Biden Officially Calls For A Review Of Federal Marijuana Scheduling On List Of Controlled Substances

That is still a lie.

He's not big on facts. He will not cite anything, just scream louder.
We get along just fine. I try to get along with everyone.

I don't think his points that marijuana is addictive and dangerous are without merit, but the magnitude of both negatives pales in comparison to harder drugs.

Shoot, one can even say coffee is addictive, and a four grams of pure caffeine can kill a 150-lb adult. :)

Marijuana has lots of bad effects in some people - poor motivation, paranoia, adverse cognitive effects, evidence of schizophrenia, etc. In other people, not so much.

We get along just fine. I try to get along with everyone.

I don't think his points that marijuana is addictive and dangerous are without merit, but the magnitude of both negatives pales in comparison to harder drugs.

Shoot, one can even say coffee is addictive, and a four grams of pure caffeine can kill a 150-lb adult. :)

Marijuana has lots of bad effects in some people - poor motivation, paranoia, adverse cognitive effects, evidence of schizophrenia, etc. In other people, not so much.

He's either a trolling child, or an unbalanced kookburger, hanging by a probably-heavily-medicated thread.
He's either a trolling child, or an unbalanced kookburger, hanging by a probably-heavily-medicated thread.
I think in the exchanges I had with him, we both exchanged good points, and I think we both learned a thing or two. It's why I like USMB so much. MinTrut and I are on the same page more often than not, but on this issue, we are very far apart. It's okay.

He made me realize that when I said "what you do in the privacy of your own home, as long as it does not harm others, is fine", has all kinds of strings attached, and it breaks down on certain issues. Also, there are lots of similar things which are regulated.

Some people are vehemently anti-drug for various reasons. Maybe they have witnessed or experienced things we have not. We could learn from them. Can't really blame them since that's exactly what the government told the populace for decades, can we? :)

Human beings cannot be trusted to make the proper, moral decisions on such things. That’s why all three (drugs, alcohol and tobacco) should be banned and the punishment for possessing them should be immediate execution.

Well, there's no point in having life if people can't live their life. You can protect everyone from themselves, and then what? Pointless lives.
Well, there's no point in having life if people can't live their life. You can protect everyone from themselves, and then what? Pointless lives
I would suggest that you have proven you don’t understand the point of life to begin with.

Hint: it’s not happiness, joy, fun, or anything of that sort.,
I would suggest that you have proven you don’t understand the point of life to begin with.

Hint: it’s not happiness, joy, fun, or anything of that sort.,
This is getting deep.

Please expand.

Pursuit of Happiness is a founding principle of our country, and teams up well with Life and Liberty.

But I would love to hear other views on the point of life. Pro-creation?
Bullshit...If you want to be miserable then have at it leave me out of it.
It’s not about misery. Nor is it about what you, or I or anyone else wants. That’s part of what so many people don’t get.
But I would love to hear other views on the point of life. Pro-creation?
Not procreation. Propriety is the point of life. Doing what one SHOULD do, regardless of what one does or does not want to do.

We exist here solely to test the ability and willingness to live a proper life, thereby earning our soul the right to move on to a better place.
Bullshit, if you can manipulate objects with a thumb then you can do what ever you want.
What we can do is quite often the antithesis of what we SHOULD be doing. That’s the biggest test… to do what one should when it’s totally contrary to what one wants to do.
Not procreation. Propriety is the point of life. Doing what one SHOULD do, regardless of what one does or does not want to do.

We exist here solely to test the ability and willingness to live a proper life, thereby earning our soul the right to move on to a better place.
You have got to be kidding me.

Conformity is the purpose of life?

So much for great breakthroughs.

Conformity to existing morals means, by definition, not to challenge the status quo.

This would include things like slavery, dictatorships, and a caste system.

And there are differing opinions about what is moral. That would be a problem for one in the minority, including probably you and me.
Conformity to existing morals means, by definition, not to challenge the status quo.

This would include things like slavery, dictatorships, and a caste system
Yes it is and yes it does.
And there are differing opinions about what is moral. That would be a problem for one in the minority, including probably you and me.
I believe that there is a set of morals, virtues and values that is encoded in the very fiber of our beings and has been for the entirety of our existence. We just choose to ignore it, or are taught out of it.

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