Biden Is Toast

No it is NOT irrelevant, amd the fact that you say it is shows that you are just biased (probably having vested interests) in this discussion, and your posts are worthless.

Everybody who votes does NOT need to show documentation that only US citizens can get. They just go vote just like anyone else, with no ID required in California, and 41 other states , That is according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, whose word is a lot more authoritative than yours.

And even if drivers licenses were required, so what? As I showed you in a previous well-sourced post, dozens of states allow aliens ro have drivers licenses, without a peep about citizenship.

You also have no clue about illegal aliens. You laughably call them "undocumented". Having connections to Mexico, and being fluent in Spanish, I have talked to many illegal aliens. When you speak their language and have knowledge of Mexico (I lived there for 3 years), they tend to open up to you, and think of you as one of them

They have more documentation than most Americans. I told you they buy government photo IDs for $10 each in the flea markets. One construction worker I talked to showed me a wallet with 14 IDs in it, including a fake VA photo ID, complete with a "Service Connected" designation on it, giving him free medical care in any VA hospital in America. This is an industry that has been around for 40 years, and is well developed. I can tell you no ID requirement Is going to stop these guys, including what you are yammering about in California.

Now, on the biggest football weekend of the year (4 playoff games), I'm not going it sit here and waste any more time on this. I've introduced you to enough reality here. I've got football threads to attend to.

They just go vote just like anyone else, with no ID required in California, and 41 other states

Liar. First time voters who did not provide a driver's license number or social security number must present ID when they go to vote...

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like you do.
Yes it is irrelevant to your point that people can vote without verifying their citizenship. The polling places marked on your map who don’t check IDs only give ballots to registered voters and those registered voters need to be verified to register. Your chart doesn’t address that so it’s nonsense.

If it says otherwise then it is lying
Nonsense. In states shown in gray and solid colors no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here.

As stated 10 times to your thick skull, as the Rock of WWE fame would say >>IT DOESN'T MATTER what requirement states have. Illegal aliens have long disposed of these obstacles with false documentation (how many times do I have to say this ?) of dozens of different types, and all identical to the real thing.

Post # 275 flew right past you (you probably dont even read it).
Do you understand that lack of migrants to work in the food industry is driving up the cost of your food??????
That’s a bunch of bullcrap. The jobs the illegals do used to be done by high school and college students. What is driving up the cost of fast food are the increases in what used to be wages for either part time workers, or people incapable of learning more responsible jobs.


Undocumented immigrants are not involved in any affirmative action program. Jobs typically filled by such folks do NOT get picked up by US citizens, white or otherwise

Undocumented immigrants do not depress wages. What Immigration Means For U.S. Employment and Wages | Brookings).

Again, undocumented immigrants do not depress wages. Off-book work is not restricted to undocumented workers

Undocumented immigrants remit money home just as easily as the documented

Undocumented immigrants do not receive welfare payments

Immigrants and particularly undocumented immigrants commit significantly less crime than do Americans Undocumented Immigrants Are Half as Likely to Be Arrested for Violent Crimes as U.S.-Born Citizens

You should use this liine to advocate for increased family planning

The poor produce less pollution than the wealthy

A good argument for universal health care

What is this? A complaint about undocumented immigrants in public parks and playgrounds?

Oh great!, a really :lame2:brain, long post right on the top football weekend of the year, and the first game coming right up in 15 minutes.

I'll try to shorten this.

It might be nice if you would read the thread before posting, with everything you said having been refuted in previous posts.

1. As stated in Post # 275, NOBODY is "undocumented" in America, and with the great majority of illegal aliens having entered the US illegally, in violation of US Code 8, section1325, not claiming asylum, they thus are not "immigrants", but are essentially criminal invaders.

Any workers doing any kind of job could be included in Affirmative Action discrimination Since many migrants are black & Hispanic, yes they could often get AA preference over white applicants.

You are apparently unaware that for years studies have been done that have repeatedly showed that in the occupations most frequented by illegal aliens, the great majority of workers are American.
Its really amazing that after DECADES of squashing these idiotic notions >> ("they take the jobs no one wants and contribute to the economy there"), into dust, people still persist in advancing them here in USMB. Oh boy.

OK for the 20 millionth time on this too, NO, illegal aliens DO NOT take jobs no one wants. In studies of 474 separate occupations defined by the Department of Commerce, we find only a handful of majority-immigrant occupations, and none completely dominated by immigrants (legal or illegal). Furthermore, in none of the 474 occupations, do illegal immigrants constitute a majority of workers.

There Are No Jobs Americans Won’t Do

Among the 474 separate occupations defined by the Department of Commerce, we find only a handful of majority-immigrant occupations, and none completely dominated by immigrants.
Secondly, illegal aliens are nowhere to be found in some of the most dangerous, toughest, and dirtiest jobs in America.





2. Traditionally illegal aliens have depressed wages by their willingness to work for lower wages than Americans. Many have worked off the books for less than minimum wage. This has changed over time and now, just for one example the majority of workers in Walmart (near me) are illegal aliens all working for about $13-15/hour, which isnt too bad.

3. Yes, all aliens legal or not remit $$ to theor home countries thereby harming the US economy, and depriving US stores (aka "the economy") of sales$$$$$$$$$, as it is these US stores where these sales would be, if the jobs/salaries were held by Americans.

