Biden leads Trump in Texas of all places

Doesn’t bode well for Trump. Losing Texas would mean automatic defeat for Trump.

Trump won't lose Texas, but it will be a lot closer than it should. That alone is a good indication he is headed for defeat on Election Day.

Unless widespread voter fraud can be shown, the Texas vote will not be closer than it should. It will be exactly where it should be. No doubt it could be a lot closer than expected, but if fewer Texans support Trump, the vote count should show that.

That was more than 2 1/2 months ago dumb ass. WTF is wrong with you?
Doesn’t bode well for Trump. Losing Texas would mean automatic defeat for Trump.

Trump won't lose Texas, but it will be a lot closer than it should. That alone is a good indication he is headed for defeat on Election Day.

Unless widespread voter fraud can be shown, the Texas vote will not be closer than it should. It will be exactly where it should be. No doubt it could be a lot closer than expected, but if fewer Texans support Trump, the vote count should show that.

That was more than 2 1/2 months ago dumb ass. WTF is wrong with you?
that was an October poll they conducted
Your link dumb ass
View attachment 406552
there is no date on the link I provided you scam

No dumb ass there is not. However, there is a link directly to the poll, which is what I posted.
View attachment 406565
would you care to make a bet that Trump wins Texas?

I won't be surprised if he does. The fact that we are seriously discussing the possibility of a Democrat winning in Texas is enough to show how much Trump has hurt the repub party in Texas.
Rep Gov. Check
Rep Legislature. Check.
2 Rep Senators. Check.
Majority of House Reps Republican. Check.

Yep, the Republican party is in trouble in Texas.

The repub death grip on Texas politics is not as strong as it has been. No where near as strong as it has been. Demographics is slowly eating away at that grip until it slips and the state instantly turns blue for the foreseeable future.
Shades of 2016.

Where is The Drunk Irish Burgler these days?
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered
Internet Tough Guy
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered
Internet Tough Guy
sure thing buttercup
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered

Around here, we have to resist that urge.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and can choose what they will.

One of these two was at a family gathering and shot off his mouth (or that's the story). Family members were quite concerned when someone went off on him (worried there would be an assault). Turns out it was his younger brother.

In a very loud voice I guess the brother spoke for all of us:

1. Cowardly effort to go outside the party to stab someone in the back.
2. No consultation and no real justification other than they didn't like him.
3. Very much his right to do whatever he wants.

However, what set this guy off was that the moron LP leader seemed to think that once Trump was gone....the GOP would unite and all would be well.

Which is when he learned (and the primary was already an example which had not figured out) that conservatives who wanted Trump would have been O.K. with a primary challenge (which the LP never offered up) but not this and that we (conservatives) would never align with anyone we know to be part or associated with the LP in any way.

At that point moron LP says something stupid like "well I guess the democrats will own the show".

Which is when family members did have to restrain the younger brother who yelled "just who are you trying to put in the W.H.?"

Amazing and scary at the same time.

The party will never bee the same.
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered
Internet Tough Guy
sure thing buttercup

Don't mind him.

He lives in New Jersey. He can't help that he is a moron.
FL, OH, IA, NC, PA & one of MI, MN, WI, AZ wins it for the good guys.

I feel optimistic about FL, OH, IA,'s PA that worries me but the numbers from PA for Trump today look promising.
Hopefully, Trump is headed for a landslide defeat. RW is right. If a Republican is down in Texas less than 10 days to the election, it is very bad news for that Republican, not only in Texas but across the nation.

I truly believe America has had enough of the Orange moron and the spineless Repub Senate.
But are you right about Trump being down in polls there? The Trafalgar poll says you are wrong.

There must be a reason why a reliably red state would fall to Joe Biden, a career swamp dweller
caught in a horrible scandal at the moment and coming off a dismal debate performance.

I think that reason is you wish it to be so.
Trump and his supporters made a huge mistake banking on this Hunter Biden farce. No one cares about Hunter Biden except Trump and his supporters. The more Trump talks about it, the more the public is turned off. They know this is nothing short of a hoax.
I just love how you clowns continue to beat the shit out of yourselves. Keep it up shitforbrains. Before you get off of your asses the election will be over and Trump will be whoopin your butts for another four years and all you'll be doing is pissing and moaning about it.
FL, OH, IA, NC, PA & one of MI, MN, WI, AZ wins it for the good guys.

I feel optimistic about FL, OH, IA,'s PA that worries me but the numbers from PA for Trump today look promising.
North Carolina democrats may just cheat to win because they have been allowed an extension on counting the ballots by the courts.
I think it was given until November the 14th
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered

Yes, we all know how scary you are, but be sure to call home and tell them you'll be a little late because of all the ass kicking you'll be doing. You know how worried they get when you're out after dark. Remember the last time you got lost, and they found you crying at the playground.
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered

Yes, we all know how scary you are, but be sure to call home and tell them you'll be a little late because of all the ass kicking you'll be doing. You know how worried they get when you're out after dark. Remember the last time you got lost, and they found you crying at the playground.
lalalala think of all the people who said they'll do something and bang they did
Doesn’t bode well for Trump. Losing Texas would mean automatic defeat for Trump.

The poll showed Biden with the support of 48 percent of likely voters, compared with 45 percent for Trump. The results represent a shift from the same poll in September, when Trump led by 2 percentage points. One difference from September is that Biden has expanded his lead among Hispanic voters from 30 percentage points to 48.
It just gets worse & worse for Scumpty. Now Pence's orbit is eat up with Covid-19, further reinforcement of the gross failure's of the Scumpty admin to protect the American people. His chief of staff admits that they can't contain it. The Hunter Biden scenario, trumpeted by Scumpty and Faux News, is fading away with Faux News the other day saying there was no basis in fact. Even Scumpty's soul buddy Putin says Biden's son is a non issue. With the economy tanking and suburban women rebelling over "grab 'em by the pussy," Scumpty is history (though it may take the military to get his ass gone.) The fat lady is warming up!!! Bigly!!!
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered

Yes, we all know how scary you are, but be sure to call home and tell them you'll be a little late because of all the ass kicking you'll be doing. You know how worried they get when you're out after dark. Remember the last time you got lost, and they found you crying at the playground.
lalalala think of all the people who said they'll do something and bang they did

Are you a psycho shooter, or just like to pretend you are?
Quantify how Trump has hurt the Republican party. Don't bring some poll, Moron.

Trump has damaged the brand
When he loses BIGLY he will bring down the party with him.

They are now the party of Trump and they will bear the Stink of Trump with future generations who have been permanently turned off to the Republican Brand
it's not worth saving if it's full of skank RINO's that are willing to compromise with leftists

Lincoln Project is already paying for their sins.

Two good candiates in my area (for local office) were destroyed in the primaries because key members of the project in this area supported them.

Candidates had nothing to do with the LP....but the message was sent loud and clear (and very explicitly) that anything the LP touches is dead on arrival.
If I ever catch one of those mother fuckers on the street I will take personal gratification in kicking the shit out of their punk asses their days are numbered

Yes, we all know how scary you are, but be sure to call home and tell them you'll be a little late because of all the ass kicking you'll be doing. You know how worried they get when you're out after dark. Remember the last time you got lost, and they found you crying at the playground.
lalalala think of all the people who said they'll do something and bang they did

Are you a psycho shooter, or just like to pretend you are?
No, I'm a patriot like Thomas Jefferson not all internet shit talkers are actually talking shit some are telling the truth

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