Biden job approval second-lowest among presidents since 1950s

rye even you agreed with that you would never admit it...biden is not that great of a president and his VP is a disaster waiting to happen.....

Sometimes I wonder if that was the Dimocrat strategy. Choose a VP that no matter how bad the president himself is, the majority of the country will be afraid to remove him, because they know what they'll get the moment he's gone.
As a tandem, these two are the worst I've seen in my life.
The only people I know of who support Biden are on this message board, on CNN, TYT, and MSNBC. Even my leftists friends have abandoned him. However, they are leftists who can have civil conversations with the right, they don't yell, and are tolerant of opposing points of view. So guess they are not your typical leftists.

Unless they call you names behind your back, they are definitely not your garden variety leftists, because these people are vile.
I'm sorry. I've already surpassed the amount of time I'm willing to waste on delusional liars with severe TDS

Try again tomorrow.
TDS is not a rebuttal when an expository response is necessary. Please find someone who explains the meaning of an expository rebuttal.
I was down to two remaining Democrat friends, as I couldn’t stand the constant demonization of the “Trump morons,” “racists,“ etc. That number dropped to one as of last week, when one of them sent me a joke mocking Republican Jews - knowing I am a Republican Jew - on the eve of Passover.

My one remaining Democrat friend is a really good guy and a long-time friend, and has never said anything negative to me about my vote. We will remain friends until the first one of us dies, G-d willing not for at least 20 years.
And I’m sure you never denigrate Biden orDems in front of any of them right…

Sure. I’m thinking the friends you no longer keep are the lucky ones
TDS is not a rebuttal when an expository response is necessary. Please find someone who explains the meaning of an expository rebuttal.

For a troll like you?


Go bite yourself, TDSer
What’s actually funny is that the one President with lower approval umbers??


Okay, here you go:

List of failures:

Failed Afghanistan withdraw
Border security
Totalitarian mask mandates
Totalitarian vaccine mandates
Return to energy dependence
Crime wave sweeping the nation - Got to love that leftist "defund the police"
Using FBI for stolen diary
Sicking the FBI on parents who voice concern at schoolboard meetings that have different views then the lefts.
"Build Back Better"

Let me know if you need more as they are plentiful.
You are a biddable fool. You echo things that are not within the power of President Biden and sadly you don't have the brains to research each one of these so called failures; thus you echo BIG LIES.
You are a biddable fool. You echo things that are not within the power of President Biden and sadly you don't have the brains to research each one of these so called failures; thus you echo BIG LIES.
Really? Almost all of that was directly in his control. Shutdowns, mandates, oil dependence on other countries, messy withdraw from Afghanistan, etc, etc. That is the problem with the left, you see facts you don't like as lies.
What’s actually funny is that the one President with lower approval umbers??



And your guy has now reached Trump territory, and he's still got nearly three more years to set the bar lower. BWAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! :laugh:
He's literally the best!!!!

What were his 3 best new policies as far as job creation?
First there was the passage of the infrastructure bill.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act could create around 650,000 jobs, according to an estimate by Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. Pay could average about $70,000 a year for the jobs Zandi’s referring to, some of them in manufacturing.

Then there is Executive order 13990, it addresses climate change but it also created jobs.

Notice how often "job creation" is mentioned in that EO.

That executive order was part of the Biden's administration 30 x 30 initiative, a pledge to conserve 30% of US land and water resources by 2030. And here is the thing,

The model shows that each $1 million of spending creates between 17 and 31 jobs in conservation and related industries, while only eight jobs are created through oil and gas.

The above is backed by real numbers and supported by additional studies. But how often does the "liberal media" provide the public with that type of information? Over the last seven years I have had a front row seat in the energy industry. My son is a research scientist and works for the largest non-profit energy research institution in the world. They are funded in two ways, government grants and private contributions. Energy utilities pay for their research, 50% goes to the project the utility wants, 50% goes to project the research institution chooses. The company had great hope when Trump was elected, especially in the area of electricity generation, my son's area of expertise. But by the last year of Trump's term contributions from utilities were being cut and government grants were all but eliminated. There were massive layoffs.

Then Biden rolled in with that 30 x 30 plan. That EO, and others. Contributions from private utilities exploded as they sought means of achieving the objectives that Biden's EO's dictated, and government grants started rolling in. Now my son is spending half his time interviewing new engineers as the company expands. That is real job creation.

The reality is that the press, on both sides, blame Biden for things that he is not totally responsible for, and absolutely ignore the action his administration have accomplished, mostly through executive orders since Congress has morphed into an oppositional bunch of asshats that don't give two shits about curing problems. McCarthy's problems today indicative of the Republican party's obsession with power. The country, the truth, morality--they mean nothing. Staying in power, or getting in power, is all that matters.
Moonglow would be here but he's busy protesting the Disney lockout.

Biden’s dismal poll numbers imperil Dem Senate control​

The president’s popularity is dangerously low in the four states where Democratic incumbents are most endangered.

Noice, and the news keeps getting worse for the democrats.
And it's consistently low, and no sign it will be getting any better.

Biden job approval second-lowest among presidents since 1950s: Gallup​

It's nonsense.
41% of the polled people might SAY they approve of him, but there is no way 41% actually do.
It is nowhere near that high.
First there was the passage of the infrastructure bill.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act could create around 650,000 jobs, according to an estimate by Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. Pay could average about $70,000 a year for the jobs Zandi’s referring to, some of them in manufacturing.

Then there is Executive order 13990, it addresses climate change but it also created jobs.

Notice how often "job creation" is mentioned in that EO.

That executive order was part of the Biden's administration 30 x 30 initiative, a pledge to conserve 30% of US land and water resources by 2030. And here is the thing,

The model shows that each $1 million of spending creates between 17 and 31 jobs in conservation and related industries, while only eight jobs are created through oil and gas.

The above is backed by real numbers and supported by additional studies. But how often does the "liberal media" provide the public with that type of information? Over the last seven years I have had a front row seat in the energy industry. My son is a research scientist and works for the largest non-profit energy research institution in the world. They are funded in two ways, government grants and private contributions. Energy utilities pay for their research, 50% goes to the project the utility wants, 50% goes to project the research institution chooses. The company had great hope when Trump was elected, especially in the area of electricity generation, my son's area of expertise. But by the last year of Trump's term contributions from utilities were being cut and government grants were all but eliminated. There were massive layoffs.

Then Biden rolled in with that 30 x 30 plan. That EO, and others. Contributions from private utilities exploded as they sought means of achieving the objectives that Biden's EO's dictated, and government grants started rolling in. Now my son is spending half his time interviewing new engineers as the company expands. That is real job creation.

The reality is that the press, on both sides, blame Biden for things that he is not totally responsible for, and absolutely ignore the action his administration have accomplished, mostly through executive orders since Congress has morphed into an oppositional bunch of asshats that don't give two shits about curing problems. McCarthy's problems today indicative of the Republican party's obsession with power. The country, the truth, morality--they mean nothing. Staying in power, or getting in power, is all that matters.

Pay could average about $70,000 a year for the jobs Zandi’s referring to, some of them in manufacturing.

How much is that after Biden-inflation?

Then there is Executive order 13990, it addresses climate change but it also created jobs.

It's true, green energy jobs have very low productivity.
On the plus side, green energy is more expensive and less reliable.

Notice how often "job creation" is mentioned in that EO.

No kidding. It's like it was written for a late night comedy show.

That executive order was part of the Biden's administration 30 x 30 initiative, a pledge to conserve 30% of US land and water resources by 2030.

Isn't the federal government already mismanaging enough of our land and water?

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