Biden Is Toast

Man, you really are naive in this, Dont you know that illegal aliens have drivers licenses, and and are listed in the DMV. That's been the case for years. And as of July 1, 2022, 18 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico issue driver's licenses or permits to some or all of the population residing without inspection in the United States. State laws permitting this are on the books in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Massachusetts,[1] New York, New Jersey,[2] Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia[3] and Washington.[4][5][6][7][8]

So you're still trying to CREATE the optics of this discussion, huh ? That's not gonna fly. My argument hasn't "dwindled" or changed one iota, since the first post of this thread.

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I notice a few things about your posting in this thread. Even after I told you that yesterday & today are the top football TV days in the whole year, and that I would be off the computer for 12 hours, you keep showing up and posting, knowing I wont be here to rebut That's pretty low, dog.

I also notice that you haven't been responding much to my posts about false documentation. Nor has there been any response from you about my post about Joe Biden, and why he re-established "Catch & Release", and why he's selling the steel beams of the border wall for pennies on the dollar. Nor has there been any response from you about the list of links I posted showing illegal alien voting.

Of course not, That would reveal the whole jigsaw puzzle and all of its pieces. Biden is a lowlife, anti-American globalist, and selfish opportunist, using the presidency to fill his pockets any way he can. The American people hate him, and the only way he can hope to get elected, is by cheating, and importing millions of foreigners, to vote for him, and whose presence here depends on him being president.

You, like most all liberals, can pretend that illegal aliens dont vote. It's generally known they do, and WHY they do, and WHY Biden is bringing them here. Ho hum.

Dont you know that illegal aliens have drivers licenses, and and are listed in the DMV.

You've been shown repeatedly the AB-60 driver's license they can legally obtain CANNOT be used to vote and cannot be used to register to vote.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do. :eusa_naughty:
Are you so detached from reality, that you don't know that a statement like that makes you look like a kook ?

EARTH TO SLADE: Everybody knows that Bidens brings in the illegal so that he can pile up VOTES from them, and for no other reason. Now answer the questions in Post # 263 & 341.

Then how come you can't show proof of so many of them voting??

Interesting how you bring up things that I have already refuted in this thread. Well that means it needs to be refuted all over again >>>

Post # 195.
The reason why Trump's commission turned up nothing is because some states (mostly blue ones) refused to participate - generally the same ones shown on the map in gray (where no ID s required at all - California, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc))

Yes CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens. SO WHAT, stupid ? So do all the other states.
EARTH TO SLADE: we're not talking about what the law says. We're talking about what states allow to happen by not taking the necessary steps to stop illegal voting - ie. requiring proof of citizenship - which NO STATE DOES.

YOU are spreading disinformation, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing that.

Yes, CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens. All states require that. And you think illegal aliens care one iota about US or state law ?
Oh well, we all know how scrupulously law-abiding illegal aliens are right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes: :slap:

Lying gramps, how many illegal votes were found among all the states which did comply?

Was it more than zero?
No undocumented immigrant is allowed to vote in a local, state, or national election....anywhere.
I understand there are a few instances where they are allowed to vote in local school board elections...only if they have a stake (child) in the system.

Stop with the lies. They won't help you in November.

"Allowed" only means what the law says. You think illegal aliens give a rat ass about that ? We've gone all ovr this in this 360 post thread, including your ludicrous use of the word "undocumented"

To call an illegal aliens an "undocumented immigrant" is about th equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent."

Read the thread, before posting.
"Allowed" only means what the law says. You think illegal aliens give a rat ass about that ? We've gone all ovr this in this 360 post thread, including your ludicrous use of the word "undocumented"

To call an illegal aliens an "undocumented immigrant" is about th equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent."

Read the thread, before posting.
No undocumented or if you alt-right minions like, "illegal" immigrant is allowed to vote in a local, state, or national election.....fucking...period.

