Biden Official Resigns Over US Support For Israel

I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

It should seem obvious to me?
Israel is not a real country, but a fake one created in 1948 by racists all over the world, who wanted to get Jews out of their country, and move them all to one place.
If you look at the census data from Palestine before the 1930 immigration of Jews started, the population was less than 5% Jewish.
The US policy of supporting Israel with $5 billion a year in weapons, has caused decades of violence, murder, starvation, imprisonment, assassination, etc.

If you want historic background, look up how Menachim Begin blew up the King David hotel, murdering the British high command, so that they could no longer stop the Zionists from massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

If you want more current atrocities, look at all the illegal 1967 Israeli invasion of the West Bank and Jerusalem, which clearly is on the Arab side of the 1948 UN partition.

And the very latest is how Israel prevents any travel or commerce to or from Palestine, in an illegal attempt to starve them out.
Progressives hate Israel, and the Biden admin is full of them
Well, I know that dimocrap scum hate anything that is good and decent, but didn't he read the job description before he took the freaking assignment?

Guess not.

That 70% dimocrap vote that Jews cast in favor of dimocrap filth? I wonder if it will change much in '24?

How much you wanna bet it doesn't move more than a few points? Sheeple Be Sheeple, no matter their creed
I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

It's called the swamp. The ones that haven't resigned are actively trying to undermine any policy that benefits America or one of our close allies.
It should seem obvious to me?
Israel is not a real country, but a fake one created in 1948 by racists all over the world, who wanted to get Jews out of their country, and move them all to one place.
If you look at the census data from Palestine before the 1930 immigration of Jews started, the population was less than 5% Jewish.
The US policy of supporting Israel with $5 billion a year in weapons, has caused decades of violence, murder, starvation, imprisonment, assassination, etc.

If you want historic background, look up how Menachim Begin blew up the King David hotel, murdering the British high command, so that they could no longer stop the Zionists from massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

If you want more current atrocities, look at all the illegal 1967 Israeli invasion of the West Bank and Jerusalem, which clearly is on the Arab side of the 1948 UN partition.

And the very latest is how Israel prevents any travel or commerce to or from Palestine, in an illegal attempt to starve them out.
You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? Fake Country? A 'Moral Equivalency' between Israel and Hamas? What kind of College Freshman bullshit is that?

You're trying for your grown-up-scumbag badge today, aren't you? Keep going, you don't have far to go
Progressives hate Israel, and the Biden admin is full of them

All normal people "hate Israel", since it is corrupt, illegal, evil, and the cause of all the violence.
Even if you believe the Israeli claim that when they attacked the USS Liberty, that they thought it was an Egyptian horse tender, it is still illegal and immoral to attack an Egyptian horse tender.
Israel has always been the criminal, even before the UN created them, like the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel.
I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me


Our mailman quit the other day. I think he was probably higher up in the line of succession than this guy.
It's called the swamp. The ones that haven't resigned are actively trying to undermine any policy that benefits America or one of our close allies.

Israel has never been a US ally, but instead has been illegally manipulating and influencing our politics illegally for almost a century.
Israel has a higher standard of living than we do, with free health care, and yet we still give them over $5 billion a year?
All normal people "hate Israel", since it is corrupt, illegal, evil, and the cause of all the violence.
Even if you believe the Israeli claim that when they attacked the USS Liberty, that they thought it was an Egyptian horse tender, it is still illegal and immoral to attack an Egyptian horse tender.
Israel has always been the criminal, even before the UN created them, like the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel.
That's the 2nd time in this thread I've heard that Israel is 'Illegal'. That had to come from one of the dimocrap Grand Wizards somewhere.

I'm guessing DailyKooks, DummieUnderground or the CPUSA message board.

Enquiring minds and all like that

Our mailman quit the other day. I think he was probably higher up in the line of succession than this guy.
What are you mooing about, CC? Did you drop your Bonbons down the toilet again? Just rinse them like last time, they'll be fine
You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? Fake Country? A 'Moral Equivalency' between Israel and Hamas? What kind of College Freshman bullshit is that?

You're trying for your grown-up-scumbag badge today, aren't you? Keep going, you don't have far to go

The Palestinians are native, and can trace their ancestry back over 10,000 years.
The Israelis have almost no presence in the Mideast for thousands of years, and back when they did live there, they were either Roman puppets or violent invaders.

The people with paid deeds to all the land in Israel are Palestinian Arabs.
That is why Israel is trying to murder them all.
The Palestinians are native, and can trace their ancestry back over 10,000 years.
The Israelis have almost no presence in the Mideast for thousands of years, and back when they did live there, they were either Roman puppets or violent invaders.

The people with paid deeds to all the land in Israel are Palestinian Arabs.
That is why Israel is trying to murder them all.
Yup, I was right. You're an idiot. You just verified it for everybody to see. Ever heard of this book called, "The Bible"? Didn't think so
That's the 2nd time in this thread I've heard that Israel is 'Illegal'. That had to come from one of the dimocrap Grand Wizards somewhere.

I'm guessing DailyKooks, DummieUnderground or the CPUSA message board.

Enquiring minds and all like that

The legal principle for government is local autonomy.
But the Israelis are all illegal immigrants, so have no legal basis to be there.
The fact we gave them weapons and they were able to slaughter the unarmed Palestinians, does not get them the lawful right to rule.
The Israelis lose any rights they could have had, by committing massacres like Deir Yassin, and stealing land, like the 1967 invasion of the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Israel has never been a US ally, but instead has been illegally manipulating and influencing our politics illegally for almost a century.
Israel has a higher standard of living than we do, with free health care, and yet we still give them over $5 billion a year?
THanks. I was wondering what the jew hating antisemite left's opinion was.

Have a blessed life.
I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

The split in the DemoKKKrat party between the Jew-haters and the non Jew-haters is deepening and becoming more public.

Jewish voters will be leaving the DemoKKKrat party in droves during and after this war.

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