Biden Is Toast

I’m seeing you pivot now from insisting that states don’t require proof of citizenship to saying that people are illegally voting with fake IDs. That’s a completely different topic. So is that a concession from you admitting you’ve been wrong about all the BS you’ve been spewing?
:puhleeze:LOL. No pivot. I just posted a few hours ago, that >> "In states shown in gray and solid colors, no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here."

The only reason I havent posted after that, is because I've been watching the football playoffs all afternoon & evening (and will be again today, Sunday.)
The false documentation does not replace what I said about voter ID not being required as the map shows, it merely ADDS to it.
Nice try. though. :rolleyes:

I'm still wondering what your vested interest is in this. :neutral:
Illegal aliens can be registerd - I explained it all. Ho hu. yawn****
You are just posting what you WANT to be true.
Nobody is registered without showing proof of citizenship. That’s a fact. You’ve been spreading misinformation this entire thread.
None of that matters to illegal aliens You name it - they duplicate it. I've SEEN what they have. Sounds like you haven't.
They can duplicate all they want, registration runs through the DMV. A fake ID won’t match up and the applicant won’t be registered.

If your argument is really dwindled down to people making fake documents then you are down to nothing. Give it up man, you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.
If this were true, it wouldn't matter to illegal aliens. They have false documentation for everything that exists. This scenario has been going on for 40 years.
False documents don’t get you in the dmv and social security databases. You’re desperate now and throwing whatever you can at the debate. Just give it up, you’re embarrassing yourself.
:puhleeze:LOL. No pivot. I just posted a few hours ago, that >> "In states shown in gray and solid colors, no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here."

The only reason I havent posted after that, is because I've been watching the football playoffs all afternoon & evening (and will be again today, Sunday.)
The false documentation does not replace what I said about voter ID not being required as the map shows, it merely ADDS to it.
Nice try. though. :rolleyes:

I'm still wondering what your vested interest is in this. :neutral:
My interest in in truth and facts. You’re spreading outright lies. If your map is saying that CA doesn’t require ID to register then it is lying. I posted links to the CA registration page and showed that it does require ID. Your graphic is a lie just like the meme quote you posted of Schumer.
NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washington Post are all propaganda, dingbat I guess that makes all of your tropes out of date.
They report the news. To someone like you who is steeped like a teabag in alt-right propaganda everyday, I can see why you won't accept these as news sources.
They won't give you the right wing slant you want to read/hear.
They report the news. To someone like you who is steeped like a teabag in alt-right propaganda everyday, I can see why you won't accept these as news sources.
They won't give you the right wing slant you want to read/hear.
No they don't, moron. They are far less honest than FOX News. They've all been caught lying countless times.
No they don't, moron. They are far less honest than FOX News. They've all been caught lying countless times.
Yes. They are. When a legitimate media outlet makes a mistake or says something to be proven as not true, they are forced to print/state a retraction...on air. Reporters/Executives are sanctioned, even fired. That's what happens in legitimate media. That doesn't happen in alt-right media. Look at Fox News. They had to have a full blown conflagration before they got rid of O'Reilly and Ailes. And then, they STILL didn't learn. Let Carlson run his mouth and he ended up costing them $787M..and that was after they tried to apologize. :)
:puhleeze:LOL. No pivot. I just posted a few hours ago, that >> "In states shown in gray and solid colors, no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here."

The only reason I havent posted after that, is because I've been watching the football playoffs all afternoon & evening (and will be again today, Sunday.)
The false documentation does not replace what I said about voter ID not being required as the map shows, it merely ADDS to it.
Nice try. though. :rolleyes:

I'm still wondering what your vested interest is in this. :neutral:
Go Niners
Yes. They are. When a legitimate media outlet makes a mistake or says something to be proven as not true, they are forced to print/state a retraction...on air.
Totally false.

Reporters/Executives are sanctioned, even fired.
No they aren't. They are rewarded.

That's what happens in legitimate media. That doesn't happen in alt-right media. Look at Fox News. They had to have a full blown conflagration before they got rid of O'Reilly and Ailes. And then, they STILL didn't learn. Let Carlson run his mouth and he ended up costing them $787M..and that was after they tried to apologize. :)
They had no reason to get rid of O'Reilly and Ailes.

Carlson cost them $787? How?

You have your head stuck up your ass.
They can duplicate all they want, registration runs through the DMV. A fake ID won’t match up and the applicant won’t be registered.