How many times do you have to be told the same thing? :)
Article 1… told of the DNC sending registration mailers that had the citizenship box marked. That doesn’t show that illegals were registering and voting in Texas…. STRIKE 1

Article 2… cited a poll whose link to the details was and error page, so no way to fact check. There was another 2014 study that analyzed data from the 2008 election that was referenced. Upon reading it they referenced an online poll that was conducted but provided zero details about it. “Studies” and articles that reference polls and data that they can’t produce or back up are meaningless…. STRIKE 2

Article 3… go to a broken link… STRIKE 3

For good measure I went to article 4…. Another broken link to source material and zero details to back up the claims they were making…. STRIKE 4

I’m not wasting any more time in your BS links. Sorry I bet you thought I wouldnt actually look. I always look as the vast majority of the time it just gives me ammo the helps my argument and shows how weak yours is.
Article 1 - it shows the collusion between Democrats and illegal aliens, to have them vote. Strike 1 for YOU.

Article 2 - This isn't an error page > Amazon product ASIN 1594036187
This isn't an error page >

This isnt an error page >>
In 2013, McLaughlin, a Republican pollster, conducted an extensive “National Hispanic Survey” to determine the attitudes of Hispanic Americans on immigration issues. McLaughlin went to a great deal of trouble to try to make this survey as accurate as possible, including conducting 60 percent of the interviews in Spanish. In results that run counter to what the mainstream media seems to think about the attitudes of Hispanics, the results showed strong support for everything from increased border security and tougher enforcement of immigration laws to “stopping undocumented immigrants who are already here from getting food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and Obamacare benefits.”

But buried in the back of the survey on page 68 is a “Voter Profile” that reveals that 13 percent of noncitizen respondents admitted they were registered to vote (a violation of state and federal law), which matches closely the Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.

When these numbers were adjusted to take into account various factors, such as noncitizens “who said they were not [registered but] were actually registered,” the Old Dominion/George Mason study’s authors concluded that the true percentage was probably closer to 25 percent.

There is no doubt the registration rate of noncitizens varies depending on the jurisdiction, and the percentage of those voting is likely smaller. But whether the registration rate is 13 percent as McLaughlin found or 25 percent as the Old Dominion/George Mason study estimated, there seems little doubt that there are enough noncitizens registering and voting to potentially make the difference in close elections.

The Comments section isnt an error page >>

Linda Paine says
June 6, 2015 at 11:11 am
The Election Integrity Project (EIP) of California has been researching the election process in California since January 2011. We have provided our research to those who can do something about it but have chosen to ignore the provable reports. This includes Registrars, attorneys, media, DAs, Board of Supervisors of LA County, legislators, etc. Only the citizens have cared enough to do something about it and have stepped up to help document what is happening in our Polling places.
The fact that 13% of non-citizens are voting is NOT new. EIP has been shouting from the rooftop for FOUR YEARS that Page 4 of the CA NVRA manual (found on the Sec of State website) creates chaos in the instructions for what the Registrar of Voters is supposed to do when an application arrives without the Citizenship Question checked. The opposing instructions have put the Registrars in a position to have to accept EVERY application to vote EVEN IF the applicant DOES NOT check the box stating they are a citizen AND DOES NOT respond to the Registrar’s request that they do so on the clarification post card they send to the applicant.
California is in trouble because those who have the power to stop this…simply don’t.

Article 3 - the links are broken link now, but they were up and active when this list of illegal alien voting was first posted by me 3 years ago.

I didn't think you wouldn't look up the links. I put them there so you WOULD look them up, but it looks like you're not looking them up very deeply. Only seeing what you WANT to see.

Didnt want to see this ? >
Jason Keuter says
August 18, 2015 at 1:40 pm
I am surprised that illegals voting is not a topic of public discussion. All that is needed it a voter id card and an address to send it to. It arrives and you go vote. Any crafty Democratic precinct captain could get illegals out to vote. The resistance to voter ID is nothing but a way of resisting exactly this kind of fraud.
What would you consider proof of citizenship?
Good question. I've ready answered that. I'll leave it to the experts. Obviously birth certificates & nturalization papers first com to mind but these would have to be backed up with something more (biological)
Ok, right there you’ve lost the debate. You bitch about this corrupt system yet you have nothing to contribute toward how it could and should be done better. That makes you nothing more than the peanut gallery
I just contributed the answer, and it doesn't matter if I know the exact methodology of proof of citizenship or not.

