Biden isn't the reason inflation is sky high.

So, you do not think that companies take advantage of on going inflation and raise their prices even more to ensure maximum profits but exacerbating the problem in the process?

Unless they were colluding or there was a monopoly raising their prices well beyond their costs would be impossible due to our free market. If there are two restaurant food suppliers in town and one of them jacked up their prices well beyond their costs, would the other food supplier do the same or keep their prices lower to take the business away from the other? In turn, the other supplier would lower their prices to avoid losing their customers. Remember, businesses are trying to maximum their profits.
Keystone xl wouldn't benefit US consumers at all.

US consumers, maybe not directly, but it sure would keep a lot of money out of the hands of countries hell bent on destroying the US. Russia and Iran have been given a bunch of money by this administration via the lifiting of sanctions. Couple that with the trillions essentially handed over to the Taliban in Afghanistan by these knuckleheads and you should see the real problems we will be facing in the non too distant future. This administration has royally screwed up decades of foreign policy in 1 year.
Unless they were colluding or there was a monopoly raising their prices well beyond their costs would be impossible due to our free market.

We have a lot of industries that are dominated by one or two companies.

If there are two restaurant food suppliers in town and one of them jacked up their prices well beyond their costs, would the other food supplier do the same or keep their prices lower to take the business away from the other? In turn, the other supplier would lower their prices to avoid losing their customers.

Tis a good question. Would supplier number two raises his prices to just 10 cents below number 1, that way they are still cheaper but they still maximizing their profits.

Why is it every gas station no matter who owns it all raise their prices pretty much at the same time?
We have a lot of industries that are dominated by one or two companies.

If we think they are interfering with the free market then Congress should bring forth legislation to break them up. It won’t happen because politicians on both sides of the aisle are getting their pockets lined by, most notably, big oil and big tech.

Tis a good question. Would supplier number two raises his prices to just 10 cents below number 1, that way they are still cheaper but they still maximizing their profits.

Yes, he may, but if number 1 started losing customers then that supplier would in turn lower his prices to match number 2. Number 1 would recognize that he could take some customers by lowering prices again, thus make more money and the cycle goes on and on. If the two colluded and decided not to go any lower and still maximize their profits, another food supplier would pop up and undercut both of them and take their customers. That is how the free market works.

Why is it every gas station no matter who owns it all raise their prices pretty much at the same time?

Yeah, because they follow the price of oil.
We have a lot of industries that are dominated by one or two companies.

Tis a good question. Would supplier number two raises his prices to just 10 cents below number 1, that way they are still cheaper but they still maximizing their profits.

Why is it every gas station no matter who owns it all raise their prices pretty much at the same time?
Why is it no matter the cigarette company they all raise their prices at the same time?
US consumers, maybe not directly, but it sure would keep a lot of money out of the hands of countries hell bent on destroying the US. Russia and Iran have been given a bunch of money by this administration via the lifiting of sanctions. Couple that with the trillions essentially handed over to the Taliban in Afghanistan by these knuckleheads and you should see the real problems we will be facing in the non too distant future. This administration has royally screwed up decades of foreign policy in 1 year.
You have it all wrong. When Trump put sanctions on Venezuela we started buying oil from Russia.
Keystone xl wouldn't benefit US consumers at all.

Nor would the 1.400 plus drilling permits that Xi's Biden Regime pulled. Changing America from a net energy exporter to dependent on Russia and Iran! :thup:

That bastard Trump had nearly DESTROYED the Iranian economy with American oil independence. But Iran is BACK baby.

Quid Pro is worth every penny Iran bribed him with over 50 year. And that mansion Iran bought Barry da Fairy in Martha's Vineyard? So worth it.

Trump nearly destroyed Iran, but friends are in power now - and they are friends of Iran and Russia indeed!
You have it all wrong. When Trump put sanctions on Venezuela we started buying oil from Russia.

I wasn’t thinking of the Keystone pipeline, but Nordstream, however, cutting the Keystone pipeline coupled with les US oil production was not a smart move in the long run.
Keystone xl benefits the ch
I wasn’t thinking of the Keystone pipeline, but Nordstream, however, cutting the Keystone pipeline coupled with les US oil production was not a smart move in the long run.
Keystone xl benefits the Chinese who own Canadian tarsands.
Unless they were colluding or there was a monopoly raising their prices well beyond their costs would be impossible due to our free market. If there are two restaurant food suppliers in town and one of them jacked up their prices well beyond their costs, would the other food supplier do the same or keep their prices lower to take the business away from the other? In turn, the other supplier would lower their prices to avoid losing their customers. Remember, businesses are trying to maximum their profits.

Don't confuse Trolling Traitor with economics.

He has Raw Sewage to tell him what he thinks.
You really are astoundingly stupid.

Jaw dropping, really.

Had you made it to high school, you might have taken a class in economics...

It didn't happen.


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