Biden is Outplaying Putin in One Critical Way! Ukranian - Moscow War Explained

The voices in my head are saying that, so far, Biden might be doing okay regarding the Ukraine/Russia thing. But, the verdict is still out. Personally, I don't believe Russia is actually going to invade Ukraine. I think this is Russia's version of the Cuban missile crisis. They were worried about so many NATO countries right on their own borders that they had to bring us right up to the point of war to get the situation resolved, just as the US did with the Cuban missile crisis. Somehow or other the situation will be defused.
We don't know how it will play out, And agree having country's on your border is a legitimate worry for Putin, But we have managed with Cuba 50 miles away. More worried about grid attacks as we are not passing that bill.

US Credibility Collapse: Russian Troops Returning After Exercises...Like They Said

Feb 15 - After weeks of breathlessly assuring us that Russia was about to attack Ukraine, Russian troops and military equipment are returning to their bases after exercises in Belarus and elsewhere. As they said they would do. What does this teach us about Beltway "Russia experts"? Also today, Canada's Trudeau goes full fascist and Russiagate bizarrely returns with a new US spook attack on ZeroHedge! Today on the Liberty Report:



OH My God, all what I can say, Its very smart strategy, Bravo Biden! That's how you deal with a bully! ! Putin has never looked so weak

Biden runs Europe now?
I always ignore threads where the OP has the first several posts in the thread. Do you realize that the first three posts are yours, like you are just talking to yourself? Apparently there are voices in your head you have to respond to. Good luck to you.
You're just now realizing this about threads started by litwin? It's his modus operandi to start bizarre threads obsessing about Russia and carrying on a one-person conversation. As you can see, he skipped right over your post as well as every other post in this thread, and proceeded to carry on with shouting into the ether about Russia.
find it interesting that Biden's tough stance on Ukraine is getting no play here from conservatives. Could be because if it works its a point for Biden. And winning is more important than giving a point to the other party. even if a bad deal May have being avoided. what do the voices in your head say about that.
This is hilarious. As corrupt and politically immoral as Putin is, he's not a suicidal maniac bent on global annihilation -- he's keenly aware of the catastrophic implications of two nuclear powers getting into an active military conflict, which can escalate into something far more serious extremely fast. Bottom line, Putin was never going to do anything that carried even a slight risk of provoking a military conflict with NATO and by extension the U.S. This is called grandstanding and it's not the first time he's done it, and won't be the last time either.

US Credibility Collapse: Russian Troops Returning After Exercises...Like They Said

Feb 15 - After weeks of breathlessly assuring us that Russia was about to attack Ukraine, Russian troops and military equipment are returning to their bases after exercises in Belarus and elsewhere. As they said they would do. What does this teach us about Beltway "Russia experts"? Also today, Canada's Trudeau goes full fascist and Russiagate bizarrely returns with a new US spook attack on ZeroHedge! Today on the Liberty Report:

Moscow´s poodles /useful idiots selling on the free world forums BS narratives . by the way do you know that vova has 0 respect toward people like you ?

Poor Nitwit, once again his fevered fantasies of death and destruction come to nothing. His CIA/USAID/NED handlers feed his delusions like a dealer tosses a free gram of horse to a favored junky.
Poor....once again his fevered fantasies of death and destruction come to nothing. His CIA/USAID/NED handlers ....
any comment on this ?


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