Biden - Mr. Magoo - blows off young black girl at campaign rally.


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2024
Eastern U.S.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if so, this one may say it all. Biden is the scum of the earth - and if I'm Donald J Trump I am turning this video into a campaign commercial to be blasted at all of the big blue cities. Is Biden a racist? You tell me.

As for the girl -- welcome to the world, young lady. People only seem to like you when they want something, and Biden knows he's already got her vote.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if so, this one may say it all. Biden is the scum of the earth - and if I'm Donald J Trump I am turning this video into a campaign commercial to be blasted at all of the big blue cities. Is Biden a racist? You tell me.

As for the girl -- welcome to the world, young lady. People only seem to like you when they want something, and Biden knows he's already got her vote.

He's a complete a$$. And he always has been a complete a$$.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if so, this one may say it all. Biden is the scum of the earth - and if I'm Donald J Trump I am turning this video into a campaign commercial to be blasted at all of the big blue cities. Is Biden a racist? You tell me.

As for the girl -- welcome to the world, young lady. People only seem to like you when they want something, and Biden knows he's already got her vote.

It’s a cheap fake
VERY EFFECTIVE RNC needs to run this as a commercial it's money well spent.

This video shows the real "RACIST" Joe Biden exposed. Black people on that democrat slave plantation cannot name one thing Biden has ever done for them-not one!
Actually Biden was informed that she didn’t vote for him and therefore wasn’t black
Saddest part is 40 seconds into the "racist insult" is when the black touches Biden on the elbow/arm to still try and get him to notice her.

Biden continues to treat her like she's a fungus.. like a black slave; useless and beneath him.
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Saddest part is 40 seconds into the "racist insult" is that the little black touches Biden on the elbow/arm to still try and get him to notice her.

Biden continues to treat her like she's a fungus.. like a black slave; useless and beneath him.
Well the democrat Party now has 20MM Illegals as their permanent underclass base
Had Trump done that it would be the new “convicted felon” meme and running nonstop on legacy media and front page of Google and Drudge

The democrat Party is the party of slavery, Civil War, KKK, Jim Crow, Mengele like Tuskegee Experiments, public schools, public housing and systemic racism but somehow they get a pass on it
Had Trump done that it would be the new “convicted felon” meme and running nonstop on legacy media and front page of Google and Drudge

The democrat Party is the party of slavery, Civil War, KKK, Jim Crow, Mengele like Tuskegee Experiments, public schools, public housing and systemic racism but somehow they get a pass on it

They have perfected how to transfer and project their own sins onto others while masquerading as a prince of light.

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