Biden Nominee Attacks 'TRUMP'-Era Rule Of 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden nominee attacks Trump-era rule

that assumes students accused of rape

are innocent until proven guilty

1. 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty' is also known as 'Presumption of Innocence' and is NOT a 'Trump-Era Rule'

The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to the trier of fact (a judge or a jury).If the prosecution does not prove the charges true, then the person is acquitted of the charges.

The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments both touch on “due process.” Due process generally means that the government cannot deprive you of your freedom or property unless they go through the right processes. It is understood that your right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental element of due process. In that sense, it is a constitutional right, even if it is not directly addressed.

Catherine Lhamon is either ignorant of this fact or simply does not care.

2. Democrats have repeatedly attempted deny this right to others, to find conservatives / Republicans 'Guilty until Proven Innocent'.

USSC Justice Kavanaugh is the perfect example. Democrats, who praised his expertise as a judge beofre he was nominated to the USSC, attempted to destroy Kavanaugh completely - him, his family, his career, his ability to get another job - all based on the their declared 'presumption of GUILT until proven Innocent'. They failed spectacularly.

'Innocent until proven guilty is no longer “settled law,” you see. In fact, innocent until proven guilty only applies to Democrats. Otherwise, it’s innocent until proven … Republican.'

3. Democrat 'ALL women must be believed' Flip Flop
Democrats, led by Hillary Clinton, declared 'ALL women must be believed' in sexual misconduct accusations....until it involved her husband or Democrats like Al Franken....that's when the flip-flopping and abandoning of that slogan began.

When Democrats in Congress were exposed as having not only having protected sexual predator politicians in Congress but had created a committee in Congress whose wole job was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims for DECADES, Democrats and their surrogate media quietly down-played the entire scandal while Democrats involved quietly retired, running like rats abandoning a ship.

But Biden's latest pick wants to strip Americans of their legal / Constitutional Right of 'Innocent until Proven Guilty'.

"Why should a little rape ruin the rest of my life?"

Every frat boy ever.
The Duke Lacross Team is slightly offended by your statement....

(Duke lacrosse case
The Duke lacrosse case was a widely reported 2006 criminal case in Durham, North Carolina, United States in which three members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team were falsely accused of rape. The three students – all white – were David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann.

Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann. The accuser was Crystal Mangum, a black student at North Carolina Central University who worked as a stripper and dancer. The rape was alleged to have occurred at a party hosted by the lacrosse team, held at the Durham residence of two of the team's captains on March 13, 2006. The case's resolution sparked public discussion of racism, sexual violence, media bias, and due process on campuses, and ultimately led to the resignation and disbarment of the lead prosecutor, Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong. On April 11, 2007, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped all charges, declaring the three lacrosse players "innocent" and victims of a "tragic rush to accuse".

Why are so many democrats who attack the US Constitution and Western values in general ugly as fuck and who really should be back where they came from which is usually not the Western world but their disgusting homeland or whatever?
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Biden nominee attacks Trump-era rule

that assumes students accused of rape

are innocent until proven guilty

1. 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty' is also known as 'Presumption of Innocence' and is NOT a 'Trump-Era Rule'

The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to the trier of fact (a judge or a jury).If the prosecution does not prove the charges true, then the person is acquitted of the charges.

The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments both touch on “due process.” Due process generally means that the government cannot deprive you of your freedom or property unless they go through the right processes. It is understood that your right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental element of due process. In that sense, it is a constitutional right, even if it is not directly addressed.

Catherine Lhamon is either ignorant of this fact or simply does not care.

2. Democrats have repeatedly attempted deny this right to others, to find conservatives / Republicans 'Guilty until Proven Innocent'.

USSC Justice Kavanaugh is the perfect example. Democrats, who praised his expertise as a judge beofre he was nominated to the USSC, attempted to destroy Kavanaugh completely - him, his family, his career, his ability to get another job - all based on the their declared 'presumption of GUILT until proven Innocent'. They failed spectacularly.

'Innocent until proven guilty is no longer “settled law,” you see. In fact, innocent until proven guilty only applies to Democrats. Otherwise, it’s innocent until proven … Republican.'

3. Democrat 'ALL women must be believed' Flip Flop
Democrats, led by Hillary Clinton, declared 'ALL women must be believed' in sexual misconduct accusations....until it involved her husband or Democrats like Al Franken....that's when the flip-flopping and abandoning of that slogan began.

When Democrats in Congress were exposed as having not only having protected sexual predator politicians in Congress but had created a committee in Congress whose wole job was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims for DECADES, Democrats and their surrogate media quietly down-played the entire scandal while Democrats involved quietly retired, running like rats abandoning a ship.

But Biden's latest pick wants to strip Americans of their legal / Constitutional Right of 'Innocent until Proven Guilty'.

DemoKKKrats have never respected our civil rights.
The presumption of innocence is nothing more than the formal assignment of the burden of proof to the State, rather than to the accused, which is the norm in many countries.

The presumption of innocence does not demand that "we" ignore reliable evidence and historical likelihoods and accept compulsory stupidity as a rule of procedure.

Consider the following sequence of events:

A crime is committed. Most crimes are never reported. Even crimes that are reported are more frequently than not never cleared by an arrest.

The police have no time to arrest innocent people. If the police are not pretty well convinced that the person is indeed the perp, they will not waste much time on them.

Every arrestee is arraigned. If the police don't have a prima facia case the case is tossed.

There is a preliminary hearing. If the state's attorney and the judge don't believe there is a clear and convincing case against the accused, they will drop it. No time to waste on innocent people.

By the time the accused comes to trial, they are almost always guilty. Even if they are not guilty of the particular crime for which they are charged, they have committed similar crimes.

Most acquittals are based on procedural irregularities or a simple shortage of evidence.

If you come to trial you are extremely likely to be guilty...presumption of innocence be damned.
The presumption of innocence is nothing more than the formal assignment of the burden of proof to the State, rather than to the accused, which is the norm in many countries.

The presumption of innocence does not demand that "we" ignore reliable evidence and historical likelihoods and accept compulsory stupidity as a rule of procedure.

Consider the following sequence of events:

A crime is committed. Most crimes are never reported. Even crimes that are reported are more frequently than not never cleared by an arrest.

The police have no time to arrest innocent people. If the police are not pretty well convinced that the person is indeed the perp, they will not waste much time on them.

Every arrestee is arraigned. If the police don't have a prima facia case the case is tossed.

There is a preliminary hearing. If the state's attorney and the judge don't believe there is a clear and convincing case against the accused, they will drop it. No time to waste on innocent people.

By the time the accused comes to trial, they are almost always guilty. Even if they are not guilty of the particular crime for which they are charged, they have committed similar crimes.

Most acquittals are based on procedural irregularities or a simple shortage of evidence.

If you come to trial you are extremely likely to be guilty...presumption of innocence be damned.
None of that applies to Title IX. That's the set of rules determining how colleges and universities handle reported rapes, and is entirely separate from the judicial system.

Until Trump changed it, many young men's lives were destroyed by the false rape accusations Title IX allowed to come to judgement.
It's fundamental doctrine that The Woman Must Be Believed. Guilt by accusation.

Remember what happened to Clinton......

Yeah, nothing.

But the Women he molested?

Vilified, denied, cancelled.
Leftists don't want justice. They want revenge. And if no crime was committed, they have no problem lying and making one up.

Other leftists believe the lies. Rational people don't.

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