Biden Is Toast

I also notice that you haven't been responding much to my posts about false documentation. Nor has there been any response from you about my post about Joe Biden, and why he re-established "Catch & Release", and why he's selling the steel beams of the border wall for pennies on the dollar. Nor has there been any response from you about the list of links I posted showing illegal alien voting.

Of course not, That would reveal the whole jigsaw puzzle and all of its pieces. Biden is a lowlife, anti-American globalist, and selfish opportunist, using the presidency to fill his pockets any way he can. The American people hate him, and the only way he can hope to get elected, is by cheating, and importing millions of foreigners, to vote for him, and whose presence here depends on him being president.

You, like most all liberals, can pretend that illegal aliens dont vote. It's generally known they do, and WHY they do, and WHY Biden is bringing them here. Ho hum
When you misrepresent and lie about what our system regulates and allows for that is what I’m interested in responding to and correcting.

Illegals who have fake papers should be arrested… fake documents do not allow them to register to vote.

People who do try and illegally vote should be arrested. It’s a felony. And the few that do often get caught and punished, every investigation done about the subject has yielded the same results. No evidence of substantial systemic voter fraud.

You are spreading lies.
They report the news. To someone like you who is steeped like a teabag in alt-right propaganda everyday, I can see why you won't accept these as news sources.
They won't give you the right wing slant you want to read/hear.
They give the LEFT wing slant.
They give the LEFT wing slant.
The give you the news. Period. If they have a panel discussion on TV, most of the major networks have a rep from both sides for comment and editorializing. If it's printed, it's clearly labeled as editorial or opinion.
No such designations exist in alt-right media. Feel free to skim through the web and watch Fox News, Newsmax, or OANN. It slants one way......I'll give you three guesses which way that is...and the first two are wrong. :)
Are you being willfully ignorant or outright dishonest was we circle back around.

Illegal immigrants that get licenses through the DMV get AB60 classified licenses which do not allow for voter registration. I’ve made this point several times and you still seem to not get it. What’s up with you?
What is wrong with YOU ? Look at what you just said > "
Illegal immigrants that get licenses through the DMV get AB60 classified licenses which do not allow for voter registration
Yeah, that includes those illegal aliens who ADMIT to being illegal aliens, which are probably about 1% of them. All the ones who pretend to be citizens (like almost ALL of them) get regular driver licenses just like anybody else.

I have met many illegal aliens. I've gone to parties where they were there. I once had a roommate who was one. You aint gonna tell me about illegal aliens what I don't know.
I watched football too. The great thing about this forum is you can post whenever and the messages are sitting there for you to read and reply whenever you want. Grow up
Yeah, and I'll catch up to your naive, and ignorant posts. All of them. :biggrin:
When you misrepresent and lie about what our system regulates and allows for that is what I’m interested in responding to and correcting.

Illegals who have fake papers should be arrested… fake documents do not allow them to register to vote.

People who do try and illegally vote should be arrested. It’s a felony. And the few that do often get caught and punished, every investigation done about the subject has yielded the same results. No evidence of substantial systemic voter fraud.

You are spreading lies.
You are naive. Millions of people are flooding across the US/Mexican border, totally against US law. YEAH, they "should be arrested" but theyre not are they ?> DUH!

Its not just what our system allows, when much of it is people circumventing what our system allows, and people like Joe Biden and thousands of Democrats in stores, government agencies (including voting), social orgs, etc accomodating the illegals, whether in correlation with US or state law or not.

Biden's whole open border is a breach of US immigration law. US Code 8, section 1325, and sanctuary cities also are breach of US law - US Code 8, section 1324
You are spreading lies.
:puhleeze:I am not willing to accept that you are that stupid that you believe that everything is in order, and illegal aliens are prevented from voting. Good grief!

Can someone out there help this poor soul ? I've done all I can. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that includes those illegal aliens who ADMIT to being illegal aliens, which are probably about 1% of them. All the ones who pretend to be citizens (like almost ALL of them) get regular driver licenses just like anybody else.
If that’s the case which I do not believe it is… then your issue should be with the DMV vetting and criteria to get licenses. Not with the voting ID system. You say you want voter ID but then you say illegals have fake IDs. So if that’s the case… why would voter ID help anything? How would you suggest somebody prove their citizenship in order to vote.

You’re about to go down a worm hole of your making that you are going to regret.
You are naive. Millions of people are flooding across the US/Mexican border, totally against US law. YEAH, they "should be arrested" but theyre not are they ?> DUH!

