Biden is losing Saudi Arabia and destroying the US in the process

Osama bin Laden
Osama bin laden wasn't wahhabi and neither was khashoggi. Muslim brotherhood was kicked out of Arabia about 1970 by King Faisel. When MB fell out with Nasser some were hanged and some were put in prison and later expelled. They sought and were granted asylum in Arabia if they didn't teach their political crap. They broke their promise so they were kicked out.

Khashoggi was a Muslim Brotherhood activist and Wahabi soft jihad war specialist.

From his early days ... he wasn't so embedded.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


They change uniforms faster than you can change your mind.
Those guys aren't wahhabi. Your sources are crap. They don't know anything about Arabia either.
Those guys aren't wahhabi. Your sources are crap. They don't know anything about Arabia either.
Just because you say something, doesn't make it real.

I know, you think it does.


You may have the last word. At this point? It's all you have.
You sure? And who decides which leases are null and void? If I sign for 20 leases, 10 very good, and 10 not so hot as a package, if they take the 10 good ones out of the mix, what does that really leave!

I know, you might not get it, but it is all political. If you honestly believe we need to move to green energy ASAP, then carry on; I have no problem with where you stand, even if I think it is counter productive.

But, if you really and honestly think that Biden hasn't helped this along, then I suggest you delve into what is actually going on. You may be surprised!
Biden campaigned with the promise to end oil production

he told that clueless little snowflake to “look into my eyes”

but now he dont know nuthin’ ‘bout nuthin’

Yeah, right
Backing Down Is a Real Downer

Nixon had the right instincts, to send our Army in to seize Arab oilfields. But Big Oil, which created OPEC in order to piggyback off its price-gouging, pressured him out of it.

Ironically, that's why he had to resign. The resultant recession made Nixon unpopular, a sudden reversal after he had won all but one state against Liberal wimp George McGovern. No popular president can be forced out of office.
This seems like nonsense. The oil fields would have been destroyed and the problem made even worse. Russia would have backed proxy fighters to keep the place unuseable for decades like Vietnam.

To clarify. The fellow in the middle (Khashoggi)... with the rocket launcher. That's the 'Journalist' paid by Qatar. :doubt:


Anyone know them? The Hashemites?

Khashoggi was never a staff employee of the Post, and he was paid about $500 per piece for the 20 columns he wrote over the course of the year. He lived in an apartment near Tysons Corner in Fairfax County that he had purchased while working at the Saudi Embassy a decade earlier. [Note: how did he live in the DC Metro area for about $10K/year?]
So, contact him. You of the great inner knowledge. /s

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