If your argument is really dwindled down to people making fake documents then you are down to nothing. Give it up man, you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.
Man, you really are naive in this, Dont you know that illegal aliens have drivers licenses, and and are listed in the DMV. That's been the case for years. And as of July 1, 2022, 18 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico issue driver's licenses or permits to some or all of the population residing without inspection in the United States. State laws permitting this are on the books in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Massachusetts,[1] New York, New Jersey,[2] Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia[3] and Washington.[4][5][6][7][8]

So you're still trying to CREATE the optics of this discussion, huh ? That's not gonna fly. My argument hasn't "dwindled" or changed one iota, since the first post of this thread.


I notice a few things about your posting in this thread. Even after I told you that yesterday & today are the top football TV days in the whole year, and that I would be off the computer for 12 hours, you keep showing up and posting, knowing I wont be here to rebut That's pretty low, dog.

I also notice that you haven't been responding much to my posts about false documentation. Nor has there been any response from you about my post about Joe Biden, and why he re-established "Catch & Release", and why he's selling the steel beams of the border wall for pennies on the dollar. Nor has there been any response from you about the list of links I posted showing illegal alien voting.

Of course not, That would reveal the whole jigsaw puzzle and all of its pieces. Biden is a lowlife, anti-American globalist, and selfish opportunist, using the presidency to fill his pockets any way he can. The American people hate him, and the only way he can hope to get elected, is by cheating, and importing millions of foreigners, to vote for him, and whose presence here depends on him being president.

You, like most all liberals, can pretend that illegal aliens dont vote. It's generally known they do, and WHY they do, and WHY Biden is bringing them here. Ho hum.
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False documents don’t get you in the dmv and social security databases. You’re desperate now and throwing whatever you can at the debate. Just give it up, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Illegal aliens have social security cards and drivers licenses. Every time I get a food delivery from Walmart, it; a person who speaks only Spanish. Good thing I do too.

Everytime I go to Walmart and walk through the aisles, I talk to the employees there, usually asking where I might find something. 90% of the time, they speak ONLY Spanish. We all know who they are. They're recently arrived illegal aliens who haven't learned English yet. And you think these hundreds (thousands nationwide) of Walmart employees don't have Social Security cards ? What makes you think that?

Back in the 80s & 90s, they were notorious for using the Social Security cards of Americans, and causing havoc by that. Those days are over. Today's illegals have their own Social Security cards, their own drivers licenses , and any other ID, all legit and secure. Exactly what the ways& means were of thm getting them who knows, but they've got them. And they dont need them for voting.
Totally false.

No they aren't. They are rewarded.

They had no reason to get rid of O'Reilly and Ailes.

Carlson cost them $787? How?

You have your head stuck up your ass.
I know you are but what am I? :)
That's about the extent of your intelligence.
You know what alt-right sources to consume to not have your padded echo chamber pierced.

Carry on.
Man, you really are naive in this, Dont you know that illegal aliens have drivers licenses, and and are listed in the DMV.
Are you being willfully ignorant or outright dishonest was we circle back around.

Illegal immigrants that get licenses through the DMV get AB60 classified licenses which do not allow for voter registration. I’ve made this point several times and you still seem to not get it. What’s up with you?
My interest in in truth and facts. You’re spreading outright lies. If your map is saying that CA doesn’t require ID to register then it is lying. I posted links to the CA registration page and showed that it does require ID. Your graphic is a lie just like the meme quote you posted of Schumer.
So you are calling one of the the most respected organizations in America, liars ? > the National Conference of State Legislatures. I'll go with what they say, not you.

Still waiting to hear why you think Biden is letting millions of people storm the border, and is transporting them (using US tax $$) to cities throughout America. You think he just likes the sound of foreign languages being spoken ? Or English with thick foreign accents ?
You think he thinks we dont have enough diseases here, so we'll bring in some foreign ones + add more criminals, pollution, road traffic, and increase the overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
Come in man, you know what's going on. Youre not fooling anybody here.

I notice a few things about your posting in this thread. Even after I told you that yesterday & today are the top football TV days in the whole year, and that I would be off the computer for 12 hours, you keep showing up and posting, knowing I wont be here to rebut That's pretty low, dog.
I watched football too. The great thing about this forum is you can post whenever and the messages are sitting there for you to read and reply whenever you want. Grow up

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