Its not just what our system allows, when much of it is people circumventing what our system allows, and people like Joe Biden and thousands of Democrats in stores, government agencies (including voting), social orgs, etc accomodating the illegals, whether in correlation with US or state law or not.

Biden's whole open border is a breach of US immigration law. US Code 8, section 1325, and sanctuary cities also are breach of US law - US Code 8, section 1324
The executive has the authority to enforce border policy as he sees fit. Just as a cop has the authority to ticket somebody for jay walking or not
:puhleeze:I am not willing to accept that you are that stupid that you believe that everything is in order, and illegal aliens are prevented from voting. Good grief!

Can someone out there help this poor soul ? I've done all I can. :rolleyes:

View attachment 891349
You need to take a few minutes and read up on California’s registration and voting requirements. You are using a graphic and misrepresenting the situation. People who don’t have the proper documents to vote can still fill out a ballot but it goes into a provisional pile and is only counted if the margin of victory is close in which case it goes through a vetting process.

But again you’re flip flopping… if your issue is fake ids then why do you care about voter id rules?
You need to take a few minutes and read up on California’s registration and voting requirements. You are using a graphic and misrepresenting the situation. People who don’t have the proper documents to vote can still fill out a ballot but it goes into a provisional pile and is only counted if the margin of victory is close in which case it goes through a vetting process.

But again you’re flip flopping… if your issue is fake ids then why do you care about voter id rules?
California's voting requirements are right here >>>

The executive has the authority to enforce border policy as he sees fit. Just as a cop has the authority to ticket somebody for jay walking or not
And Biden is not enforcing anything - as he can pile up the VOTES. We all know it. You too.
If that’s the case which I do not believe it is… then your issue should be with the DMV vetting and criteria to get licenses. Not with the voting ID system. You say you want voter ID but then you say illegals have fake IDs. So if that’s the case… why would voter ID help anything? How would you suggest somebody prove their citizenship in order to vote.

You’re about to go down a worm hole of your making that you are going to regret.
They need to institute a PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP ID system that is somehow foolproof. Maybe cross checking fingerprints or retina scans with other countries.

In any case, regardless of what they may do, my issue with you is you ludicrously claim that illegal aliens are not voting, yet you stll have not responded to the things I said you have not responded to. Biden & the wall, my list of links, etc
Illegal aliens have social security cards and drivers licenses. Every time I get a food delivery from Walmart, it; a person who speaks only Spanish. Good thing I do too.

Everytime I go to Walmart and walk through the aisles, I talk to the employees there, usually asking where I might find something. 90% of the time, they speak ONLY Spanish. We all know who they are. They're recently arrived illegal aliens who haven't learned English yet. And you think these hundreds (thousands nationwide) of Walmart employees don't have Social Security cards ? What makes you think that?

Back in the 80s & 90s, they were notorious for using the Social Security cards of Americans, and causing havoc by that. Those days are over. Today's illegals have their own Social Security cards, their own drivers licenses , and any other ID, all legit and secure. Exactly what the ways& means were of thm getting them who knows, but they've got them. And they dont need them for voting.

You're lying again, gramps. The only drivers license illegals can legally obtain CANNOT be used to vote or even register to vote.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
If Illegals can vote in Local Elections in many States and get Drivers Licenses in California and other states then it will only get to the National Election Voting eventually

The main reason he might be so unpopular, is because of so many people in so many cities that he is filling up with illegal aliens.
They are now paying HUNDREDS of $$$ more in rent, and losing govt services, with too much money going to the illegals.

Sanctuary cities complain about ‘onslaught’ of illegal migrants — will they force Biden to do something?

Mayors and governors are being forced into a game of hot potato with the thousands of illegal immigrants President Biden has invited into the country.
We all know that if Trump loses in 2024, you morons will immediately reject the loss the second it happens. You won’t even wait a couple of days to come up with specific reasons why Trump would have won. Youre too childish and moronic for that. You’re whiny, sore loser bitch drama queens.
They need to institute a PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP ID system that is somehow foolproof. Maybe cross checking fingerprints or retina scans with other countries.

In any case, regardless of what they may do, my issue with you is you ludicrously claim that illegal aliens are not voting, yet you stll have not responded to the things I said you have not responded to. Biden & the wall, my list of links, etc
So your solution is for them to somehow make a full proof system? Brilliant 👎

I’m not going to pretend to know the ins and outs of the border wall and needs. That’s up to DHS and the president. You see headlines from propaganda news sites and think you are somehow in the know. Cherry picked examples of voter fraud. But when Trump as president commissioned a group to investigate the claims that illegals were fraudulently voting, they came up with nothing. But you have this secret intel?? Give me a break

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