Biden leads largest govt revenue growth since 1977

Thanks Biden! Who’s Laffering now?

Despite a pandemic, a recession and a slew of tax cuts, federal tax receipts are booming.

Revenues jumped 18 percent in the fiscal year that just ended, analysts say — the biggest one-year increase since 1977.

That translates into $627 billion more than in 2020, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates that, for the first time, total government revenues topped $4 trillion.
“They are just booming,” said Mark Booth, a former top revenue forecaster at the agency. “It is very unusual.”

Trump's across the board tax cuts kicking in again after the Fauci pandemic.

Thank you, President Trump.
We have a long way to go, but at least we are on the right track.

I have issues with some of Biden’s tax proposals. No doubt about that. However, I have no problem with strong government revenue. A fiscally strong government correlates to a strong economy. The Whole “starve the beast” mentality has been proven to be nothing but a fraud.
Are you willing to admit that the revenue increase is partly because of the government handouts? It would not have been bragging
rights without it as the OP claims
Thanks Biden! Who’s Laffering now?

Despite a pandemic, a recession and a slew of tax cuts, federal tax receipts are booming.

Revenues jumped 18 percent in the fiscal year that just ended, analysts say — the biggest one-year increase since 1977.

That translates into $627 billion more than in 2020, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates that, for the first time, total government revenues topped $4 trillion.
“They are just booming,” said Mark Booth, a former top revenue forecaster at the agency. “It is very unusual.”

So why does he want to raise taxes again?
Are you willing to admit that the revenue increase is partly because of the government handouts? It would not have been bragging
rights without it as the OP claims
You do raise a valid point, however, according to Politico, most of the increased tax revenue came from greater corporate and individual tax revenue.
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You do raise a valid point, however, according to Politico, the increased tax revenue came from greater corporate and individual tax revenue. I can personally attest to the increased tax revenue. I really should be a Republican.

But you're so comfortable being a traitor.....
According to the link, revenues are booming. We need to pay for all that Trump debt. It takes a Democrat to get our house into fiscal order. We do have a long way to go, but al least we are now on the right track.
Forget it.
You're trying to explain basic economics to a group of people who religiously believe that cutting taxes raises revenues while raising them lowers revenues.

I believe they call it the Laughter Curve because every time they talk about taxes the just get laughed at in return.
The Feds have the power to embellish any obscure statistic they can come up with to promote Biden's policies but out in the real world we see empty shelves and high gas prices and secret police monitoring school boards.
Forget it.
You're trying to explain basic economics to a group of people who religiously believe that cutting taxes raises revenues while raising them lowers revenues.

I believe they call it the Laughter Curve because every time they talk about taxes the just get laughed at in return.
Show me which year revenues were lower than the previous year after a tax cut.
Thanks Biden! Who’s Laffering now?

Despite a pandemic, a recession and a slew of tax cuts, federal tax receipts are booming.

Revenues jumped 18 percent in the fiscal year that just ended, analysts say — the biggest one-year increase since 1977.

That translates into $627 billion more than in 2020, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates that, for the first time, total government revenues topped $4 trillion.
“They are just booming,” said Mark Booth, a former top revenue forecaster at the agency. “It is very unusual.”

5 months of which where trump’s…and it seems as the article highlights all the dembot crowing…the trump tax plan works! corps and the rich are paying!

don’t mess with it if it’s working!

now just imagine what will happen when we get rid of xiden’s inflation!? and payments not to work? it’s gonna skyrocket

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