Biden Officially Calls For A Review Of Federal Marijuana Scheduling On List Of Controlled Substances

Actually, I have the paperwork to prove otherwise.

We will never agree on that. In fact, many more products should be prohibited as well.
Pure nonsense.

Is alcohol completely harmless? We gonna ban that again?

Lock up all the alcohol drinkers?
Is alcohol completely harmless? We gonna ban that again?

Lock up all the alcohol drinkers
The 21st amendment is one of the worst bits of legislation in American history. I don’t allow alcohol in my home. We had a totally dry wedding
The 21st amendment is one of the worst bits of legislation in American history. I don’t allow alcohol in my home. We had a totally dry wedding
Good for you! I am glad you are free to live as you see fit.
Now leave the rest of us alone to enjoy the same freedom.
I won't say I've shot people that talked the way you do, I stand on the fifth amendment. But it has been a drug WAR.
That's a lie.

That's weapon-grade stupid.

He squatted and bore down.

You need 90 days observation.

Cheech Marin is pretty sharp. (Look at his run on celebrity Jeopardy.)

He's just a kookburger.
^ The dream dupe of the Pot Pimp.

But yeah, Biden is criminal scum to do this.
Good for you! I am glad you are free to live as you see fit.
Now leave the rest of us alone to enjoy the same freedom
My moral life does not negatively affect your immoral life. The same cannot be said about your immoral life’s impact on my moral life.,
We get along just fine. I try to get along with everyone.

I don't think his points that marijuana is addictive and dangerous are without merit, but the magnitude of both negatives pales in comparison to harder drugs.

Shoot, one can even say coffee is addictive, and a four grams of pure caffeine can kill a 150-lb adult. :)

Marijuana has lots of bad effects in some people - poor motivation, paranoia, adverse cognitive effects, evidence of schizophrenia, etc. In other people, not so much.

Some good points.

But it's far worse to put your hand in a wood chipper than in boiling water, so people should be legally allowed to boil their own body parts.

I have no doubt that Pot Pimp In Chief Joe Biden agrees.
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I think in the exchanges I had with him, we both exchanged good points, and I think we both learned a thing or two. It's why I like USMB so much. MinTrut and I are on the same page more often than not, but on this issue, we are very far apart. It's okay.

He made me realize that when I said "what you do in the privacy of your own home, as long as it does not harm others, is fine", has all kinds of strings attached, and it breaks down on certain issues. Also, there are lots of similar things which are regulated.

Some people are vehemently anti-drug for various reasons. Maybe they have witnessed or experienced things we have not. We could learn from them. Can't really blame them since that's exactly what the government told the populace for decades, can we? :)

^ Great post; thank you. :)
My moral life does not negatively affect your immoral life. The same cannot be said about your immoral life’s impact on my moral life.,
I cheerfully blow my smoke in your direction.
I don't affect anything on the other side of my fence. I suggest you and your like-minded Ilk(damn spell check) stay on your side and everything will be just fine.
Well, there's no point in having life if people can't live their life. You can protect everyone from themselves, and then what? Pointless lives.
Like the OP, you make some excellent points.

If a significantly safer & predictable (in terms of impact) kind of pot could be developed, and STRICT liability attached to its sale/distribution - particularly as it relates to pot falling into the hands of minors - I would be less opposed to its widespread legal use.

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I cheerfully blow my smoke in your direction.
I don't affect anything on the other side of my fence. I suggest you and your like-minded Ilk(damn spell check) stay on your side and everything will be just fine
If you actually stayed in your pathetic little drug den, I could almost accept that. Unfortunately you worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen wander out into public far too often and create a nuisance.
Fun is neither a necessary, nor in most cases that I’ve found, a worthwhile goal. Far too often it requires one to act inappropriately to achieve the goal.
As this thread has taken an unexpected turn, how do you feel about joy?
If you actually stayed in your pathetic little drug den, I could almost accept that. Unfortunately you worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen wander out into public far too often and create a nuisance.
Not me. I stay in my little 280acre "drug den" most of the time. I go out once or twice a month to buy groceries and other supplies. The only other time I went anywhere else all this past summer was to go out with my dogs to help the Apache county sheriff's posse look for some idiot that got lost out here.
If you actually stayed in your pathetic little drug den, I could almost accept that. Unfortunately you worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen wander out into public far too often and create a nuisance.
Those who destroy themselves inevitably cannot contain that destruction to themselves.
Not me. I stay in my little 280acre "drug den" most of the time. I go out once or twice a month to buy groceries and other supplies. The only other time I went anywhere else all this past summer was to go out with my dogs to help the Apache county sheriff's posse look for some idiot that got lost out here.
Imagine how amazing your life could be without pot.

And how much damage you do by pimping its use.

Pot Pimps - presidential or otherwise - are grooming our children for calamity.

And I find that both shameful and repulsive.
Imagine how amazing your life could be without pot.

And how much damage you do by pimping its use.

Pot Pimps - presidential or otherwise - are grooming our children for calamity.

And I find that both shameful and repulsive.
Some People I know who use pot, seem to have amazing lives with pot. For multiple dcades that is.
Some good points.

But it's far worse to put your hand in a wood chipper than in boiling water, so people should be legally allowed to boil their own body parts.

I have no doubt that Pot Pimp In Chief Joe Biden agrees. Got any proof of this claim of yours?

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