Biden isnt going to run for POTUS again .

It's the 'ol want to .. vs. reality. He has to run, as the Democrats don't have a viable auxiliary candidate. Who would they select? Kamala Harris? (lol) ... Eric Stallwell? Gavin Newsom?

They have nobody
It could be argued that "nobody" won last time. In a field of unqualified candidates, it is impossible to be enthusiastic about anyone. It is so easy to be better than the last offerings were that claiming Newsom or DeSantis are better is not saying a great deal.
It's the 'ol want to .. vs. reality. He has to run, as the Democrats don't have a viable auxiliary candidate. Who would they select? Kamala Harris? (lol) ... Eric Stallwell? Gavin Newsom?

They have nobody
They didn't have anybody when the vegetable ran and somehow, miraculously, he won anyway in spite of not campaigning beyond the primary.
And its not just Joe. Jill loves being 1st Lady, Hunter digs being 1st Son. Those two see themselves as the modern versions of Jackie O and John-John.
Speaking of Jill, Hunter, all his cohorts, and Joe himself, there is only one reason he wants and needs to get reelected. DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pardons for every one of the rats.
It's the 'ol want to .. vs. reality. He has to run, as the Democrats don't have a viable auxiliary candidate. Who would they select? Kamala Harris? (lol) ... Eric Stallwell? Gavin Newsom?

They have nobody
the lefts base has now become the socialist party of America ... so whoever runs will be more to the left than Biden ... wont be surprised if Sanders or Warren get the nomination .
It could be argued that "nobody" won last time. In a field of unqualified candidates, it is impossible to be enthusiastic about anyone. It is so easy to be better than the last offerings were that claiming Newsom or DeSantis are better is not saying a great deal.
DeSantis is astronomically a more competent executive than Newsom .
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... and i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
I hope you are right, but if he does he will beat Trump by 10% and DeSantis by 5%. He would lose to anyone else, imo.
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... and i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
Biden DOES NOT suffer from dementia. This 2020 lie is way old. It did not work then, it will not work at any time.

Good luck in your chosen Republican candidate.
he cant run .... he's no longer able to communicate at a moments notice ..
That obviously isn't a concern with Democrats today .. nor was it any more lackluster in 2020. Democrats have no choice. They'll run a Biden / X ticket and if Biden were to win, he'll retire or have some type of health issues to hand the torch to the VP.
I hope he runs .. he already has two challengers in the primaries .. and as an intentional, officially registered democrat who votes republican, I'll vote for the competition.

So do I. I'm thinking of switching to democrat just so that I can vote against him and watch him lose the Dem nomination!
What do you call it, then? Stupidity?
The stupidity comes from any Republicans who continue to spread this false nonsense, hoping that people will not vote for Biden or any Democratic candidate for any office.

But....keep at it. It is so much fun to see how scared, again, some Republicans are of losing more elections, that they have been having no problems cheating via gerrymandering districts to death.
The stupidity comes from any Republicans who continue to spread this false nonsense, hoping that people will not vote for Biden or any Democratic candidate for any office.

But....keep at it. It is so much fun to see how scared, again, some Republicans are of losing more elections, that they have been having no problems cheating via gerrymandering districts to death.
You know what dead districts are good for?

Voting Democrat.
You know what dead districts are good for?

Voting Democrat.
[Gerrymandering is the lowest form of staying in power for Republicans. So is Republican voter suppression.

And STILL, they are losing.]

Lawson’s loss was nearly entirely attributable to Governor Ron DeSantis. The governor went out of his way to redraw the boundaries of Lawson’s district to ensure that a Republican could win it. It was a brazen scheme to weaken the political power of Black voters and a striking example of how DeSantis has waged one of the most aggressive – and successful – efforts to curtail voting rights in Florida.

In addition to reducing Black representation in Congress, the governor has tightened election rules, created a first-of-its-kind state agency, funded by more than $1m to prosecute election fraud and gutted one of the biggest expansions of modern-era voting rights.

“Governor DeSantis has really targeted Black folks in his efforts to strip, restrict and suppress our vote in the state of Florida. That has been his number one mission,” said Jasmine Burney-Clark, the founder of Equal Ground, a nonprofit that works to register voters.

I can't see Biden stepping down at all, or under any circumstances.

The Democrat Party is well familiar with the classic film "Weekend at Bernie's" and even Sleepy Joe's demise won't stop his reign.
Yeah we saw what they were willing to do with Fetterman, they have 0 scruples especially when trying to keep their secrets on corruption covered up.
Some of us have always thought it is planned that he step down so that the selected Vice President become the incumbent.
They'd better pass that stool or get off the pot. Only a year and a half to go. Even if that happened it would still be a disaster for them.

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