Biden is Outplaying Putin in One Critical Way! Ukranian - Moscow War Explained

You're just now realizing this about threads started by litwin? It's his modus operandi to start bizarre threads obsessing about Russia and carrying on a one-person conversation. As you can see, he skipped right over your post as well as every other post in this thread, and proceeded to carry on with shouting into the ether about Russia.
Yes, I know his MO. He also does this on other boards. I was curious to see if he would respond to my post. If not, maybe I had a chance of making him realize that he carries on with a lot of one person threads where he just talks to himself. It was my shot at showing him the reality. I admit that winning the lottery has a lot better odds than having him see reality. Seems like if not even your own side is willing to converse with you then maybe you would realize that there is something wrong with you.
You're just now realizing this about threads started by litwin? It's his modus operandi to start bizarre threads obsessing about Russia and carrying on a one-person conversation. As you can see, he skipped right over your post as well as every other post in this thread, and proceeded to carry on with shouting into the ether about Russia.
Oh good. Another one for ignore. :)


OH My God, all what I can say, Its very smart strategy, Bravo Biden! That's how you deal with a bully! ! Putin has never looked so weak


Joe is a strategy genius.

When others are playing chess, Joe is playing checkers.
Oh good. Another one for ignore. :)
Knock yourself out bud. Sorry if it upsets you that I don't get worked into a tizzy about media generated sensationalism involving Russia, whether it be their mindless rabble rousing about the "certainty" of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the "certainty" that Trump was a Russian asset. If people haven't learned by now that almost everything the legacy media gins up a frenzy about ends up being complete bullshit, particularly when all of them report the same story using the exact same talking points, I don't know what more they need to see to finally snap out of it. But don't mind me, carry on consuming your panic porn and hiding under your bed.
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Knock yourself out bud. Sorry if it upsets you that I don't get worked into a tizzy about media generated sensationalism involving Russia, whether it be their mindless rabble rousing about the "certainty" of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the "certainty" that Trump was a Russian asset. If people haven't learned by now that almost everything the legacy media gins up a frenzy about ends up being complete bullshit, particularly when all of them report the same story using the exact same talking points. But don't mind me, carry on consuming your panic porn and hiding under your bed.
You done? I was referring to the OP who is obviously a troll. Same person you were bitching about. 🙄
You done? I was referring to the OP who is obviously a troll. Same person you were bitching about. 🙄
Well in that case, yes I'm done. Lol. My bad, it was not apparent that you were referring to him. There are so many moonbats on this forum who engorge themselves on a daily diet of fake news which they then barf up on here, it's easy to jump to conclusions.:beer:
1) America's single greatest piece of leverage is Turkey’s ability to close the Straits to Russian ships under the Montreux Convention. We need a significant diplomatic effort with Ankara beginning with assurances that Turkey won't be left alone if the Kremlin retaliates

2) A new model — cascade sanctions — should be adopted to ratchet up new sanctions every year that Russia continues to sustain the war in eastern Ukraine... Think of it like parking tickets. You get a new one every day you are parked illegally

3) Putin claims that Ukraine and Russia are one nation & at the same time is threatening war with Ukraine. Very odd way to treat your Slavic brothers and sisters

4) from 2017 to 2021 during Trump's administration, not a single nation gave an inch of land because of another nation's aggression. peace through strength works!

5) there will not be a war in the next 24 hours, because my favorite Spanish soccer team Real Betis are travelling to St Petersburg to face Russian side Zenit in the Europa League. surely Putin wouldn't want the game postponed and played outside Russian soil, so if he wants to invade, he will wait at least until Friday
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War porn to feed your fantasies.

your traitor , We Must Fight (Ronald Reagan)​

Damn, I shed tear. As someone coming from a former Moscow horde colony , this speech really hits me hard. I will be forever grateful to American patriots like president Reagan whose strength and willingness to fight for what is right freed my country from the communist-Moscow rule.
The US and Nato are again pretty much united, despite the debacle in Afghan ... created more by W and Obama than anyone.

Nothing really changed in Ukraine. Russia continues to separate Donbass from Ukraine, but the reality may be that Ukraine is better able to eventually be "assimilated" into the West without them. It would be nice if Ukraine could just them go in exchange for non-aggression from Russia, but Russia will never let that happen.

Germany's chancellor Scholz may the one real "winner" in that he may be the new leader of the West.

My guess is Biden took Russia's threat and rang that gong so damn loud that Putin failed to get jack shit out of this.

But Basque is right that the West needs to have a response ready if Putin decides to re-inflame Donbass
Russia warning deployment of troops to Cuba and Venezuela dismissed as "bluster" by US. national security adviser Jake Sullivan.
NATO could use Ukrainian territory to deploy missiles capable of reaching Moscow in just five minutes…

i sort of agree with the bluster comment, because for all of their anti-American bluster Russia began investing in earnest in Silicon Valley when our economy crashed around 2008. Billions of dollars were invested into Twitter, Facebook, Google, the names Yuri Milner and Masha Drokova are important. The war began long ago

furthermore, Boris Yeltsin and Putin both wanted to join NATO at one point, despite claiming NATO is such a threat to Russia


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NATO: Pootler lies Moscow appears to continue military build-up​

Either one of the two things happen.

1. There was never going to be a Russian invasion. Potatohead lied. A wag the dog ploy to take pressure off his failed administration.

2. Potatohead gave away the store behind the scene and Americans will never know the extent of the damage. Hell, it could even be like what the Worthless Negro did with Iran and involve barrels of cash.
Just remember, nitwit will gleefully sacrifice US troops - your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, for a bunch of swastika saluting, hitler revering, third reich Ukronazis.
He really IS a disgusting POS, isn't he? I've never seen anyone so ready to have others die for his ambitions. The real irony is that I could be saying the same of the Putin he hates so much. Litwin? What the hell kinda name is that, anyway?

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