4. Legal immihgrants generlly commit less crimes, on average, than Americans. Illegal aliens ALL commit cromes (US Code 8 section 1325) when they climb a border fence, tunnel in here, com in hidden in car trunks or trailer trucks. They also commit more crimes than American once they're here.
But you changes the subject. In my list of HARMS of Illegal Immigration I didnt mention who commits more crime than who. It say INCREASED crime, meaning th total number of crimes increases as there are more people here, some % of which will always be criminal.

5, By way of the anchor baby racket and false documentation, immigrants(legal 7 illegal) receive more welfare than Americans do.

6. Again it is not a matter of who produces more pollution than whom. It is simply that when you add more people to the population (any people), YOU HAVE MORE POLLUTION. Duh!

7. We already HAVE universal health care. You want free medical care ? Join the military. Everybody ought to give a couople of years of their life to it anyway.

8. Public parks, playgrounds, fishing piers, beaches, zoos, amusement parks, sports stadiums, roads & highways, government offics, etc, all are impacted with added people from illegal immigration, and often causing overcrowding. Correct.

I'm off the computer until tomorrow.. Football playoffs time.


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Everybody who votes does NOT need to show documentation that only US citizens can get. They just go vote just like anyone else, with no ID required in California, and 41 other states , That is according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, whose word is a lot more authoritative than yours.
The only people who can show up to vote have to be registered. They show up and give their name to get their ballot. If they are registered then they can vote.

I thought you said you lived in CA. How do you not know this?!
And even if drivers licenses were required, so what? As I showed you in a previous well-sourced post, dozens of states allow aliens ro have drivers licenses, without a peep about citizenship.
The drivers licenses offered to people without citizenship have a special classification AB60. This allows them the ability to drive but not to vote
Nonsense. In states shown in gray and solid colors no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here.

As stated 10 times to your thick skull, as the Rock of WWE fame would say >>IT DOESN'T MATTER what requirement states have. Illegal aliens have long disposed of these obstacles with false documentation (how many times do I have to say this ?) of dozens of different types, and all identical to the real thing.

Post # 275 flew right past you (you probably dont even read it).

Nonsense. In states shown in gray and solid colors no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here.

You're caught lying again, gramps. I posted a link that says ID in California is required to register and vote. Only after that is ID no longer required since the voter is already a verified registered voter.
Newsmax isn't a "source". It's propaganda. And Saul Alinsky's been dead for over 50 years. You righties really need to update your out-of-date tropes. :)
NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washington Post are all propaganda, dingbat I guess that makes all of your tropes out of date.
We don't have to prove Newsmaxx is a credible source. YOU do. It's up to YOU to back up your posts with links to CREDIBLE SOURCES.

After you prove NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, and MSNBC are credible sources.
There is good and valid reasons why all of your sources are "Questionable" and we refuse to accept them:

  • They cannot pass a fact check test, meaning THEY LIE - A LOT
  • They do not subscribed to "established journalistic standards of verification" prior to publication"
  • They routinely promote conspiracy theories like "stolen elections"
  • Their "stories" often regurgitate both Chinese and Russian propaganda. Operatives from Russia have even gotten their lies onto the Senate Floor and entered into the public record, using right wing media
  • They are owned and controlled by billionaires who profit hugely from the Republican tax cuts and economic crashes the Republicans give their owners
  • They "spin" stories from media outlets which do publish the truth to their point of view (See Devon Archer's testimony to Congress exonerating the Bidens).
250 years after your Founders gave you a "Republic, if you can keep it", where all men are created equal to rise and fall in the world on the basis of your worth ethic and your talents, you're prepared to surrender to the control of your nation to the billionaires, and the man they want to make Dictator.
Nonsense. In states shown in gray and solid colors no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here.
That’s a lie I just showed you the form in CA that requires ID and social security number. I’ll show you again…

What You Will Need
To register online you will need

Your California driver license or California identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

Nonsense. In states shown in gray and solid colors no ID is required for registering, voting or any another caption you want to throw in here.

As stated 10 times to your thick skull, as the Rock of WWE fame would say >>IT DOESN'T MATTER what requirement states have. Illegal aliens have long disposed of these obstacles with false documentation (how many times do I have to say this ?) of dozens of different types, and all identical to the real thing.

Post # 275 flew right past you (you probably dont even read it).
I’m seeing you pivot now from insisting that states don’t require proof of citizenship to saying that people are illegally voting with fake IDs. That’s a completely different topic. So is that a concession from you admitting you’ve been wrong about all the BS you’ve been spewing?
The only people who can show up to vote have to be registered. They show up and give their name to get their ballot. If they are registered then they can vote.

I thought you said you lived in CA. How do you not know this?!
Illegal aliens can be registerd - I explained it all. Ho hu. yawn****
You are just posting what you WANT to be true.
The drivers licenses offered to people without citizenship have a special classification AB60. This allows them the ability to drive but not to vote
None of that matters to illegal aliens You name it - they duplicate it. I've SEEN what they have. Sounds like you haven't.
That’s a lie I just showed you the form in CA that requires ID and social security number. I’ll show you again…

What You Will Need
To register online you will need

Your California driver license or California identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If this were true, it wouldn't matter to illegal aliens. They have false documentation for everything that exists. This scenario has been going on for 40 years.

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