benazir Bhutto? Who Acquitted the Assassins?

The relation between the Saudis and the Al Qaida-Moslem Brotherhood-ISIS complex is similar to the relation between the Pakistani ruling class and the Taliban. Where was bin Laden sheltered when the SEALs invaded it and killed him. That was the country which gave asylum to him when he left Tora Bora in Afghanistan.
Big Oil Thanks You for Your Disinformation

An embargo is a recognized act of war. When FDR imposed his oil embargo on Japan, they attacked Pearl Harbor and started seizing the Dutch oilfields in Indonesia the very next day, losing 700 troops and killing 12,000 of their enemies' troops, not including those who died in the brutal Japanese POW camps.
The dutch oil fields were cemented and capped. FYI. Japan took two years to get them operational and by then we were bombing those fields.
Half the Middle East....The Good Half thinks Biden should be removed from Office and is a DANGER to the entire world.
You wouldn't know a wahhabi if one flew up your nose. ISIS came out of camp bucca prison in Iraq. The Saudis hate them.
Another President Who Had Trouble With What the Meaning of IS IS

Obeying a special request by the Saudis, Dumbo Dubya refused to attack Zarqawi's band of cut-throats, which later developed into ISIS.
STATEMENT: "Saudi Arabia and the Middle East is aligning with Israel - while Biden and Democrats hate Israel."

There are 5 nations now aligned with Israel economically and politically. This was predicted in The Bible that nations like Sheba and Dedan would be major allies of Israel in The End Times.
I just know Saudi Arabia. Most of the people who write about Arabia have never been there or a few have spent a couple of days there. They are honorable people and very pro American.
As much as you and I argue over the Bible, I like the Saudis. The Bible states that they will befriend Israel near The End Times and that is where they are at now.
This seems like nonsense. The oil fields would have been destroyed and the problem made even worse. Russia would have backed proxy fighters to keep the place unuseable for decades like Vietnam.
Being "Realistic" Is a Common Excuse Used by Cowards or Traitors

Real warriors have no rules of engagement. Kill anybody who comes within miles of the oilfields. The soft Saudis would have been no more able to defend those fields than the Kuwaitis were when Iraq seized and secured all their oil within 48 hours.
So, contact him. You of the great inner knowledge. /s
High in the Sky, It's Full of Clouds

But that's more proof that surada is not lying about being in Saudi high society. The higher up people are, the more they are filled with illusions. Their sheltered and spoiled life makes them ignorant but sure of themselves and their hot-air-balloon ideas.

This is more relevant to "destroying the US in the process" than the thread's designated reason is. Our upper class could be saved from all fatal diseases if they gave the smartest teenagers a huge signing bonus if they'd go to college and study curing diseases. So their illusions that High IQs have to sacrifice in order to serve them is killing a lot of them off. For similar reasons, enticing all geniuses to go into computers, Steve Jobs was the cause of his own death at the age of 56.
The dutch oil fields were cemented and capped. FYI. Japan took two years to get them operational and by then we were bombing those fields.
Maginot Line Excuse for Being Pushovers

The Saudi fields are triggered to be radioactive. That doesn't mean we couldn't first eliminate those pushing the buttons.

Even 120 years ago, the French, who had succeeded at building the Suez Canal, failed at building the Panama Canal. But that didn't keep us from getting the job done. We can be that kind of "good old American know-how" people again. Yankee Ingenuity is in our DNA. Don't listen to the Preppy guillotine-fodder snobs and their anti-American professors.
But that's more proof that surada is not lying about being in Saudi high society.
You have no cred. Her being from Saudi Arabia and propping the Saudi Wahhabism is just more proof of soft jihad.

Biden should be telling the irans to piss off and working to keep the saudi’s as US allies

instead he’s doing the exact opposite

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