Biden Needs to End His Stubborn Support of the Israeli Government


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Mar 11, 2015

Netanyahu is picking a fight with Israel’s best friend: Joe Biden​


By Max Boot

All the way back in 2019, Benjamin Netanyahu became Israel’s longest-serving prime minister. In the past year, since assuming his nation’s highest office for the third time, he has cemented his reputation as Israel’s worst prime minister. And now, by picking a needless and reckless fight with President Biden, Israel’s closet ally, he is only compounding the damage that he is doing to his own country.

While publicly backing Israel, Biden has tried to work behind the scenes to convince Netanyahu to be more discriminate in the use of firepower in Gaza, to curb settler violence in the West Bank and to plan for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to take charge of Gaza after Hamas is defeated. Yet Netanyahu doesn’t seem to be listening.

Last week, Biden’s frustration broke into public view. Speaking at a campaign fundraiser, the president stressed that he would provide “Israel what they need to defend themselves and to finish the job” against Hamas but also noted, accurately, that Israel is “starting to lose” international support because of its “indiscriminate bombing.” He went on to say that Netanyahu needs to “strengthen” the PA. “You cannot say there’s no Palestinian state at all in the future.”

Instead of accepting this constructive critique from a friend, Netanyahu chose to strike back publicly against Biden. He released a video rejecting Biden’s call for the Palestinian Authority to rule in Gaza. “I will not allow Israel to repeat the mistake of Oslo,” he said, referring to the 1993 Oslo accords that created the Palestinian Authority. “Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan.”

No wonder nearly half of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank support Hamas: They have seen their hopes of statehood dashed as right-wing Israeli governments continue to expand settlements in the West Bank and to resist making any concessions to the Palestinians. If Israel winds up the war against Hamas by simply reoccupying Gaza, as now seems likely, it will be giving birth to a new generation of anti-Israel militants. That is what Biden is warning against.

Netanyahu is ignoring Biden’s wise words of counsel because his coalition allies are anxious to annex the West Bank and opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state. Bibi plainly hopes to stay in office by promising to block a two-state solution, no matter how much damage that does to Israel’s long-term security interests or its alliance with the United States.

Netanyahu has decided he won't respect a US president. We are the ones who give Israel the most money. We are the ones that have made Israel a military power and we are the one who have given Israel nuclear capability.

The last leader who we empowered in the ME who refused to listen was Saddam. It's time to end our support of this government and Israel until that punk Netanyahu is gone. That's what Biden should do. Leave Bibi without American support and watch how quickly he ends the bombing and works to get a 2 state solution.
Netanyahu has decided that he won't respect a lame duck president that is spineless! Phenomenal job by Israel and their response given the billions of dollars Biden has poured into a worthless proxy war with Russia ... depleting necessary military resources like munitions, to levels that make us vunlerable.
Biden is faking concern by making a noise without any intention of stopping the Zionists.

Americans against his wars are being pranked.
Netanyahu has decided that he won't respect a lame duck president that is spineless! Phenomenal job by Israel and their response given the billions of dollars Biden has poured into a worthless proxy war with Russia ... depleting necessary military resources like munitions, to levels that make us vunlerable.

Given the fact that this situation is the result of Netanyahu's own mistake, your commentary on this matter is not based on facts, and your last line is ridiculous.
You're an idiot to start with.

You wish, gimp. Even that free 320 points you got on your SAT left you stupid and unable to reason after 6 years of work on that associate degree in General Studies.
People correct issues .. spineless Biden is not his problem, and many respect Netanyahu for ignoring Biden's insignificant attempts to save Hamas ..
Citizens in his own country want him gone because of what he has done. He's out when this war ends, which is why he won't listen to Biden.
I don't have enough information, and am certainly not smart enough to say what the best course of action might be, but I know that if Israel keeps indescriminately killing citizens, they will make more terrorists than they have faced before. How do you think non-combatants will react to being reduced to collateral damage, and having their families wiped out because there was no place to evacuate to?
No he hasn't.
Uh . yes he has .. in the billions with military aid and funds. Meanwhile .. the United States is in a position where they are not prepared militarily for a long-term conflict due to lack of munitions and other basic military needs.

Biden 2024!!!
Uh . yes he has .. in the billions with military aid and funds. Meanwhile .. the United States is in a position where they are not prepared militarily for a long-term conflict due to lack of munitions and other basic military needs.

Biden 2024!!!
European nations have contributed just as much. The topic here is not Ukraine and your support for Putin is noted.

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