Biden is losing Saudi Arabia and destroying the US in the process

If you count coal. In addition to recovery from COVID there's also been a surge in demand. For the past year big oil has returned profits to shareholders instead of investing in expanded capacity. Plus over 100 US oil companies went bankrupt in 2020.
Oil companies go bankrupt in the US because of the driller treadmill. Which is exactly what returning equity to shareholders and paying down debt avoids.

You can't have it both ways. You can't have US companies drill expensive oil to the point of global prices being cheaper than US shale, then expect them to do anything but go tits up.
Not a Biden fan but fuck Saudi Arabia. 28 pages of 9/11 report still censored after 21 years.
I know his father and spent 2 weeks around the prince when he was about 16. This is not what the Saudis do in the last 80 years.
Nagological Warfare

Who other countries think is a traitor and what they do about it is none of our business. MBS is the greatest Moslem since Saladin, so our ignorant prissy presstitutes have no standing to get picky and petty about what he has to do to stay in power.
What you quoted seems myopic. Saudi Arabia had great relations with Trump because Trump torpedoed Iran and turned them into an even bigger shjt hole.
"Saudi Arabia had great relations with trump"...............:heehee:
The bigger concern is that Saudi Arabia thinks US has become unhinged supporting Iran and the Dollar is going to collapse.

Saudi Arabia and the Middle East is aligning with Israel - while Biden and Democrats hate Israel.

Saudi Arabia says that Democrats are giving the Middle East to Iran and Russia. It's obvious that Democrats are compromised by Putin.

What, exactly, does Saudi Arabia bring to the table?
A dictatorship
Murdered and American journalist
Gave protection and money to al Queda, ISIS and other terrorist groups
No military to speak of outside US support...

With oil prices where thy are and the US the leading producer...What does Saudi Arabia offer BEYOND..."It's our dictator"
What, exactly, does Saudi Arabia bring to the table?
A dictatorship
Murdered and American journalist
Gave protection and money to al Queda, ISIS and other terrorist groups
No military to speak of outside US support...

With oil prices where thy are and the US the leading producer...What does Saudi Arabia offer BEYOND..."It's our dictator"
Well, oil prices can always be worse. Biden did that.
Yeah, that whole gas shortage in the 1970s over war was all an illusion.
Backing Down Is a Real Downer

Nixon had the right instincts, to send our Army in to seize Arab oilfields. But Big Oil, which created OPEC in order to piggyback off its price-gouging, pressured him out of it.

Ironically, that's why he had to resign. The resultant recession made Nixon unpopular, a sudden reversal after he had won all but one state against Liberal wimp George McGovern. No popular president can be forced out of office.
Backing Down Is a Real Downer

Nixon had the right instincts, to send our Army in to seize Arab oilfields. But Big Oil, which created OPEC in order to piggyback off its price-gouging, pressured him out of it.

Ironically, that's why he had to resign. The resultant recession made Nixon unpopular, a sudden reversal after he had won all but one state against Liberal wimp George McGovern. No popular president can be forced out of office.
Nope. Zaki Yamani was a family friend and he would talk at the dinner table. OPEC was founded to stabilize price and supply. Opec is always a dollar cheaper than US oil. It was also about stabilizing those oil producers so they could plan better. Nixon never wanted to seize foreign oil fields. That would have been the most stupid thing in the world.
What, exactly, does Saudi Arabia bring to the table?
A dictatorship
Murdered and American journalist
Gave protection and money to al Queda, ISIS and other terrorist groups
No military to speak of outside US support...

With oil prices where thy are and the US the leading producer...What does Saudi Arabia offer BEYOND..."It's our dictator"
You sure don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. The lies about protection money to all Qaeda and ISIS is beyond crazy.
It's nice to see ()biden wrecking the Democrat party for the next few decades...


...and their support for the MB is a pure fail.


Khashoggi was a follower of sayeed qubt and Hassan Al banna. Both have been banned in Arabia since the early 1970s when Faisel was king.

Khashoggi never murdered anyone and dismembered the body

That would be the Saudi Royal Family
Khashoggi never murdered anyone and dismembered the body

That would be the Saudi Royal Family
Khashoggi was an activist for the MB and was a Saudi Wahabi ... just like bin Laden.

Here's some more.

Khashoggi was an activist for the MB and was a Saudi Wahabi ... just like bin Laden.

Here's some more.

View attachment 623602
Khashoggi never murdered and dismembered anyone
That would be the Saudi Royal Family

They murdered him because of negative reports about Saudi Royals

They not only proved him right, but proved to be much worse than he claimed
Khashoggi never murdered and dismembered anyone
That would be the Saudi Royal Family

They murdered him because of negative reports about Saudi Royals

They not only proved him right, but proved to be much worse than he claimed
Kashoggi was complicit in many deaths.

He was an MB operative and you support terrorism ...

... by proxy.
Osama bin Laden
Khashoggi was an activist for the MB and was a Saudi Wahabi ... just like bin Laden.

Here's some more.

View attachment 623602
Osama bin laden wasn't wahhabi and neither was khashoggi. Muslim brotherhood was kicked out of Arabia about 1970 by King Faisel. When MB fell out with Nasser some were hanged and some were put in prison and later expelled. They sought and were granted asylum in Arabia if they didn't teach their political crap. They broke their promise so they were kicked out.

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