I dont know the exact methodology of producing vaccines for various viruses and bacteria, yet I support the creation and use of them, don't you ?
Are you seriously suggesting that poll workers stop and investigate people with accents? Somehow be able to determine their “home country” and then have a way to contact that country to check and see if they are a citizen there?! Do you realize how stupid and unrealistic that is?
I think it's an excellent idea.
No undocumented or if you alt-right minions like, "illegal" immigrant is allowed to vote in a local, state, or national election.....fucking...period.

How many times do you have to be told the same thing? :)
How many times do YOU have to be told tht "Allowed"only means what the law says (which illegal aliens couldn't care less about)

OH YEAH MAN!!!! Well we all know how scrupulously law-abiding illegal aliens are, right ? :right::slap:
356… the next post… I addressed your BS directly. Like I always do. No dodges
Yeah you (finally) said something about ONE of my comments looking for a response, although your 356 was pulverized by my 368.

But you still havent addressed the big question of WHY is Biden opening the border, re-established Catch & Release airlifting illegals into cities in the interior of the country, giving illegals various benefits$$$.

Well, it's a rhetorical question.
As I've already given the answer 1000 times, as have many other people, Biden needs VOTES, and this is his primary, big way of getting them.
He knows that Trump is a decent man, who cares about making America great, and will not tolerate illegal immigration, or the long list of harms that it imposes on the American people.
He also knows that the illegals know that Trump will deport them, and that Biden (not caring about harms) won't. So their presence here in the US depends on Biden (or some other Democrat) being POTUS.
So the choice is simple.

The nationalist Trump, making America great again.
or >>
The globalist Biden, making the Biden family great (and RICH), while letting the country fall apart all around him, in the process.
It shows a mailer that had a citizenship box checked. Stop being a drama queen.
No drama queen. They tried to get illegal aliens to vote and pre-marked the citizenship box. Everybody knows what's going on there.
You lose this debate more & more every time you post.
So now, we've got more stuff for you to respond to. How about >>
1.Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.
3. In 2013, McLaughlin, a Republican pollster, conducted an extensive “National Hispanic Survey” - on page 68 is a “Voter Profile” that reveals that 13 percent of noncitizen respondents admitted they were registered to vote (a violation of state and federal law), which matches closely the Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.
4.Linda Paine and The Election Integrity Project (EIP) of California researching the election process in California since January 2011.
5. Biden opening the border, re-established Catch & Release airlifting illegals into cities in the interior of the country, giving illegals various benefits$$$.
So now, we've got more stuff for you to respond to. How about >>
1.Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.
3. In 2013, McLaughlin, a Republican pollster, conducted an extensive “National Hispanic Survey” - on page 68 is a “Voter Profile” that reveals that 13 percent of noncitizen respondents admitted they were registered to vote (a violation of state and federal law), which matches closely the Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.
4.Linda Paine and The Election Integrity Project (EIP) of California researching the election process in California since January 2011.
5. Biden opening the border, re-established Catch & Release airlifting illegals into cities in the interior of the country, giving illegals various benefits$$$.

That Mason bullshit got debunked years ago, gramps.
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself...

^ Obama suborning felony voter fraud. Then you wonder why DNC called an accurate voter database an "existential threat"
Look at the House Democrats coming out of the woodwork, and joining Republicans,in opposing Biden's
open border policies. 14 House Democrats joined with all voting Republicans, in passing a resolution introduced by Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX).

In addition to denouncing the policies, the resolution condemned the “national security and public safety crisis along the southwest border” and urged President Joe Biden to “end his administration’s open-borders policies.” [Source: Daily Wire]

Since Biden entered office, the Southern border has been overwhelmed by illegal immigration. Over five million migrants have entered the country. The Biden administration has failed to remove these migrants.

Instead, DHS has been flying migrants to all corners of the country. The federal government is spending tax dollars to house illegal aliens, with the goal of giving them jobs.

Blue cities overwhelmed with tens of thousands of migrants have refused to demand the government to deport them. Instead, they are spending billions in tax dollars to get migrants housing, government benefits, and work permits.

Residents of liberal cities have expressed strong dissent over the crisis. They are outraged that migrant encampments are being built in parks, public spaces, and even schools. But, so far, it appears their leaders are refusing to listen to them.

I think it's an excellent idea.
I’m sure you do however it isn’t realistic or possible at this time so you are playing in fantasy land. I’d love to take a warp zone across country instead of taking an airplane but that’s not gonna happen

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