Biden is so weak! With all these Houthi attacks he's not doing anything! Except ordering strikes.

It really silly of them to use drone as that is all they have to attack the navy. . Poke the bear and the bear and his friends will respond.

US was attacked and all republicans can do is complain and change the subject.

Don't want Biden to get any credit.
Credit for finally doing his job??? I don't think so.
Proved you wrong, didn’t he Skippy?
He was a failure during Obama and now. Our Embassy people were kicked out when he was VP.

Under Obama and now he has released 10s of Billions to Iran through Appeasement policies.

Hard to praise the idiot who helped cause it.
A bad ass? I guess Putin must have missed that message as he invaded Ukraine.
How is that working out for Putin?
He expected to quickly storm through Ukraine with no resistance with Biden too weak a leader to do anything about it

Like a true leader, Biden rallied an international coalition to invoke sanctions and supply Ukraine with modern military hardware.
How is that working out for Putin?
He expected to quickly storm through Ukraine with no resistance with Biden too weak a leader to do anything about it

Like a true leader, Biden rallied an international coalition to invoke sanctions and supply Ukraine with modern military hardware.
And under Obama/Biden he didnt give lethal aid. Trump did and was then accused of being Putins bitch.

You guys are retarded.
Proved you wrong, didn’t he Skippy?

No, not really. His ineptitude in choosing the members of his administration are on full display.

They dithered while the houthi twats launched attack after attack, after attack.

Had the xiden admin made a forceful response after the first attack, there wouldn't have been another 99 attacks.

Now with Austin going AWOL they had to do something so you bots would have something to natter on about.
No, not really. His ineptitude in choosing the members of his administration are on full display.

They dithered while the houthi twats launched attack after attack, after attack.

Had the xiden admin made a forceful response after the first attack, there wouldn't have been another 99 attacks.

Now with Austin going AWOL they had to do something so you bots would have something to natter on about.

Oh, so now you are claiming Biden waited too long to attack while complaining he attacked

You are a lightweight
The Houthi are making these attacks because of Israel's genocidal rampage in Palestine which has murdered more than 10,000 children so far.
An expected escalation, along with a western 'coalition' , much like after 9/11, going after Israel's M.E. enemies, while Israel sits it out

An expected escalation, along with a western 'coalition' , much like after 9/11, going after Israel's M.E. enemies, while Israel sits it out

Well they handed money to Iran who control the proxies in the region. Then go we are shocked they attacked Israel, knowing Iran would push for a larger conflict because they think the 12th Imam or whatever is here.
Well they handed money to Iran who control the proxies in the region. Then go we are shocked they attacked Israel, knowing Iran would push for a larger conflict because they think the 12th Imam or whatever is here.
Actually, no money was sent to Iran
It was offered if certain conditions were met….they never met them
Actually, no money was sent to Iran
It was offered if certain conditions were met….they never met them
Under Obama and now your Appeasement has brought us here. Paying for prisoner release under Obama. Stopping Sanctions as Iran promotes Terror in the region was Obama and Now Obama light policy.

This is just like secure our borders BS from you clowns. Always open boders and suddenly its protect our borders.

Clown show.

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